Mosso Cloud Servers : very interesting! lowest price is $0.015/hr, ie. $10/month; quite a lot cheaper than the EC2 option. no equivalent to S3 though
(tags: ec2 s3 virtualization rackspace mosso hosting scalability servers cloud grid server)RTÉ Storyland : vote for my mate Luke’s film: “Psych Ward”. it’s great!
(tags: ireland tv film rte movies)Concurrence : impressive libevent-based Python async-I/O framework. looks like it hides async code’s complexity nicely (via SimonW)
(tags: web via:simonw stackless framework asynchronous concurrence async libevent messaging concurrency python scalability performance)Ts’o: Delayed allocation and the zero-length file problem [] : epic LWN thread on this ext4 misfeature. I’m ambivalent: it’s perfectly POSIXly-compliant for ext4 to do this, but it _will_ cause data loss for me. I’ll be using ‘nodelalloc’ if this is still in a released version
(tags: data-loss crash ubuntu linux ext3 ext4 fsync sync filesystems reliability durability lwn nodelalloc)