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Talk: Early days of Computing in Ireland

On Monday April 20th, the Heritage Society of Engineers Ireland, in association with The Irish Computer Society, and the ICT and Electronic and Electrical Divisions of Engineers Ireland, will be hosting an evening lecture: ‘Reminiscences of Early days of Computing in Ireland’:

In 1957 the Irish Sugar Company installed the first stored program computer in Ireland. Other large organisations slowly followed suit.

Gordon Clarke will discuss how the early computers enhanced the electro-mechanical systems that had developed over the previous 60 years. He will talk about their specifications, a few of the first applications and tell the story of the very early years of designing and developing computer based systems.

All Welcome. Admission Free. No booking required. This event will be web-cast

For Details:, or Con Kehely: (01) 6860113 (con.kehely /at/

Location: Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road D4

Sounds great! Thanks to Frank Duignan on the ILUG list for forwarding the notice.