German Police Raid Homes of Domain Owner : “what the Australian government’s secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist has to do with Germany is a mystery. This case is a prime example of multiple governments collaborating in support of censorship.” worrying.
(tags: censorship germany legal police wikileaks brbfbi privacy)Fast polling using C, memcached, nginx and libevent : well-written worked-through example of a classic memcached-backed libevent front-end caching system
(tags: http memcached caching optimization scalability plurk libevent nginx polling c)“The Powers That Be Want Action Taken” : ‘Gardai were in the [Today FM] offices yesterday looking for email communications between the team and the artist. According to D’Arcy the team were told [..] that “the powers that be want action takenâ€.” ffs! how’s about taking action against the fraudsters who’ve bankrupted our country instead? appalling diversionary tactics
(tags: diversions gardai picturegate brian-cowan art pranks today-fm ray-darcy censorship)AWS Toolkit for Eclipse : ‘Eclipse extensions automatically configure remote debugger connections for diagnosing problems and debugging software run in the cloud’ — ie. you can set a breakpoint on code running remotely, at EC2. that’s pretty awesome (via Steve Loughran)
(tags: via:steveloughran aws ec2 programming java plugins development eclipse cloudcomputing tomcat)Ask a Flowchart: Which Blowhard Am I? : YES
(tags: blowhards funny internet web2.0 magazines wired flowcharts dave-winer)Zooko laid off by : looks like AllMyData are facing a money crunch (“focussed on keeping costs down”). hopefully this isn’t bad news for Tahoe, the fault-tolerant open-source distributed filesystem — or indeed for Zooko himself
(tags: allmydata zooko money tahoe filesystems storage fault-tolerance funding open-source distributed scalability)RTE Apologise to Brian Cowen for Nudie Pics Report : the national broadcaster apologises, on air, for a news story covering the ‘paintings of an Taoiseach in the nude’ prank. wtf!
(tags: rte television freedom-of-speech censorship satire wtf apologies soft weakness)
Justin's Linklog Posts
Australian ISP abandons blocking : “We are not able to reconcile participation in the trial with our corporate social responsibility, our customer service objectives and our public position on censorship,†iiNet managing director Michael Malone said. “It became increasingly clear that the trial was not simply about restricting child pornography or other such illegal material, but a much wider range of issues including what the Government simply describes as ‘unwanted material’ without an explanation of what that includes.â€
(tags: australia freedom censorship iinet blocking filtering acma)Akamai have developed a parallel internet : and, most surprising of all, it _works_. holy crap. (thanks Antoin!)
(tags: ip-application-accelerator akamai internet routing speed network networking ip latency joelonsoftware copilot via:antoin)Guerilla artist hangs nude Cowen paintings : some prankster put up rather disturbing paintings of Ireland’s taoiseach in the National Gallery and Royal Hibernian Academy. “‘It’s reasonably well painted. It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen,’ conceded James O’Halloran of Adam’s Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers.”
(tags: painting pranks ireland galleries brian-cowan politics funny)
New Zealand Halts Internet Copyright Law Changes : excellent. good result from their blackout, then
(tags: new-zealand copyright p2p technology freedom politics internet copyfight blackouts protests)Jungle Disk/Cloud Files scalability woes : Rackspace had to firefight over the weekend to deal with scaling issues with JungleDisk users backing up to their Mosso Cloud Files service. now fixed with a JungleDisk upgrade (2.60c):
(tags: jungledisk ouch mosso cloud-files scaling online-backup backup caching s3 storage)Puppets, chefs, and community competition : open source intra-project poaching between the Puppet and Chef deployment automation projects
(tags: lwn puppet chef open-source poaching staff contributors developers coding)Creator of Cyc reviews Wolfram Alpha : the hand-curation of its source knowledge base sounds incredibly labour-intensive (and expensive)
(tags: cyc wolfram wolframalpha ai search data ontology semantic-web via:yoz)interview with a 419er : ‘i know my God will forgive because i pray to him to replenish the pockets of my clients [read: victims] with double of whatever they loss’
(tags: security spam chat scam 419 fraud chat-log religion via:waxy)
On Monday April 20th, the Heritage Society of Engineers Ireland, in association with The Irish Computer Society, and the ICT and Electronic and Electrical Divisions of Engineers Ireland, will be hosting an evening lecture: ‘Reminiscences of Early days of Computing in Ireland’:
In 1957 the Irish Sugar Company installed the first stored program computer in Ireland. Other large organisations slowly followed suit.
Gordon Clarke will discuss how the early computers enhanced the electro-mechanical systems that had developed over the previous 60 years. He will talk about their specifications, a few of the first applications and tell the story of the very early years of designing and developing computer based systems.
All Welcome. Admission Free. No booking required. This event will be web-cast
For Details:, or Con Kehely: (01) 6860113 (con.kehely /at/
Location: Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road D4
Sounds great! Thanks to Frank Duignan on the ILUG list for forwarding the notice.
Election Officials Arrested, Charged With ‘Changing Votes at E-Voting Machines’ : the circuit court judge, the county clerk, and election officers of Clay County,KY were all arrested and indicted for ‘changing the votes at the voting machine’, and showing others how to do it, over the course of 2002-2006; they’d send the voters away at the confirmation screen, then go back and change their votes
(tags: politics fraud e-voting elections corruption kentucky)
In the comments to this unremarkable story about 4chan’s Boxxy fad, I came across this gem from CSClark:
I don’t know why I didn’t think to see if this sort of phenomenon was covered in Extraordinary Popular Delusions… Of course, it is.Walk where we will, we cannot help hearing from every side a phrase repeated with delight, and received with laughter, by men with hard hands and dirty faces, by saucy butcher lads and errand-boys, by loose women, by hackney coachmen, cabriolet-drivers, and idle fellows who loiter at the corners of streets. Not one utters this phrase without producing a laugh from all within hearing. It seems applicable to every circumstance, and is the universal answer to every question; in short, it is the favourite slang phrase of the day, a phrase that, while its brief season of popularity lasts, throws a dash of fun and frolicsomeness over the existence of squalid poverty and ill-requited labour, and gives them reason to laugh as well as their more fortunate fellows in a higher stage of society.
Wherein we also learn that the FAIL of the day was Quoz:
I’m also sure I’ve read of a fad – Greek, Roman, 18th century, something like that – where a group of young (aristocratic?) men who would suddenly grab a common woman and proclaim her Helen and make her their queen and swear to die for her and so on. And the tearing down of such idols could be seen, if you were wont to be pretentious like me, as part of Frazer’s Golden Bough’s Sacrificial King idea, although I’m not sure script kiddies care if the crops grow. (One other problem with that is that Frazer was romancing; but so are the more literal memecists, so yah!)When a disputant was desirous of throwing a doubt upon the veracity of his opponent, and getting summarily rid of an argument which he could not overturn, he uttered the word Quoz, with a contemptuous curl of his lip, and an impatient shrug of his shoulders. The universal monosyllable conveyed all his meaning, and not only told his opponent that he lied, but that he erred egregiously if he thought that any one was such a nincompoop as to believe him.
Since then however, it appears that "quoz" has entirely flipped meaning, according to UrbanDictionary:
slang for quality, a cockney term for something good. usually accompanied with a hand action of slaping ur index finger against the stationary thumb and middle finger. ‘thats quoz man! propa quoz.’ finger slappy hand thingy
cloudkick : “the easiest way to manage the cloud”. supports EC2 and slicehost servers, provides metrics, graphing, and basic monitoring. looks very nice! (via JK)
(tags: via:jkeyes amazon aws ec2 hosting scalability sysadmin deployment management server slicehost vps cloudkick)AnandTech: The SSD Anthology: Understanding SSDs and New Drives from OCZ : SSDs lose performance noticeably after an initial honeymoon period, once their block map starts to contain previously-allocated blocks. benchmarks for this factor will be critical in SSD measurement
(tags: ssds storage intel anandtech reviews benchmarks speed disk hardware flash solid-state)
Using Btrfs with Multiple Devices : cool. looking forward to this settling down so I can play with it
(tags: btrfs filesystems raid storage linux disks mkfs)ClamAV now supports Google’s Safe Browsing blocklist : ‘treat such data as a potential risk, that is a suspicious source of malware.’ ‘mainly targeted at people who are using ClamAV to filter web traffic.’ (via fanf)
(tags: via:fanf security clamav antivirus antiphishing google safe-browsing blocklists)Alexander Larsson summarises ext4 vs fsync : good writeup of the current state of play
(tags: fsync ext3 ext4 filesystems linux sync crash-recovery safety reliability)more “top”-like utilities : htop (top with a fancy UI), iftop (top for IPs on the network) and iotop (top for per-process I/O statistics). hadn’t heard of htop or iotop, so this is useful. all are “apt-get”able on 8.10. (update: Craig reminded me of “atop” — another great util, with excellent historical process monitoring ability)
(tags: htop iotop via:wmf iftop top processes unix sysadmin performance profiling commandline ubuntu)
Killer presentation — "RPC And Its Offspring: Convenient, Yet Fundamentally Flawed" from Steve Vinoski, who presented it at QCon London last week. It’s full of reminders of the mid-90’s, hacking away on CORBA technology — Steve was one of the key players at Iona while I was there.
But never mind where we’ve been; let me hit you with the summary slide to show where Steve’s going:
RPC is a convenient but flawed accident of history
- 1980s research focused on monoliths of programming languages, distributed applications, and operating systems
- each computer vendor of the time owned their own full stack, from language to hardware and network, and you used what they gave you
- imperative languages won back then simply because of their superior performance at that time
It’s almost 2010, folks — we can do WAY better
- pull your head from the imperative language sand and learn functional programming
- the world is many-core and highly distributed, and the old ways aren’t going to keep working much longer
Awesome ;)
Mosso Cloud Servers : very interesting! lowest price is $0.015/hr, ie. $10/month; quite a lot cheaper than the EC2 option. no equivalent to S3 though
(tags: ec2 s3 virtualization rackspace mosso hosting scalability servers cloud grid server)RTÉ Storyland : vote for my mate Luke’s film: “Psych Ward”. it’s great!
(tags: ireland tv film rte movies)Concurrence : impressive libevent-based Python async-I/O framework. looks like it hides async code’s complexity nicely (via SimonW)
(tags: web via:simonw stackless framework asynchronous concurrence async libevent messaging concurrency python scalability performance)Ts’o: Delayed allocation and the zero-length file problem [] : epic LWN thread on this ext4 misfeature. I’m ambivalent: it’s perfectly POSIXly-compliant for ext4 to do this, but it _will_ cause data loss for me. I’ll be using ‘nodelalloc’ if this is still in a released version
(tags: data-loss crash ubuntu linux ext3 ext4 fsync sync filesystems reliability durability lwn nodelalloc)
how to create a tmpfs ramdisk which “spills over” onto a disk filesystem at a certain size : neato LVM hack
(tags: tmpfs disk speed lvm ext2 filesystems linux performance)how useful are the new SEI grants for green upgrades to Irish homes? : doesn’t sound great. this site reckons it’d take 21 years to break even on your investment if you chose external wall insulation
(tags: insulation green environment house home sei ireland builders)
TechWire: ISPs’ reaction to Eircom/IRMA deal: too little, too late : ‘What it does not say is that Irish ISPs will fight any attempt by the music industry to coerce them into blocking websites of Irma’s choice. It could have said this. But it deliberately didn’t. Because ISPs will not rule this course of action out.’
(tags: ireland isps privacy copyright irma ifpi eircom ispai)
I just made a loan using to a weaver in Nepal and a group of Vietnamese broom makers.
You can go to Kiva’s website and lend to someone in the developing world who needs a loan for their business. Each loan has a picture of the entrepreneur, a description of their business and how they plan to use the loan so you know exactly how your money is being spent — and you get updates letting you know how the entrepreneur is going.
The best part is, when the entrepreneur pays back their loan you get your money back – and Kiva’s loans are managed by microfinance institutions on the ground who have a lot of experience doing this, so you can trust that your money is being handled responsibly.
Kiva’s microfinancing seems like a nice way of helping the developing world, and I’ve heard good things about it. Here’s hoping it works out well for my two recipients!
MetaSVM SpamAssassin plugin : a new alternative scoring plugin — learn mail classification (ham or spam) based on an SVM applied to the SpamAssassin rules hit, instead of the static “additive scores with 5-point threshold” model. very nifty!
(tags: spamassassin plugins scoring metasvm svm classification classifiers machine-learning anti-spam)Did BBC break the law by using a botnet to send spam? : Graham Cluley of Sophos weighs in
(tags: bbc security spam graham-cluley sophos botnets ddos)BBC programme broke law with botnets, says lawyer : upcoming Beeb program demonstrates the use of a 22000-node botnet to send spam and DDOS-attack a host, and one lawyer asserts that their programme-makers’ actions were illegal
(tags: law botnets security bbc tv out-law legal ddos spam)
Erlangst : ‘Erlangst (n): The fear that (subject) is not smart enough to program in, or even comprehend, the Erlang programming language.’
(tags: funny erlang via:janl angst coding software languages)Startup Ireland : ‘designed to provide a home for all information that an entrepreneur might find useful when starting a company in Ireland.’. Good idea Joe!
(tags: ireland startup irish joe-drumgoole business entrepreneurs)Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances : bulk-buy EC2 instance-hours in advance; either 1 year for $325 or 3 years for $500. great news, much more competitive now against a dedicated colo server
(tags: amazon ec2 aws colo servers)
SSL session resumption is essential : something worth checking if you admin an SSL site; “Session ID Length” == 0 is the tell-tale
(tags: sessions tls ssl https sysadmin)kids are starting to prefer MP3s to artifact-free music : ‘Jonathan Berger, professor of music at Stanford [.. notes that] students [..] prefer “sizzle sounds” that MP3s bring to music. It is a sound they are familiar with.’
(tags: music mp3 sound compression audio students psychology quality perception artifacts via:slashdot)Building a 1.8 exabyte data center : ‘Building an exabyte data center is feasible. All it takes is money – $400 million with all the goodies – and power. Time to readjust the mental model of storage possibility. Other than the NSA’s acres of disk at Fort Meade though, I’m not aware of any exabyte data centers.’
(tags: ouch exabyte datacenters storage disk hardware provisioning nsa racks planning petabytes)
So, if you use Google Reader, read your news with the "All items" page, and are subscribed to hundreds of feeds, it can be pretty overwhelming. I’ve found a better way to deal with this.
Select a ‘most important’ subset of feeds. For each of those, click through to the feed details page, hit the "Feed Settings…" menu, and select "Change folders…". Put the feed into a new "top" folder (creating it if necessary).
Now go to "Settings" -> "Preferences" and check out the "Start page" preference. By default, it’s set to "Home"; change it to "Folders and Tags: top".
Hey presto — now, when you load Google Reader, it’ll come up with your "top" items. You can get through those quickly enough, and get on to other more important tasks. When you’re bored and need something to read, though, just hit "Navigation" -> "All items" (or even just type ‘ga’), and every other feed is now there for your delectation. Sweet!
Dustin Kirkland: When is Amazon’s EC2 appropriate for your workload? : a little helper app for Ubuntu. cute (via Danny)
(tags: ec2 linux via:danny ubuntu screen amazon aws costing)SpamAssassin running off the grid : powered by a wind generator and some solar panels, to be exact, in the remote northwest of Scotland (plenty of wind there!)
(tags: scotland wind-power spamassassin linux servers electricity power)HubLog: Making a Lucene index of Wikipedia for MoreLikeThis queries : nice contextual hack
(tags: context wikipedia search bbc lucene solr indexing freebase hublog php)SUB-MIT: The Great McMurdo Jello-Wrestling All-Hands Meeting : pen-pushing on the polar frontier
(tags: bureaucracy denver funny mcmurdo south-pole jello jello-wrestling wtf all-hands meetings pen-pushers bigdeadplace)pHash – the open source perceptual hash library : ‘a fingerprint of an audio, video or image file that is mathematically based on the audio or visual content contained within. Unlike cryptographic hash functions which rely on the avalanche effect of small changes in input leading to drastic changes in the output, perceptual hashes are “close” to one another if the inputs are visually or auditorily similar.’
(tags: video audio open-source sound signature search hashing algorithms fingerprint phash perceptual hash similarity)
Telenor shuns IFPI’s ‘block Pirate Bay’ demands • The Register : ‘”Asking an ISP to control and assess what internet users can and cannot download is just as wrong as asking the post office to open and read letters and decide what should and should not be delivered,” said Telenor.’
(tags: telenor norway isps ifpi filesharing privacy internet)
SmartBear CodeCollaborator : very nifty-looking code-review tool. supports R-T-C and C-T-R, lots of subscription/notification options, real-time web-based inline chat, open data store, and custom script triggers (via Henning on ASF members list)
(tags: via:henning code-review coding programming review tools agie smartbear c-t-r svn p4 git)Using Hadoop to fight spam : Mark Risher and Jay Pujara @Y! Mail talk about their use of Hadoop’s Pig and Streaming products in anti-spam number-crunching
(tags: mark-risher jay-pujara yahoo yahoo-mail anti-spam hadoop pig stream video)Simon Wistow bemoans git’s tendency to permit siloing : the ruby-oauth gem now has 27 forks on github. ffs
(tags: ruby git forking github dvcs forks open-source hazards moan siloing)
“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
— Samuel Beckett, via Alyssa Henry
Reminder — Ireland’s Blackout Week starts tomorrow:
Take part in Blackout Week
- To demonstrate your feelings about [IRMA’s censorship demands], you can make your avatar black on any websites you have a presence on.
- This is inspired by Creative Freedom New Zealand’s blackout campaign.
- From Black Thursday on the 5th of March, for one week, set your picture on sites like Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, MSN, etc black to raise awareness for Blackout Ireland.
- On that Thursday we encourage you to express yourself publicly about this issue, whether by blog posts, letters to newspapers or any form of communication you can think of.
Locale : ‘Locale allows you to create Situations, which specify Conditions under which your Settings should change; e.g. your “At Work” situation might notice when your location condition is “1600 Amphitheatre Parkway,” and trigger your ringer to vibrate.’ in essence, rule-based AI for your phone. want it! and the phone too while I’m at it!
(tags: want android phone apps google location mapping)
Here’s a great idea from a thread on the SpamAssassin users list, from Roger Marquis:
Karsten Bräckelmann [questioning the utility of a mechanism to dump the entire contents of the SpamAssassin configuration database]:
‘postconf’ without the handy -n switch dumps about 500 lines. The equivalent dump for SA including the rules is about 6000 lines. And that’s a plain dump, without following and unfolding meta rules or anything.
Whether 6K or 60K would not necessarily make a difference to how I would like to use an SA ‘postconf -n’ equivalent. That use is change management. The intent is not in the full report itself but in its deltas.
As full time mail/systems admins we get invaluable data from tripwire/integrit, ‘postconf -n’, dconf, ‘rpm -qa’, ‘dpkg -l *’, ‘pkg_info -a’, … whose output is checked in to RCS daily. This provides a nice configuration snapshot and historical record but its real usefulness comes from rcsdiff piped into a daily report. These are (usually) relatively concise, and IMO, absolutely essential for monitoring production Unix/Linux systems.
I like it! I think I’d check it into a git repo, though. The concept of applying VC smarts to traditional sysadmin tasks is definitely a meme on the way up — see also etckeeper.
LightCloud – Distributed and persistent key-value store : built on Tokyo Tyrant, performance comparable to memcached, scale by adding nodes, supports hot backup/restore, used in production by, and interesting
(tags: plurk python scaling storage databases scalability memcached distributed dht db persistent tokyotyrant lightcloud tokyocabinet via:joshua)10 Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) : actually a very good list. some interesting papers here I hadn’t heard of, particularly _ An Experimental Evaluation of The Assumption of Independence in Multi-Version Programming_ (1986)
(tags: coding history programming papers toread education academia cs)/~colmmacc/ – Optimising strlen() : good post on various approaches to code optimization of a particularly common C idiom — strlen(). I’d never seen the glibc “add to unsigned long to detect zeroes” trick before — very nifty!
(tags: zero c optimisation coding c++ strlen strings)
Bord Gáis Energy – The BIG Switch tariffs : hmm. a lot of PR spooge, but not a very good deal; Airtricity are 8.4% cheaper per kWh and 11% cheaper than ESB
(tags: electricity ireland consumer bord-gais airtricity prices savings)
Worldchanging: Bright Green: The Last Viridian Note : Bruce Sterling says, “buy a good bed”. great stuff
(tags: bruce-sterling viridian design philosophy ideas worldchanging sustainability simplicity green environment stuff future culture)Xbox LIVE gets Universal Pictures content : Irish and UK Xbox Live users can now download movies. unfortunately, they only offer 30 of them! FAIL
(tags: fail xbox-360 xbox-live via:laura ireland universal-pictures)How FriendFeed uses MySQL to store schema-less data : what a hack! basically using MySQL as a replicated, highly-scalable storage engine and ignoring many of the RDBMS features to avoid schema change locks
(tags: mysql hacks scaling storage scalability schema schemaless blob friendfeed sql database)
As Adrian noted last week, IRMA are demanding that Eircom block the Pirate Bay — first on a list of websites they don’t like — on pain of being sued. On top of that, they intend for the other Irish ISPs to follow suit — here’s a key line from the letter they sent to Blacknight MD Michele Neylon:
in the event of a positive response to this letter it is proposed to make practical arrangements with Blacknight of a like nature to those made with eircom.
If that comes to pass, this will be an appalling situation for Irish internet users, and we need to act to ensure it doesn’t happen. Digital Rights Ireland:
The net effect of this scheme, if it is allowed to go into effect, will be to impose an internet death penalty on two groups. On users, who will be cut off on the allegation of a private body, with no court involvement, and on websites, which could be blocked to Irish users based on a court hearing where only one side is heard.
Pace Mulley:
So first they’ll start with the Pirate Bay. Then comes Mininova, IsoHunt, then comes YouTube (they have dodgy stuff, right?), how long before we have because someone quoted a newspaper article or a section of a book?
Digital Rights Ireland have posted an excellent document detailing the following plan of action for Irish internet users concerned about this:
Contact your ISP and let them know that this is a key issue for you, as their customer.
Join up with your fellow netizens. Subscribe to the Blackout Ireland blog. Follow the #blackoutirl hashtag on Twitter. Join the Blackout Ireland Facebook group. It looks likely that there’ll be a week-long blackout campaign starting next Thursday, March 5th.
Contact politicians. This is likely to cause irreparable damage to the Irish internet, so our pols should be very worried. See the DRI post for details on getting in touch with Minister for Communications Eamonn Ryan.
New Zealand is running their own blackout campaign right now, so that may help our planning.
International readers — make no mistake, you’re next. IRMA in this case is acting as the local delegate of IFPI, which stated in 2007 that this was one of the 3 technical options for ISPs to control piracy:
Here’s some other interesting coverage:
Fantastic interview with BitBuzz CEO Alex French:
If ISPs, including Eircom, agree not to oppose blocking access to The Pirate Bay and other similar websites, is this not an agreement to web censorship? “I don’t think there is any other way to interpret it,” said French.
“They are essentially agreeing to censor certain websites at the behest of the recording industry, without these websites ever having necessarily shown to be illegal in the Republic of Ireland. I would have a huge concern over what other websites may be blocked and what other industries will pile in now that the precedent has been set.”
Some sample letters:
letters to IRMA, and to Minister Eamon Ryan from Paul McCarthy
A sample letter to your ISP from Charles Julienne
And further discussion — here’s a massive discussion thread, now closed in favour of this newer thread.
Update: here’s the letter I sent to the Minister, if you’re curious or need inspiration.
despotify : open source Spotify client; its developers reversed the Spotify closed protocol. however, it’s just blocked users with ‘Free’ accounts, which renders it useless; hopefully someone will fork and fix this soon
(tags: spotify mp3 linux music despotify)mailfront : ‘a package containing customizeable network front-ends for mail servers’: SMTP, QMQP, QMTP, POP3. a bit like qpsmtpd written in C. JL has apparently written a SpamAssassin plugin for it
(tags: smtp proxy mail filtering sysadmin qmail pop3 qpsmtpd)Gerrit : web-based code review tool for Git-based projects. very nice
(tags: git code-review review web android)ISPs “could block” access to music labels’ websites : heh. quite a nice technical response; ‘such sweet revenge would take the form of blocking access to the websites of EMI, Sony, Universal, Warner and IRMA, among others. Their approach: you piss on our turf, we’ll piss on yours.’
(tags: isps ireland funny revenge irma emi sony universal warner-music adrian-weckler)Jorn’s on Twitter! : “Web 3.0 is going to be about filtering Web 2.0”. nice
(tags: trends jorn-barger robotwisdom twitter rt web2.0 web3.0 future filtering anti-spam)
Facebook group against the IRMA action : entitled ‘let’s ensure that we have an uncensored Internet for Ireland’
(tags: facebook irma censorship ireland eircom)Blacknight post a copy of the IRMA letter : in full, as a 3-page PDF scan
(tags: blacknight letter scans irma filesharing piratebay isps ireland law copyright)Ryanair – Their Attitude To Online PR Part Of A Bigger Reputation Problem : wow, this is really blowing up. great stuff ;)
(tags: ryanair car-crash disaster reputation media travel ireland jason-roe blogging funny)how the Italian ISPs “blocked” : they simply intercepted DNS requests for their zones, returning using OpenDNS evades that
(tags: blocking censorship italy piratebay opendns dns filtering isps eircom slashdot)debunking “Facebook causes cancer†: two scientists, Prof. Susan Greenfield and Dr. Aric Sigman, promulgating the worst kinds of fake science. disappointing
(tags: science facebook media health badscience cancer daily-mail susan-greenfield aric-sigman)Datamoshing : the use of artificially-induced video compression artifacts for artistic effect, as seen in Chairlift’s “Evident Utensil” and Kanye’s “Welcome to Heartbreak” videos
(tags: compression artifacts video mpeg datamoshing music via:kottke art effects kanye-west chairlift music-videos cool)Explanations to common Java exceptions : ‘CharConversionException: You have been trying to incinerate something noncombustible. It is also possible that you have tried turning yourself into a fish, but that’s rare.’
(tags: via:nelson funny geeky programming java exceptions language reference)
Introducing Karmic Koala, Ubuntu 9.10:
What if you want to build an EC2-style cloud of your own? Of all the trees in the wood, a Koala’s favourite leaf is Eucalyptus. The Eucalyptus project, from UCSB, enables you to create an EC2-style cloud in your own data center, on your own hardware. It’s no coincidence that Eucalyptus has just been uploaded to universe and will be part of Jaunty
- during the Karmic cycle we expect to make those clouds dance, with dynamically growing and shrinking resource allocations depending on your needs.
A savvy Koala knows that the best way to conserve energy is to go to sleep, and these days even servers can suspend and resume, so imagine if we could make it possible to build a cloud computing facility that drops its energy use virtually to zero by napping in the midday heat, and waking up when there’s work to be done. No need to drink at the energy fountain when there’s nothing going on. If we get all of this right, our Koala will help take the edge off the bear market.
AWESOME — exactly where the Linux server needs to go. Eucalyptus is the future of server farms. Really looking forward to this…
Ryanair PR staff issue statement complaining about “idiot bloggers” : “It is Ryanair policy not to waste time and energy corresponding with idiot bloggers and Ryanair can confirm that it won’t be happening again”. hilarious! dicks
(tags: ryanair funny idiotic blogging ireland wankers pr cluetrain)Sunday Business Post: Music-swapping sites to be blocked by internet providers : IRMA will provide Irish ISPs with a list of alleged file-sharing sites, and will take legal action if those sites are not blocked. Eircom at least are allegedly legally required to comply. need to look into this a bit more, but this sounds incredibly serious at first glance
(tags: irma ireland filtering censorship eircom piratebay isps chilling-effects via:adrianweckler dri filesharing)Offensive Words List Released by Message Partners : ‘Message Partners released into the public domain the world’s most extensive offensive language list for use with a spam filter. This offensive word list includes hundreds of thousands of permutations of sexually explicit language.’
(tags: offensive swearing english filtering abuse messagepartners)Web2Ireland Facebook Developer Garage March 2009 : ‘a place to explore, get gritty, tinker, experiment, and test out ideas for Facebook Platform’, 5 March, Digital Exchange
(tags: ireland web2ireland facebook web events dublin)Avoid the EUR10 credit card charge when booking with Ryanair : bookmarking, in case I ever have to fly Ryanair in future (hopefully not)
(tags: ireland ryanair consumer credit-cards visa debit-cards entropay flights money travel)Jason Roe finds bug in Ryanair site, Ryanair staff act like assholes in the comments : ‘We very well know about these anomalies and unless it is not critical we are not going to sacrifice time to this. If you would be a serious programmer you would know these things’
(tags: wankers ryanair travel flights funny blogging jason-roe bugs web serious-programmers)OSS Bar Camp Schedule : really need to get off my arse and get writing
(tags: ossbarcamp oss open-source barcamp talks dublin events conferences)
Transactions Across Datacenters (and other weekend projects) : presentation by GAE’s Ryan Barrett
(tags: transactions internet wan replication backup concurrency paxos ryan-barrett distcomp)Mac OS X Security Update 2009-001 might break your Perl : it included parts of an old perl module, breaking anyone who uses CPAN. nice work, Apple
(tags: apple perl cpan macosx testing updates patches)
Blimey, I’m a finalist for one of this year’s Blog Awards:
Best Technology Blog/Blogger – Sponsored by Bitbuzz
Unfortunately I’m going to be in LA this weekend, so I’ll need to give a written message to John, just in case the impossible happens ;)
Pho recipe : recommended by katyusha and mrn!
(tags: tocook food pho soup mmmm)ClubOrlov: Social Collapse Best Practices : more cheery stuff from Dmitry Orlov, this time in much greater depth than the “Collapse Gap” slides
(tags: orlov collapse usa russia economy recession food history politics survival crisis long-now)Deploying Django with Fabric : Django community’s take on Capistrano. looks really complex, configured by writing a load of Python. ugh
(tags: django capistrano deploy server linux webdev sysadmin deployment git fabric)Good walkthrough of setting up a modern Ubuntu box to host multiple Django sites : using nginx, Apache 2, Django, memcached, mod_wsgi and PostgreSQL. interesting to see virtualenv in use; in Perl-land, ExtUtils::MakeMaker takes care of this for us nicely using “perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=…”. also, deploying directly from a “git push”
(tags: deployment git nginx apache django memcached python mod_wsgi postgres virtualenv sysadmin ubuntu webdev linux install)
So it seems that JC Decaux have been complaining about the costs of running the Velib scheme in Paris:
Since the scheme’s launch, nearly all the original bicycles have been replaced at a cost of 400 euros each.
Of course, this won’t be a problem in Dublin. Going by Newstalk’s estimates of how much the advertising space provided to JC Decaux for free, in exchange for the (as yet nonexistent) 450 bikes would have cost, each bike comes at a public cost of 111,000 Euros. That should cover a lot of "velib extreme".
(OK, that may be overestimating it. The Irish Times puts a more sober figure of EUR 1m per year; that works out as EUR 2,000 per bike per year. Still should cover a few broken bikes.)
A quick reminder:
Paris | Dublin |
20,000 bikes | 450 promised |
~1,600 billboards | ~120 installed |
~12.5 bikes per billboard | ~3.8 bikes per billboard |
10km range (from 15e to 19e arondissement) | 4km range (from the Mater Hospital to the Grand Canal) |
And, of course, there’s no sign of the bikes here yet… assuming they ever arrive. Heck of a job, Dublin City Council.
BTW, here’s the rate card for advertising on the "Metropole" ad platforms, if you’re curious, via the charmingly-titled Go Ask Me Bollix.
How Not To Sort By Average Rating : the correct way to produce a sort index given a set of [ positive_ratings, negative_ratings ] pairs; apparently it’s the lower bound of the Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter. great, this may work well for SA’s rule-QA system too
(tags: spamassassin rule-qa algorithms stats statistics sorting ranking popularity average maths)“F{N}OSS!” : ‘Free Software and related commentary from the Nordic region.’ I wonder if there’s room for one of these for the Isles, ie. UK and .ie? although mind you planetilug probably takes care of the .ie part already
(tags: blogs opensource floss finland norway planet sweden community open-source)The Costs of Continuous Deployment : Steve Loughran with a little bad news on yesterday’s post. ‘CI is like a chainsaw: very powerful, can achieve great things, but if handled badly you can cut your own legs off and that hurts.’
(tags: steve-loughran c-i continuous-integration continuous-deployment deployment ant rollout)
Hey Gmail users! If you’re using Tasks, there’s a slightly annoying bug in Gmail right now — you may see the "Use this link to open Tasks" tip window appear every time you access the inbox page.
Several other people have reported it, and apparently the Google guys are ‘working to resolve it’ at the moment. In the meantime, though, here’s a way to work around the issue without losing Tasks (you will, unfortunately, lose the offline-gmail functionality, though). Simply disable Offline Gmail (Settings -> Offline -> "Disable Offline Gmail for this computer"), and the bug no longer manifests itself.
You can allow Gmail to keep the stored mail on your computer if you like, which will be handy for when the bug is fixed and Offline can be re-enabled — hopefully sooner rather than later.