How Not To Sort By Average Rating : the correct way to produce a sort index given a set of [ positive_ratings, negative_ratings ] pairs; apparently it’s the lower bound of the Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter. great, this may work well for SA’s rule-QA system too
(tags: spamassassin rule-qa algorithms stats statistics sorting ranking popularity average maths)“F{N}OSS!” : ‘Free Software and related commentary from the Nordic region.’ I wonder if there’s room for one of these for the Isles, ie. UK and .ie? although mind you planetilug probably takes care of the .ie part already
(tags: blogs opensource floss finland norway planet sweden community open-source)The Costs of Continuous Deployment : Steve Loughran with a little bad news on yesterday’s post. ‘CI is like a chainsaw: very powerful, can achieve great things, but if handled badly you can cut your own legs off and that hurts.’
(tags: steve-loughran c-i continuous-integration continuous-deployment deployment ant rollout)