Facebook group against the IRMA action : entitled ‘let’s ensure that we have an uncensored Internet for Ireland’
(tags: facebook irma censorship ireland eircom)Blacknight post a copy of the IRMA letter : in full, as a 3-page PDF scan
(tags: blacknight letter scans irma filesharing piratebay isps ireland law copyright)Ryanair – Their Attitude To Online PR Part Of A Bigger Reputation Problem : wow, this is really blowing up. great stuff ;)
(tags: ryanair car-crash disaster reputation media travel ireland jason-roe blogging funny)how the Italian ISPs “blocked” piratebay.org : they simply intercepted DNS requests for their zones, returning using OpenDNS evades that
(tags: blocking censorship italy piratebay opendns dns filtering isps eircom slashdot)debunking “Facebook causes cancer†: two scientists, Prof. Susan Greenfield and Dr. Aric Sigman, promulgating the worst kinds of fake science. disappointing
(tags: science facebook media health badscience cancer daily-mail susan-greenfield aric-sigman)Datamoshing : the use of artificially-induced video compression artifacts for artistic effect, as seen in Chairlift’s “Evident Utensil” and Kanye’s “Welcome to Heartbreak” videos
(tags: compression artifacts video mpeg datamoshing music via:kottke art effects kanye-west chairlift music-videos cool)Explanations to common Java exceptions : ‘CharConversionException: You have been trying to incinerate something noncombustible. It is also possible that you have tried turning yourself into a fish, but that’s rare.’
(tags: via:nelson funny geeky programming java exceptions language reference)