Using Btrfs with Multiple Devices : cool. looking forward to this settling down so I can play with it
(tags: btrfs filesystems raid storage linux disks mkfs)ClamAV now supports Google’s Safe Browsing blocklist : ‘treat such data as a potential risk, that is a suspicious source of malware.’ ‘mainly targeted at people who are using ClamAV to filter web traffic.’ (via fanf)
(tags: via:fanf security clamav antivirus antiphishing google safe-browsing blocklists)Alexander Larsson summarises ext4 vs fsync : good writeup of the current state of play
(tags: fsync ext3 ext4 filesystems linux sync crash-recovery safety reliability)more “top”-like utilities : htop (top with a fancy UI), iftop (top for IPs on the network) and iotop (top for per-process I/O statistics). hadn’t heard of htop or iotop, so this is useful. all are “apt-get”able on 8.10. (update: Craig reminded me of “atop” — another great util, with excellent historical process monitoring ability)
(tags: htop iotop via:wmf iftop top processes unix sysadmin performance profiling commandline ubuntu)