SmartBear CodeCollaborator : very nifty-looking code-review tool. supports R-T-C and C-T-R, lots of subscription/notification options, real-time web-based inline chat, open data store, and custom script triggers (via Henning on ASF members list)
(tags: via:henning code-review coding programming review tools agie smartbear c-t-r svn p4 git)Using Hadoop to fight spam : Mark Risher and Jay Pujara @Y! Mail talk about their use of Hadoop’s Pig and Streaming products in anti-spam number-crunching
(tags: mark-risher jay-pujara yahoo yahoo-mail anti-spam hadoop pig stream video)Simon Wistow bemoans git’s tendency to permit siloing : the ruby-oauth gem now has 27 forks on github. ffs
(tags: ruby git forking github dvcs forks open-source hazards moan siloing)