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Justin's Linklog Posts

New Science Gallery in Dublin

I just got this missive from the new Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin:

The SCIENCE GALLERY is seeking EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST for Festival of Light projects.

Calling all techno-artists, playful scientists, renegade engineers, architects, sculptors, lighting designers, fashion designers, guerilla projectionists and inventors…

The Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin is developing a two week FESTIVAL OF LIGHT as its launching programme in January 2008 which will celebrate the art, science and technology of light through a range of installations and events in the Science Gallery and around Dublin’s city centre.

We are seeking proposals for installations, events and workshops. You can download our Expression of Interest form here. We would like this to reach far and wide so please forward this onto anyone you think may be interested in submitting!

If you would like to discuss your ides with us or would like further information prior to submitting an Expression of Interest Submission please contact Elizabeth Allen at elizabeth.allen /at/ .

I’m looking forward to see what happens with this; hope it works out well.

T9 in Ireland

Tobias DiPasquale <a href="”>notes that the iPhone’s dictionary can correct the word ‘f***ing’ right out of the box. Handy!

The vagaries of various companies’ autocompletion dictionaries are always worth a comment. I’ve noticed that swearing is generally omitted, presumably for prudish reasons to do with tabloid PR fears. But as an Irishman, I find it particularly galling that Nokia’s T9 dictionary cycles through the following entries for "pints":

  • Shots
  • Pious
  • Riots
  • Pints

When I type "pints" (which happens a lot), believe me, I never mean to type "pious". Stupid phone!

Planet Antispam unborked

Those of you who visit Planet Antispam may have noticed that it hadn’t been updating in a few days. Somehow or other, the Planet software had corrupted its cache, and was dying with this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 167, in ?
  File "", line 160, in main, planet_link, template_files, offline)
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 240, in run
    channel = Channel(self, feed_url)
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 527, in __init__
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 569, in cache_read_entries
    item = NewsItem(self, key)
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 845, in __init__
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 74, in cache_read
    self._type[key] = self._cache[cache_key + " type"]
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/bsddb/", line 116, in __getitem__
    return self.db[key]
KeyError: ', feedburner_origlink type'

Ah, Berkeley DB, always good for the infrequent inscrutable, yet fatal, error. A wipe of the contents of the cache directory, and it seems to be working again.

Unfortunately, I had to drop the RSS feed for Aunty Spam; it seems the domain has lapsed, and I can’t seem to find an RSS feed that contains just the spam-related Aunty Spam posts any more.

‘I Go Chop Your Dollar’ star arrested

The Register is reporting that ‘Nigerian comedian and actor Nkem Owoh’ has been arrested in Amsterdam as a suspected 419 scammer:

Nigerian comedian and actor Nkem Owoh was one of the 111 suspected 419 scammers arrested in Amsterdam recently as part of a seven month investigation, dubbed Operation Apollo.

Owoh became a well known star within the Nigerian film industry, sometimes colloquially known as Nollywood because of its trite plots, poor dialogue, terrible sound, and low production standards.

Owoh starred in the 2003 film Osuofia, and a year later was one of several actors temporarily banned from appearing in movies by Nigeria’s Association of Movie Marketers and Producers because he demanded excessive fees and unreasonable contract demands.

Owoh became internationally known for his song "I Go Chop Your Dollar", the anthem for 419 scammers ("Oyinbo man I go chop your dollar, I go take your money and disappear / 419 is just a game, you are the loser, I am the winner", full lyrics here), which was banned in Nigeria after many complaints.

The song was the title track from the comedy, "The Master", starring Owoh as a scheming 419er.

The alleged scammers are suspected of running a series of lottery-based (AKA 419-lite) scams.

Here’s the video for "I Go Chop Your Dollar".

It’s not exactly cut and dried, though. This thread suggests that he wasn’t arrested for fraud; instead that the Dutch authorities detained pretty much everyone at his concert. This article suggests similar:

The Netherlands police were said to have stormed the venue of the show in a helicopter about 2a.m and arrested practically everybody at the venue. […]

"Over 200 of them (Nigerians) were arrested that night. It was a big haul; they came with helicopter and cars and circled the whole area. As I speak with you, over 70 of those apprehended that night have been deported for possession of expired or fake immigration papers.

"Osuofia was also whisked away but was released hours after," the source said.

Update: It appears Osuofia was not arrested after all; lots more details here.

Hunting the wily mangosteen

A few weeks ago, I was in Tesco Clearwater when I spotted something I wasn’t expecting; a tray of fruit labelled "Mangosteen".

Mangosteen are delicious. In Thailand, they’re called "the queen of fruit" (with the oh-so-stinky and not quite as enjoyable Durian as the king). We once spent a week on a Thai beach snacking on bags of the things; they’re so good.

Unfortunately the tray was empty. :(

Ever since then, every time I’ve gone back to that Tesco, there’s been no sign of the mangosteen; not even another empty tray! Thing is, I now know they’re importing them, so I’m really jonesing… if any Dublin readers happen to spot some, please (a) be sure to buy some for yourself and (b) let us know where you found it!

Linking for charidee

Tom tagged me with another blog link-meme — a worthwhile one, though; the idea is to improve the page rank of charities in Ireland, by linking to them. Fair enough!

The list of charities so far is:

And I’ll add Focus Ireland (who seem to have broken their website!). Thanks to Dorothy for the suggestion.

Who to pass it on to? How’s about Una, James and Donncha?

NSAI invites comments on OOXML/OpenXML standard

Antoin writes:

NSAI (the Irish national standards body) has posted an invitation for comments on its site regarding the proposed new Office Open XML standard (ISO/IEC DIS 29500). NSAI has established an ad hoc committee to consider the matter, and I am a member of that committee, together with a number of far more important and qualified people.

Anyway, we are anxious to hear from anyone who has a view on what way NSAI should vote on this standard when it reaches committee. If you can provide links to any relevant articles, that would also be very helpful. If you have time, please review the documents and leave your comments either here or send them to the committee.

So if you’ve been following the ongoing drama (to be honest, I haven’t), please feel free to make a submission; the deadline is 11 July.

UPS Ireland suck

I’m waiting for a replacement battery from Dell, covered under warranty. Dell service have been great, but UPS, not so much…

On Monday (25th June), after a little back-and-forth to establish that the battery was faulty, I got a mail from Dell saying:

The Part (Battery) will be with you tomorrow pre 17:00 (Next Business Day). Please note that you will require to return the faulty part at the same point of time, the courier person would not be delivering the part until you return the defective part.

Great! That’s good warranty service. I’m happy.

So I wait… and wait. Finally, 2 days later, today (Wednesday 27th), at 17:45, a courier appears to pick up the faulty part. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the replacement with him.

I go online to see what’s up via online tracking, and see this:

Location Date Local Time Description
27/06/2007 4:13 IN-TRANSIT SCAN
27/06/2007 4:12 IMPORT SCAN
26/06/2007 18:31 IMPORT SCAN
26/06/2007 5:59 IMPORT SCAN
26/06/2007 5:58 OUT FOR DELIVERY
26/06/2007 3:59 ARRIVAL SCAN
26/06/2007 4:39 DEPARTURE SCAN
26/06/2007 4:14 DEPARTURE SCAN
25/06/2007 10:09 ORIGIN SCAN

So, what, the street name is "INCORRECT" despite one UPS driver having no problem? I suspect someone just couldn’t be arsed.

I rang up UPS, provided a hint, and it seems the delivery is now rescheduled for Friday. So much for "next business day" delivery! Lucky the laptop works on AC without the battery, otherwise I’d be quite annoyed.

I wonder if I can provide feedback to Dell about this? There’s a possibility they might switch courier company if they get enough complaints about crappy service. It also makes me wonder if there’s any decent international parcel delivery service in Ireland. At least UPS haven’t yet required me to schlep over to a "local" depot 5 miles away to pick up the package myself, like An Post does…

How I wound up with a pond

My weekend went like this:

  1. buy a Green Cone composting system
  2. read instructions
  3. find out I had to dig a 3′ by 2′ deep hole
  4. spend all Saturday afternoon digging massive hole in the back garden, horny-handed son of toil style
  5. just as I finish, the skies open
  6. watch in horror as the hole rapidly becomes a pond
  7. since the green cone requires a dry hole, wait for it to drain…
  8. …and wait…
  9. …and wait…

I’m still waiting. :(

I just hope the flooded state of the pit is a side effect of the monsoon levels of rain over the last week, and will drain soon, rather than the normal situation for the garden. Otherwise, I’ll have to fill the hole and give up on the Green Cone entirely… argh. I should have gone for the wormery option, like lisey suggested!

Update: Enda left a good tip in the comments — dig deeper into the clay and fill in with more gravel. I did that and it looks like it’s working… Let’s see if the worms like it. I’ll keep yis posted ;)

How to solve a maze with Photoshop

wow, this is cool. lod3n, confronted by this heinous puzzle, wrote:

‘2 minutes in Photoshop. All too easy. So, where do I pick up my cake?

  1. Increase contrast.
  2. Select the right wall of the maze using the magic wand.
  3. Select > Modify > Expand 4 pixels
  4. Create new layer.
  5. Fill with Red.
  6. Select > Modify > Contract 2 pixels.
  7. Delete. Now you’ve got a line tracing the solution.
  8. Manually clean up the outer edge, and connect the dots.
  9. Cake!’

Here’s the result. Seriously nifty!

(Update: wow, this got Dugg heavily — 17000 pageviews from Digg alone! Unfortunately that caused a bit of a server meltdown. Should be back now though…)

7digital – a bit risky

Apparently <a href=’’>EMI are now offering their DRM-free MP3s via 7digital, so I thought I’ve give the newly-revamped 7digital site a go. Results were a little mixed, unfortunately.

I found a couple of tracks I wanted which were available as MP3 format, clicked the "purchase" button beside them, and they were added to the "basket" on the right-hand side. Pretty typical stuff, if you’ve used EMusic or iTunes. Then I created an account, chose to pay using Paypal, paid a couple of quid and all was well!

The good stuff:

  • the website works great in Firefox on Linux, and was nice and speedy.

  • the range of music seems pretty good; most of the catalogue is WMA-only unfortunately, but most of the new releases now seem to be coming out with MP3 as an option.

  • it’s very easy to pay by credit card or with Paypal.

There were a couple of glitches, however.

First, it allowed me to buy a file, then not give it to me. My first tester track was the Soulwax remix of ‘Standing in the Way of Control’ by Gossip. I happily added it to my basket, checked out, and paid — then when I got to my ‘Your downloads’ page, I was presented with this:

Gossip – Standing In The Way Of Control (Soulwax Nite Version) / 6:54 / Released 24.06.2007

No download links etc… hmm. A quick check of today’s date reveals that the 24th is a week from now — the track hasn’t been released yet! It seems this isn’t yet "available as a digital release" for some reason, despite the fact that as far as I can tell it’s been out for ages on CD. The only way to spot this in advance of purchase is to look at the "Digital release date" on the album info page and compare with today’s date; there’s no other notification that you’ll be buying a prerelease, and will have to wait to get your digital mitts on what you buy. Grrrr.

OK, next one; my other tester track was the title track from the new White Stripes, Icky Thump. At least this one was available. Now, supposedly we’re getting 320kbps MP3s, right? Not so, it seems — this one was 192kbps, a fact that’s only revealed once you’ve already paid for the tracks. Double grrr…

(it turns out, by the way, that only the "EMI content" is delivered in 320kbps format. I guess the other MP3 labels are sticking with 192kbps.)

So, two for two, both of the test downloads turned out to be wonky in one way or another. A bit disappointing. I hope they’ll improve though — there seems to be a new willingness to offer a decent MP3 music-download service there… and this is still more convenient for me than having to boot up a Windows virtual machine to use the iTunes Music Store.

They could really do with signposting exactly what you’re getting more clearly, though; in particular, being able to search by available format and bitrate would really help.

Lyris’ low SpamAssassin threshold

via jgc’s newsletter, Lyris’ latest ISP Deliverability Report (Q1 2007) makes an interesting point about legitimate bulk mail and SpamAssassin:

Contrary to popular belief among marketers, message content is not a major cause of deliverability challenges for most email marketers. This finding is a result of testing the content of more than 1,705 unique emails, using [Lyris] EmailAdvisor’s content scoring tool. The content scoring function is based on the content scoring rules of the widely adopted Spam Assassin open source project. The emails tested had an average content point score of 1.04 well below the filter’s generally accepted spam identification level of 3.0 or higher.

Now, that’s broadly good advice — SpamAssassin hasn’t really given much strength to signatures found in message body text in the past couple of years, since the signatures from other sources (especially DNS blocklists and URI blocklists) are much more reliable.

However, note the bit I emphasised. Since when is 3.0 the ‘generally accepted spam identification level’? Only the most paranoid user would ever go that low, since at that level, they’d expect to find 2.22% of their nonspam mail going into the spam folder (according to our own tests). In reality, our recommended level has always been 5.0 points, and that’s what we optimise for. I’m mystified as to where they’re getting 3.0 from…

Irish medical tourism

Just got a mail from an old friend, Caelen, who’s got a new start-up going with an interesting angle. Caelen and his (now-) wife, Barbara, spent a while travelling around Asia around the same time as we did. As I noted back in 2003, one thing he tried out, which I found particularly intriguing at the time, was to have some minor surgery in Bangkok:

This may seem foolish at first, but despite being in the heart of South East Asia, in what is generally thought to be a developing country, the Thai medical system is unbelievably good. Not only is it the medical hub for expatriates throughout the region, but tens of thousands fly here each year to have elective surgery, from laser eye treatments to boob jobs and face lifts. There are lots of reasons why they come to Bangkok but invariably quality of surgery and care comes top of the list. Simply put, medical care in Thailand is amongst the best in the word, available at a fraction of the cost.

The Thai government sees health care as the next logical step in its hospitality industry. As holiday makers in Thailand reach saturation point, growth has to come from other sectors and international healthcare has many of the same requirements as the tourism industry: good flight connections, plentiful accommodation and above all staff that are understanding and friendly. Gleaming hospitals, which could be mistaken for 5 star hotels, not only have rooms with all amenities but also have suites, restaurants, shops and cinemas. Menus from the finest restaurants in town are placed in the best rooms. Going to hospital doesn’t mean you have to stop having fun – this is Bangkok after all. This is a long way from the cold greasy egg served by the kitchen’s ‘Miserable Person of the Year’ award winner we get at home.

Back in 2002, this was pretty unprecedented — of course, nowadays, the concept is a lot more widely practiced, what with healthcare costs rising in the US and waiting lists rising in the UK.

I can vouch that the quality of care in Bangkok was fantastic, by all accounts; fastidiously clean and professional. (I never did it myself, but many people I knew at the time took advantage of the opportunity, rather than risk something flaring up in the less, er, reliable settings of Luang Prabang or Phnom Penh.)

Anyway, turns out Caelen has come up with a new site that is related to this — Reva Health Network. He says, ‘basically, we are a medical tourism search engine where consumers can find and compare hospitals and clinics from around the world. We cover everything although the bulk of our business is currently in dental.’

If you’re looking for some work done, it might be worth taking a look; it’s at

Update 2010-08-16: They’ve moved! The new URL is , which makes much more sense really. Apparently they’re getting 500,000 visitors a month, and proxy though 800 phone calls a day to clinics. Cool — sounds like it’s going well…

IKEA Dublin gets planning permission

Given that I’m trying to get a new house in order, here’s a topic close to my heart right now — massive IKEA store approved for Dublin:

An Bord Pleanála has given the go-ahead for the construction of a massive IKEA outlet in the Ballymun area of Dublin. Legal restrictions on the size of retail developments had already been changed to allow the Swedish furniture giant to build a 30,000 square foot shop in the area. However, several objections were received from the National Roads Authority, Green Party TD Eamon Ryan and a number of businesses which said they would be adversely affected by a huge increase in traffic on the M50 motorway. An Bord Pleanála has now decided to grant permission for the project, subject to 30 conditions aimed at preventing traffic congestion, protecting the visual amenity of the area and promoting sustainable development.

This is long overdue, and something Ireland’s been crying out for — the price and quality of furniture here is dire. I’m glad to see it.

The details are up on An Bord Pleanala’s site, including the Board’s conditions. For ease of reading, I’ve converted it to HTML using OpenOffice.

This one strikes me as potentially annoying:

A schedule of parking charges shall be applied to car park users (other than coaches and buses which shall not be charged for parking during opening hours) […]

At least two months prior to the opening of the proposed development for trading, an initial schedule of charges shall be agreed in writing with the planning authority. Where the daily peak hour two-way traffic flows as measured by the automatic traffic counters do not comply with the thresholds set above, the schedule of parking charges shall be varied as directed by the planning authority until compliance is achieved, save that breaches or non-compliances of a very minor or trivial nature or arising from exceptional circumstances may be disregarded at the discretion of the planning authority.

Reason: To minimise traffic impacts and avoid serious traffic congestion.

Patronising pregnancy

Via Yoz comes this great article: Zoe Williams: Being pregnant and receiving unscientific advice go hand in hand. Here’s a sample:

Listeria has been my particular bugbear ever since a midwife – that is, a trained prenatal professional who, unless I develop complications, represents the highest medical authority I can expect to deal with throughout my pregnancy – told me that I could get listeriosis, thereby brain-damaging my foetus, without knowing about it. Now, listeriosis is an incredibly serious disease, with extremely serious symptoms, taken extremely seriously by epidemiologists nationwide. Get it without noticing it? If I got listeriosis, the national papers would know about it. It would be the third outbreak that has occurred in [the UK] in the past 20 years.

Here are some other things that are wantonly untrue: pasteurisation, in fact, has nothing to do with a cheese’s ability to harbour the listeria bacteria. The bacteria that characterise different cheeses are introduced after the pasteurisation process anyway. Listeria flourishes in moist environments, so parmesan is safe where camembert isn’t, but even rinded and soft cheeses are safe once they have been cooked. But food hygiene is a much more important factor than moisture – raw fish does not come out of the sea carrying listeria, but contracts the bacteria from contact with dirty hands. Of the past two outbreaks of listeria in Britain, one was from butter and the other from lettuce (there have been other instances of product recalls, but no human contamination).

In fact the three worst recorded cases of listeria since 1992 have all been in France, and were all from pork tongue in jelly, which nobody in their right mind would ever eat. Of the past 10 listeriosis outbreaks in America, only two were from cheese, and one of those was a Mexican homemade cheese. The notion that there are pregnant people out there whipping themselves into a frenzy of guilt because they have eaten some gorgonzola is just infuriating.

This patronising "pregnant women mustn’t do X" paranoia is C’s pet hate of the moment; being a (pregnant) scientist, she’s been checking them against Medline, looking into the extent of the real research these claims are based on, and generally writing them off one by one. I’ve been trying to persuade her to write a blog post about this for, so far with no luck though…


Here’s the talk I gave at MAAWG, entitled New Features in SpamAssassin 3.2.0 Of Interest To Large Receivers:


Many ISPs and mail receivers, at all scales, use SpamAssassin as part of their spam-filtering arsenal. The recent release of SpamAssassin 3.2.0 introduces much new functionality, and some of this is of particular interest to the large-scale mail receiver; in particular, rules compiled to parallel-matching native object code for increased speed, early short-circuiting based on administrator-specified rules, the new "msa_networks" setting to specify MSA hosts or pools, a new ruleset to detect spam/virus backscatter bounces, a way to run SpamAssassin in the Apache httpd server using mod_perl, and support for Amazon’s EC2 virtual server farm. In this talk, I’ll discuss each of these in detail, and discuss why it may be useful to you.

If you were at MAAWG, hope you enjoyed it ;)

DSPAM acquired by Sensory Networks

whoa, didn’t see that coming. Quoting Jonathan Zdziarski via jgc’s newsletter:

…The [DSPAM] project had grown to a point where it would take others – with enough free time – to bring DSPAM to the next level as a widely accepted enterprise-class solution, and [I] decided that it would be in the best interest of the project to entrust it to someone with the technical knowhow and dedication to reach these goals. Many of you are aware of my work in the past with Sensory Networks in developing a hardware-accelerated version of DSPAM (capable of supporting multi-megabit speeds in large carrier environments). I’ve spent a considerable amount of time with SN’s team over the past several years and when we initially discussed working together, they had shown to be very excited and motivated about the project.

After careful consideration and many discussions at length, I decided to allow Sensory Networks to acquire the rights to the project, and continue development on it with their own team. SN has displayed a strong commitment to the open source community and has been working closely with other leading projects such as Snort, Clam Antivirus, and SpamAssassin. They assured me that the project will remain open-source and available to all, and at the same time the project will receive exposure in commercial environments it has not seen before, as many of you have been asking for. We’ve now completed the acquisition for the project, and I’d like to encourage you to support them in helping them move forward as it grows into new areas.

More details at

Dealing with backscatter, revisited

Back in January, I wrote about how I deal with email backscatter nowadays. Since then, I’ve made a notable tweak.

This is that I no longer reject "null-sender" traffic during the SMTP transaction. It turned out that it broke Exim’s implementation of Sender Address Verification, which performs the SAV check using a MAIL FROM of <>, rendering it indistinguishable from a bounce during the SMTP transaction.

Now, I’ve complained about SAV, but I have to be pragmatic anyway (Postel’s law and all that!) — so it was better to just allow other sites to perform SAV lookups against our server, and fix the anti-bounce stuff some other way.

The new method (below) does this, by allowing null-sender SMTP traffic just fine; it detects bounces in Postfix if they arrive via SMTP in RFC-3464 format, and bounces that slip past are then dealt with in a more CPU-intensive manner using the SpamAssassin "VBounce" ruleset (which is part of the now-released SpamAssassin 3.2.0, btw).

This increases the load, since some bounces cannot be rejected at MAIL FROM time now, and instead we have to wait ’til DATA — but CPU hasn’t been a problem recently, so this is ok.

Here are the updated instructions:

In Postfix

In my Postfix configuration, on the machine that acts as MX for my domains — edit ‘/etc/postfix/header_checks’, and add these lines:

/^Content-Type: multipart\/report; report-type=delivery-status\;/  REJECT no third-party DSNs
/^Content-Type: message\/delivery-status; /     REJECT no third-party DSNs

Edit ‘/etc/postfix/’, and ensure it contains:

header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

Then run:

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart

This catches most of the bounces — <a href=’’>RFC-3464-format Delivery-Status-Notification messages from other mail servers.

In SpamAssassin

As before, install the Virus-bounce ruleset and set it up. This will catch challenge-response mails, "out of office" noise, "virus scanner detected blah" crap, and bounce mails generated by really broken groupware MTAs — the stuff that gets past the Postfix front-line.

Dead laptop time

Argh. My Thinkpad’s power socket must have received a knock during the move. It no longer works with either of the two power bricks I have here — so it looks like it’s time to either (a) buy a soldering iron and some screwdrivers (incl Torx ones?) or (b) renew my IBM warranty service and send it in for some fixing :(

Bad timing.

Update: oh look, it’s working again! phew. I guess I should probably set aside some time for warranty service here anyway though…


Hey — I’m back, rested and full of tasty, tasty Niçois and Provencal cuisine.

I got back just in time to vote, for what good that did with Bertie’s gang leading strongly in the current counts… argh!

For what it’s worth, I gave Patricia McKenna a preference, in the end. I was reminded that she’d been entirely on our side on software patents during her time as an MEP — so credit where it’s due, there; on top of that, a vote for the Greens is better than a vote going to Sinn Fein, after all, no matter what. ;)

Carbon offsetting

I’m off to Nice on vacation for two weeks, starting tomorrow — back on May 25th. See ya then!

In the meantime, and appropriately enough given that jet fuel I’ll be consuming, here’s some interesting stuff from my mate Eoin on carbon offsetting…

‘It’s a fecking minefield to figure out. There are many conflicting standards, some of which sound impressive but are useless in reality.

Steer clear of tree planting, especially outside Europe; even a well-run forestry in Europe will take decades to make any difference.

The best quality-mark appears to be the CDM Gold Standard. The Gold Standard is a recent introduction, a response to the weak, conflicting Kyoto standards and many ad hoc government ones. Gold Standard specifically excludes tree plantatations.

The following operators are the only ones I found that are Gold Standarded and also pass the bullshit smell test (which is far more stringent ;-) thanks to all who supplied links etc. — eoin

  • My Climate — Seem good. run out of Switzerland. Professional vibe. Mainly projects in the developing world.
  • Atmosfair — like the swiss one except smaller and German. Again, seems professional, their projects page in particular reads well. Doing a German schools project as well as developing world ones.
  • Climate Friendly — Aussies. Mainly wind power, in Oz & NZ. Again seem good, have been around for a few years. Website is decent if a bit all over the place.
  • Sustainable Travel International — more an eco-holidays travel agent than offsetting per se. Useful bookmark.
  • — These guys seem good. Interesting business model. They buy high quality carbon credits, from mainly Gold Standard providers, and retire these credits. Permanent retirement, I think, though this wasn’t 100% clear on their site. So they both support the providers directly by doing business with them, and also jack up the market price by reducing supply. This supply choke isn’t something that the rest of them do, at first glance anyway. Clever idea. As the market price gets higher it will put pressure on companies to reduce their emissions, not just buy their way out of it.’

Now it’s worth noting that this is the state of play as of May 2007; it’ll definitely change pretty quickly as time goes on. Good info, though.

Eircom broadband — it’s never easy

Argh, it’s never easy.

After this post, the consensus was that nowadays, Eircom have a pretty good quality of service for their DSL offerings, taking both price and service into account. I was happy enough to go with that, so I ordered their "Eircom broadband always on 2MB and Eircom talktime anytime bundle", back around the middle of April.

I had a great call with the sales agent, Hazel. Everything went swimmingly, we were all set for the modem to be delivered and the service to be up and running in 10 working days — by May 1st April 30th. I asked for an order reference number and she said I didn’t need one, it was all handled in their system. Great!

Unfortunately it seems the call centre staff never got that quality-of-service memo.

Come May 1st, there was no sign of the modem, so I rang Eircom’s order line to see how things were going. To my horror, the staff I talked to told me that there was no record of my previous order, or call… it was as if that call had never taken place at all. No part of the order had even started.

As a result, I’ve had to reorder from scratch. The previous 10 working days we’ve waited counts for nothing. (The agents lie through their teeth about this, though — one agent says they’ll send it out in the "next 3-5 days", the next agent insists that we have to wait the full 10 days, and the next says somewhere in between — anything to get us off the line within 4 minutes.)

This is bad news, since we’re waiting on the broadband to move in — since I work from home, we can’t move in until we have a good ‘net connection.

We can’t even make a complaint to Eircom about this fuckup, because they refuse to take complaints without the original order number to reference — the one that "Hazel" told me wasn’t needed anymore. Now that’s bureaucracy. Attempts at escalation just wound up with a dead end, where supervisors had no names and had left the office at 10am anyway. >:(

Best of all, their online complaints system now takes a maximum message length of 400 characters, so you can’t even provide a detailed written complaint online anymore. (That is, not unless you submit the complaint in 15 separate parts…)

What a fiasco.

So we now have to wait until May the 15th. We’ve submitted the complaint via the aforementioned 15 parts, and postally; if they don’t take action on those, we’ll complain to Comreg (and let’s see what that’s worth).

But here’s a question — assuming they fail to deliver the second order within time this time around, can we cancel at that stage? There’s a minimum contract length of 6 months, but since the service hasn’t been delivered, I would hope that hasn’t started yet. The terms and conditions document says:

"Ready for Service date" (otherwise "RFS date") means the date on which eircom establishes the Facility for the Customer.

3.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Ready for Service date and shall be for the Initial Period. Provided that this Agreement has not been terminated in accordance with its terms or in accordance with the Regulations, this Agreement shall thereafter automatically renew for successive six-month periods. For the purposes of this clause 3, a six-month period will be calculated from the anniversary of the RFS date.

3.2 The Customer may cancel its order for the Facility at any time prior to the RFS date. In the event of such cancellation by the Customer it shall be obliged to return any Kit, which may have been provided to it by eircom. Any Kit shall be returned to eircom by posting it to the freepost address detailed in the welcome pack. In the event of any Kit not being returned to eircom within fourteen (14) days of the cancellation of the Order for the Facility, the Customer shall be charged by eircom and shall pay to eircom such sum as is set out in the Regulations as being the charge payable in respect of the non-return of any Kit.

So I guess as long as the facility — the ADSL line — is not up and running, I’m clear to cancel, right? It’s a little worrying that the "facility" doesn’t include the "kit" — ie. the broadband modem, though; if they fuck up sending out the modem, but the line is up, am I liable for 200 Euros?

In terms of who are viable options to switch to — in my opinion it’s got to be fixed wireless, since everyone else now would have to go via Eircom’s exchanges anyway, and be delayed there. So — Irish Broadband. I know they had some pretty massive problems 2 or 3 years ago, but recently I’ve been hearing good things about them, has some reasonably good-sounding recent experiences, and half of my new neighbours (srsly!) are using them with great results. Anyone got recent news about how useful they are with service quality and install speed for their Breeze product in the D9/D11 area?

Alternatively, Ripwave might make a reasonable stop-gap option? 120 euros is the minimum fee (6 months at 18.95 per month), which is better than the money I’m paying now to live in two houses…

Alternatively anyone know an Eircom engineer in D9/D11 that can nip over to the exchange and plug in my connection on the DSLAM? ;)

Moin Moin attachment spam

Here’s a new trick used by the web spammers — attachments on a Moin Moin wiki. <a href=’′>The RecentChanges list illustrates it well:

2007-05-07  set bookmark
[UPDATED]       UserPreferences         04:17   Info    ?StepStep [1-21]        
  #01 Upload of attachment 'big-cocks.html'.
  #02 Upload of attachment 'big-cock.html'.
  #03 Upload of attachment 'big-boobs.html'.
  #04 Upload of attachment 'big-ass.html'.
  #05 Upload of attachment 'bdsm.html'.
  #06 Upload of attachment 'bbw.html'.
  #07 Upload of attachment 'bang-bros.html'.
  #08 Upload of attachment 'bangbros.html'.
  #09 Upload of attachment 'baby.html'.
  #10 Upload of attachment 'asian-porn.html'.
  #11 Upload of attachment 'asian-girls.html'.
  #12 Upload of attachment 'anime-porn.html'.
  #13 Upload of attachment 'anime-girls.html'.
  #14 Upload of attachment 'angelina-jolie.html '.
  #15 Upload of attachment 'amature.html'.
  #16 Upload of attachment 'amatuer.html'.
  #17 Upload of attachment 'adult-videos.html'.
  #18 Upload of attachment 'adult-stories.html' .
  #19 Upload of attachment 'adult-games.html'.
  #20 Upload of attachment '69.html'.
  #21 Upload of attachment '3d.html'.

Great. Lots of spam. This first started appearing on Feb 27 2007, in a multi-upload attack on a single page ("FindPage"), from IP address; then reoccurred on Apr 27 and May 7 from the (insecure open proxy)

Annoyingly my "subscribe to wiki changes" patch doesn’t catch this — these aren’t gatewayed through as "changes" via mail for review. I need to fix that in my copious free time. :(

Also, the RecentChanges RSS feed doesn’t list them, although the HTML form does.

So unfortunately, the only way I can see to block this is either to review by visiting the RecentChanges page in a web browser regularly (how retro!), and delete them retrospectively, or simply to turn off attachments entirely — which is what I’ve done, by editing "" and adding:

    actions_excluded = ['AttachFile']

It looks like quite a few other wikis around the web are running into the issue too :(

SpamAssassin 3.2.0!

W00t! SpamAssassin 3.2.0 has finally gone gold!

This release is a big one — it’s the first major release since 3.1.0, back in September 2005, just over a year and a half ago. <a href=’’>Here is the release announcement mail, containing a list of major changes since version 3.1.8. There are a few major new features that I feel worth picking out in more detail and editorialising about:


This is a biggie. This new script takes the active SpamAssassin ruleset, and uses code contributed by Matt Sergeant to produce input for re2c. re2c in turn compiles the ruleset into a deterministic finite automaton, which can match multiple regular expressions in parallel. That’s not all, though; re2c then compiles that DFA into C code — which is then compiled into native object code. SpamAssassin will then load that object code and use it to replace the slower perl regexp tests, if it’s available at scan-time.

Now, it’s been a long time since SpamAssassin’s ruleset consisted mainly of rudimentary regular expressions matched against the body text — a good portion of SpamAssassin’s ruleset these days operates against headers, performs network lookups, analyzes URLs extracted from the body, uses the more advanced features supported by Perl’s NFA regexp engine, or so on. But even given that, the effects of ‘sa-compile’ seem to average between a 15% and 25% speedup, in my testing. That’s good ;)

Many of the commercial versions of SpamAssassin include their own body-rule speedups — but this is the first time anything similar has made it into the open source code.


Another good one for performance. There are some rules that you can reasonably assume will never hit nonspam or spam mail in a well-configured setup. For example, a hit on "ALL_TRUSTED" should mean that the message never traversed an untrusted network, therefore it cannot be spam, so why bother applying the expensive tests? It should be reasonable to "short-circuit" and immediately return a "ham" score for that mail.

This new plugin implements that algorithm — and efficiently, too, which historically has been the hard part!

I’ve been using this for a while with <a href=’’>a ruleset like this one — in my experience, it’s cut overall CPU time spent scanning mail by 20%.

It is pretty flexible, too — there’s lot of tweakage that can be done with this functionality to suit your own setup.

Reduced memory footprint

One aim of this release has been to reduce the memory usage of SpamAssassin; the core code now uses less RAM than 3.1.x does, when tested with the same ruleset. (Unfortunately we’ve added lots more rules in the interim, so it’s a bit of a wash overall. ;)

The VBounce anti-bounce ruleset

Detects spurious bounce messages sent by broken mail systems in response to spam or viruses. More info about that here.


apache-spamd implements spamd as a mod_perl module. This was contributed by Radoslaw Zielinski, as a Google Summer of Code project last year. Thanks Radoslaw!

There are plenty more new, useful features and rules — these are just the top ones, in my opinion. Pretty cool stuff!

Patricia McKenna and MMR, again

Great! Patricia McKenna just called around, canvassing our area — and just got a serious telling off from the wife ;)

Catherine — unsurprisingly, given that she’s a zoology Ph.D — was fantastic, hitting every key point of the issue: that we’re both long-time Green voters who’ve been forced to not vote Green this time around, due to this MMR issue and the anti-science/pro-hokum angle it represents.

Interestingly, she claimed that her stance on MMR was always her own point of view, and that it wasn’t party policy — and that it was mentioned on the party website was a rumour put about by the PDs.

While it turns out that <a href=’′>Dr. Ruairi Hanley, the author of this letter to the Indo is indeed a PD (didn’t realise that!), Treasa at Winds and Breezes also noted it appearing on the Green Party site, as follows:

Questioning the Benefits of Immunisation

There are significant question marks about the effectiveness of mass immunisation programs. We would launch a major study of the benefits of these programs looking at all aspects of health

So Treasa — are you a stealth PD rumour-monger? ;)

Worth noting that at no time did McKenna reassure C that her policy would not become government policy if the Greens were elected… as an elected representative, surely her own policies would influence the government’s thinking?

Screenclick devolve again

After a short period where things were looking up, Screenclick have once again reverted to type, by ditching the lovely simple Netflix-style queue they seemed to be using, and instead instituting some new kind of bizarre homebrew wierdness.

It looks like a queue, with a line-by-line listing of movies — but then beside each title, there are 3 radio buttons: "High", "Medium", and "Low".

The instructions run as follows:

All titles are sorted in alphabetical order within their priority group
  • – High: Please deliver these titles as soon as possible
  • – Medium: Please deliver these titles as they become available
  • – Low: I don’t mind when you send these titles

So what — does this mean that if I put a title in as "High", I’m going to receive it next, or not, or what? and what’s with the alphabetical order? WTF is going on? argh.

Anyway, I just got out "Amores Perros", presumably due to this alphabetical ordering thing. not what I wanted at all. What a mess.

A week of Bertiespam

We’re in the run-up to a general election here in Ireland, and I live in Bertie’s constituency. For the past year or so, things have been pretty quiet, but in the last week there’s been a sudden flurry of activity and direct postal mail from Bertie’s office — and from many departments of local government, too:

Mon Apr 23:

  • Fianna Fail: "Fianna Fail delivers on education in Dublin Central", tabloid newspaper.

  • direct from the office of Bertie: a photocopied letter from the Environmental Health Officers of Dublin City Council about the standards of rented houses "in my area".

Tues Apr 24:

  • HSE: "Parents Who Listen, Protect" leaflet, a full-colour glossy handbook "on building good communication in families and communities" "as part of a national initiative on child protection".

  • Dept of Environment: a leaflet on the "National Climate Change Strategy, 2007-2012, Main Points". Printed on recycled paper, naturally ;)

Fri Apr 27:

  • Fianna Fail Senator Cyprian Brady: "dear resident, please vote for me" — one-page full-colour glossy.

  • Spring 2007 "Central News", "Official Voice of Fianna Fail in Dublin Central", a 16-page tabloid newspaper, featuring stories like "Smithfield: the Temple Bar of the Northside" (like Temple Bar, but with more winos and Children’s Court, and less stuff!)

Mon Apr 30:

  • HSE: "Need a doctor urgently? Call D-DOC out-of-hours GP service", full-colour glossy leaflet.

  • from Bertie: Evening of Election Letter. "Good evening constituents" etc.

It’s a veritable flood of full-colour glossies! Could be worse, I suppose — I hear the PDs have been blanketing selected Dublin constituencies in free books. However I suspect grimy Dublin 7 is a little off their list (see "winos", above).

It’s worth noting that a good half of this flood (which I’ve coined Bertiespam to describe) isn’t from Bertie’s constituency office — it’s from government departments like the HSE and the Department of Environment. It’s funny that we hadn’t heard a peep from them all year, then once an election looms — "here come the voters! look busy!" ;)

What bertiespam have you been getting?

Hog’s Chip

Hey Google —

Since is throwing errors at me, and since you’re probably a more searchable (and more global) database anyway — the Trovan FDX-B RFID transponder number 956000000659388 is that of "Hog Dempsey", a small female black and white cat, whose owners can be contacted via any address on this page. Cheers!

HOWTO do a DOS-based BIOS upgrade without Windows

Wow, I can’t believe I still have to do this in 2007 — Taiwan really needs to discover FreeDOS! Here’s how to run a DOS BIOS update on a PC without using Windows (in my case, it’s a Dell laptop).

  gunzip FDSTD.288.gz
  sudo mount -t msdos -o loop `pwd`/FDSTD.288 /tmp/bootiso
  • ensure there’s enough space, and copy the app into the disk image:
  df /tmp/bootiso
  sudo cp ME051A10.EXE /tmp/bootiso
  • Then make an ISO, using mkisofs’ "-b" option to ensure it’s bootable:
  mkdir /tmp/floppycopy
  cp -Rp /tmp/bootiso/* /tmp/floppycopy
  cp -p FDSTD.288 /tmp/floppycopy
  mkisofs -pad -b FDSTD.288 -R -o /tmp/cd.iso /tmp/floppycopy
  • And burn it:
  sudo umount /tmp/bootiso
  sudo cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -pad -v -eject /tmp/cd.iso
  • Now, take the burned CDROM, and boot it.

Answer "N" to all questions when booting, otherwise you’re likely to see an error like "Cannot operate in Protected environment" when you run the BIOS update.

Thanks to the Motherboard Flash Boot CD from Linux Mini HOWTO; very helpful. I hope the next time I have to do this, they just issue a bootable ISO image instead…

Update, Sep 2013:

Wayno Guerrini emailed to say: ‘I used your recipe to update the bios on a old Dell Dimension 8400. Worked like a champ, with a couple of modifications. I am running 64 bit debian wheezy.

apparently the mkisofs has been replaced by genisoimage. Syntax the same.

instead of cdrecord I had to use wodim: sudo wodim dev=/dev/sg1 -pad -v -eject /tmp/cd.iso

Thank you. Recipe worked very well. I will point people to this article, but add the changes as appropriate to my website.’

Using qpsmtpd for

Like many anti-spam systems these days, SpamAssassin operates a network of spamtraps. One set of these run off, a server kindly donated by ISP

Large-scale spam-trapping systems like this are generally run in quite a secretive manner, but we’re an open source project — so it may be interesting if I give some details of our setup. Here’s a potted history of how this spamtrap server has run over the years…

The beginning

The architecture was initially very simple. The MX was Postfix, delivering to the "trapper" user, which in turn ran procmail, which directly ran a perl script. This perl script then performed the trap actions, namely: DoS prevention, discarding viruses and malware, discarding backscatter bounces, extraction and cleanup of the incoming mails, then onward reporting, archival, and further distribution.

Given that this was a target for spam — and we want as much spam as possible here! — this would predictably run into load issues. Right at the beginning, back in around 2001/2002, I ran this on our shared server, where it pretty quickly caused trouble for delivery of other, more useful mail. It was around this time that Sonic kindly donated the server.

With dedicated hardware, we weren’t seeing much trouble — it was enough to just wait for the few hours for a traffic spike to pass, and the Postfix queue would then clear.

Clearing the queues

After a few months, though, this wasn’t enough — the queue would get consistently clogged, and the backlog became enough to result in the incoming spam being delayed for days before it made it from the MX to the trap archives. For a spamtrap, you want fresh spam, but not necessarily all spam — so I installed a cron job to simply clear the queue on a nightly basis. (I also had to restart the Postfix server, too, since it’d occasionally get hung and stop accepting connections on port 25, presumably due to load issues.)


The next level was an inability of the procmail/perl script end to process the mail fast enough for the MTA to keep up with the incoming connections, and follow-on problems, caused by load generated by the perl script impacting the MX’s activity. To work around these, I designed a new queueing backend, based around IPC::DirQueue. This allowed a new split architecture; the procmail-run perl script was extremely lightweight, delivering all inbound mail to a dirqueue and exiting quickly, allowing the MX to get back to the next inbound spam message, and the trap processing script was then split into a web of dirqueues, allowing each individual part of the trap backend pipeline to operate independently.

There were several benefits to this:

  1. Since dirqueues operate as a batch-processing model, load spikes become irrelevant; the load incurred is limited by how many dequeuer processes are run.
  2. The time taken in backend tasks becomes irrelevant to the MX throughput, since that is bottlenecked only by the lightweight perl script and its write speed to the "incoming" dirqueue.
  3. By splitting the backend work into multiple queues, outages in the spam-reporting systems or onward forwardings become much less of a problem, since they won’t affect inbound spam, archival, outbound delivery to other reporting systems, forwards, etc.

Again, the dirqueues were cleared on a frequent basis, to discard the "spiky" traffic and ensure we were just seeing samples of the freshest spam. The dirqueues use a tmpfs as the backing storage directory, so it never hits the disk at all.

This worked pretty well for several years — from 80 megabytes of spam per day to the current level, which is around 130MB per day. However, we still occasionally saw problems from load spikes, where high load caused the traps to refuse incoming SMTP connections — purely because the load of inbound connections is too high for the Postfix MX to accept them all in a timely fashion.


Last weekend, I had a go at a project I’d been thinking of trying out for a long time — switching from Postfix to qpsmtpd. A while back, Matt Sergeant rewrote qpsmtpd to use Danga::Socket, Danga Interactive / Six Apart’s insanely scalable event-driven asynchronous socket class, as used in mogilefsd, perlbal and djabberd. This article notes that ‘two large antispam companies’ high-traffic spam traps have used this effectively since the second quarter of 2005, delivering concurrency as high as 10,000 on some occasions’, so it seemed likely to work ;)

Sure enough, results have been great… we now have a pure-perl system handling heavy volumes without breaking a sweat, certainly compared to the previous system. qpsmtpd’s plugin system was elegant, allowing me to annotate inbound spam with more details of the SMTP transaction, write plugins to deliver mail to a dirqueue directly instead of to an MTA, and do some conditional code (ie. basic "deliver this RCPT TO to this queue") where needed.

Full details are over on the QpsmtpdSpamtrap page on the wiki, for the curious.

Don’t worry about

Irish techies — wondering what the next website to put the fear into your parents will be? Here it is: It’s been getting a bit of coverage from the Irish technology press recently, it seems, as the new site from IE Internet.

(IE Internet are the Irish internet company that puts a press release every month or so telling us how much of their mail is being filtered as spam, which <a href=’′>Silicon Republic et al dutifully report as news, <a href=’′>month after <a href=’′>month.)

I got a call from my mother last week, telling me that she’d been "blacklisted", and asking how to fix it. Sure enough, when I found out that she’d heard this on, I went to the site, and her IP address was indeed listed — as was mine:

The IP address is blacklisted.

RBLs checked:

Spam Haus not listed

Spam Cop not listed

Mailwall RBL not listed

Abuse At not listed

SORBS not listed

NJABL listed: Dynamic/Residential IP range listed by NJABL dynablock –

510 SG not listed

Naturally, that IP is listed — it’s entirely ok for a home-user broadband machine to appear in SORBS or NJABL as a dynablock-listed IP. (Dynablock, for those who don’t know, is a set of records for addresses which are known to be residential/end-user "dynamic" addresses, rather than mail relays — so obviously most end-user desktop machines would fall under this category.)

Unfortunately, this distinction isn’t mentioned anywhere on the page… just a large, red, "The IP address is blacklisted" warning.

Worried readers might then reasonably go on to read the site’s Frequently Asked Questions list — which, incredibly, includes a helpful suggestion that you sign up with IE Internet to avoid being listed in future! I’d be curious how that’s supposed to help a home user get off the NJABL dynablock list… a little fishy, if you ask me!

Bar Camp Dublin next weekend

Dublin hackers/software people — don’t forget! Bar Camp Dublin is happening on April 21st — that’s 9 days from now.

It should be interesting — there are 93 attendees signed up already, and I see a good few familiar names I haven’t run into in a while! The last Bar Camp was a good opportunity to meet up for some very informal talks, and this looks likely to be the same.

Sign up here, go on…

Screenclick improve their site

Yay! They now have a proper queue! Also member reviews and other improvements — it seems a lot better.

Can’t figure out how to change my password, though ;)

Don’t vote Green in Dublin Central!

I’ve long held green views, and have always voted green — I believe climate change, damage to the environment and pollution are extremely serious problems, especially for Ireland. At the same time, I also believe that science and technology has a key place in a better, greener future — a Viridian, bright green / electric green viewpoint, in other words.

Given this, I was really shocked and appalled to hear (via the lovely C) of an interview on Today FM with Patricia McKenna, a Green Party candidate for my local constituency of Dublin Central — one I’ve voted for before, no less! — in which she revealed that she believes in the thoroughly discredited scaremongering regarding a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, and has taken the appallingly irresponsible position of not allowing her children to be vaccinated.

This blog post discusses the interview, which was broadcast on Today FM’s The Last Word show on Tuesday 13 March. Here’s an archived podcast of that interview so you can listen to it yourself, and here’s a local copy of that WMV file in case that first link expires any time soon.

Here’s a transcript of the part of the interview once the issue of vaccination is brought up. Matt Cooper is the host of the show. Keith Redmond is an opposing candidate, for the PDs. The timestamps are in minutes and seconds from the start of the audio file.

  • 8:30: Patricia McKenna: Parents have the right to choose what they opt to do, and in relation to some vaccinations, there are serious question marks hanging over them but that’s not what we’re talking about here…

  • 8:44: Matt Cooper (clearly annoyed): No its not, but now that it’s up there, couldn’t it be irresponsible for parents not to vaccinate children against serious issues (sic), if they don’t have reputable scientific facts to back up the decision not to vaccinate?

  • 8:54: Patricia McKenna: Many parents in this country have chosen not to vaccinate their children in relation to the MMR because of the links to autism.

  • 9:00: Matt Cooper: Utterly untrue, totally unproven, absolutely bogus and false.

  • 9:02: Patricia McKenna: Hold on a second…

  • 9:03: Matt Cooper: Andrew Wakefield has been utterly and totally discredited in relation to that. Anyone who doesn’t give the MMR vaccine to their children because of a fear of autism is almost in danger of endangering their child themselves. We’re going to have a rise of measles again in this country because of people not actually giving the vaccine.

  • 9:17: Patricia McKenna: First of all, we’re moving away from the issue…

  • 9:22: Matt Cooper: Yeah we are, but it’s come up now, let’s deal with it…

  • 9:23: Patricia McKenna: It’s come up, right. Eh, have you had the measles? I’ve had the measles, and I’ve got over them well, I have a strong immune system, my 10 year old son has had the measles…

  • 9:30: Matt Cooper: And you are aware that unhandled the measles can have very serious side effects?

  • 9:33: Patricia McKenna: Look — the side effects that are linked to the measles are in relation to… there are other things linked to it in relation to the child’s well being initially. Now you just look at the number of people when you were young, all of your peers I would say have had the measles as with mine, and I think we have a tendency to over-indulge in vaccinating our children and vaccinating ourselves, because what we need — our immune systems are getting weaker and weaker by the day, it’s a — I think we need to be very careful about how we actually approach this so that when medicines are necessary, we will not be immune to them…

  • 10:08: Matt Cooper (interrupting): Do you know that children have died of the measles in this country in the last 5 years?

  • Keith Redmond: because of views like that.

  • Patricia McKenna: Well I’m saying is that, as far as I’m concerned…

  • 10:18: Matt Cooper (repeats): Do you know that children have died of the measles in this country in the last 5 years?

  • 10:30: Patricia McKenna: The children that have died of the measles because of other complications (sic), not the measles themselves.

  • Keith Redmond: that have not been vaccinated.

  • Patricia McKenna: Not the measles themselves, but other complications, right? Now if you’re saying that parents should — it’s a bit like —

  • Keith Redmond: Matt, can I just come back to…

  • 10:32: Matt Cooper: Sorry, one second Keith. Would you also concede Patricia, that there is absolutely no link between the MMR and autism, that that link was a bogus link put up by Andrew Wakefield who has been completely and utterly discredited and it has done an awful lot of damage, the misrepresentation of his views in relation to the MMR and autism.

  • 10:50: Patricia McKenna: Well in relation to the MMR, I am not satisfied that it’s safe, and I am not satisfied with the idea of lumping a whole lot of vaccines — different vaccinations together en masse, inducing them (sic) to our children — but having said that, parents should have the right to choose and decide what is best for their children…

  • 11:06: Matt Cooper: But would you concede that Andrew Wakefield, who is the man that pushed that whole agenda, was exposed as a fraud?

  • 11:11: Patricia McKenna: But the jury is still out in relation to…

  • 11:15: Matt Cooper: No, it’s not.

  • 11:16: Patricia McKenna: Yeah well I’m sorry but the jury is still out in relation to how safe the MMR is. And I think it’s unfair to label all parents who decide for their own children’s safety, that they may not want to go down the route of vaccination, that they’re being irresponsible, because I wouldn’t consider myself irresponsible, I would consider I want what’s best for my child.

  • 11:37: Keith Redmond: [again says something]

  • Matt Cooper: Give Keith a chance to come in.

  • 11:41: Keith Redmond: This totally exemplifies the Greens’ approach to any kind of science. We have a woman there who knows, in her heart of hearts, that her argument is wrong but refuses to admit it because it relies on science. Now, we have exactly the same issue with flouridation — we know the science, we know the facts, and we still have this scaremongering every now and again. And the Green Party are totally irresponsible and you’re right, they are frightening parents across the country right now and it’s absolutely reprehensible.

My god, this insanity has me agreeing with a feckin’ PD!

This is luddism, pure and simple. Matt Cooper is spot on the money — children are dying in Dublin because of this "my child, my rules" selfishness and simple inability to understand the science surrounding vaccination as a public health policy.

This is appalling. To put it bluntly, there is no fucking way I’ll be voting Green if this kind of cargo-cult, anti-science superstition is the kind of shite they’re espousing these days. …and if you think I’m feeling strongly about this, you should hear my (zoologist) wife.

But it goes on — here’s a letter to the Irish Independent on this issue from Feb 9 2007, which raises another worrying factor:

… until two days ago, there was a statement on the Green Party website informing voters that there were "serious question marks about the benefit of mass vaccination programs".

Furthermore, the party promised that there would be a "major review" of vaccination if they were returned to office.

Now that these statements have apparently been removed from the Green party website are we to take it that they are no longer Green policy?

This blog posting at Winds and Breezes also notes this. So — is this official Green policy or not?

Update: In the comments, it was noted that McKenna is pretty much acting alone in this; it, apparently, is not Green Party policy at all. I’ve updated the title to reflect that it’s only one constituency’s candidate that needs to be shunned.

Also, Conor O’Neill has a great idea over here:

I was thinking further on this yesterday and I realised what the Greens need to do in order to be taken seriously… They need to become the “Party of Science”. Proper environmentalism is based on rigorous science and strategic thinking. Every policy they define should be backed up with rock-solid science and a detailed long-term financial analysis proving why it is in our best interests to adopt them.

Man, I would love to see that!

Eircom broadband?

I’m moving house. Naturally, first priority after getting the keys is getting the broadband set up ;)

Current broadband: BT DSL. Supposedly "up to" 3Mbps — however, as with most DSL connections in Ireland, it’s rate-adaptive RADSL, which means it trades off connection speed against distance to exchange and line quality.

Sadly, this has really deteriorated since the last time I checked! A "bing" test between the BT-supplied DSL router and the far end looks like this:

BING ( and (
        44 and 108 data bytes (1024 bits) minimum delay difference is zero, can't estimate link throughput  6.966Mbps 0.147ms 0.143555us/bit minimum delay difference is zero, can't estimate link throughput 19.692Mbps 0.052ms 0.050781us/bit  4.697Mbps 0.218ms 0.212891us/bit  3.261Mbps 0.314ms 0.306641us/bit  3.170Mbps 0.323ms 0.315430us/bit  2.479Mbps 0.413ms 0.403320us/bit  2.723Mbps 0.376ms 0.367187us/bit  2.688Mbps 0.381ms 0.372070us/bit  2.716Mbps 0.377ms 0.368164us/bit  2.065Mbps 0.496ms 0.484375us/bit  1.984Mbps 0.516ms 0.503906us/bit  1.270Mbps 0.806ms 0.787109us/bit  1.017Mbps 1.007ms 0.983398us/bit  1.002Mbps 1.022ms 0.998047us/bit  1.008Mbps 1.016ms 0.992187us/bit 983.670Kbps 1.041ms 1.016602us/bit 993.210Kbps 1.031ms 1.006836us/bit 987.464Kbps 1.037ms 1.012695us/bit

--- statistics ---
bytes   out    in   dup  loss   rtt (ms): min       avg       max   std dev
   44   762   758          0%           2.524     3.858    19.083     2.194
  108   762   762          0%           2.639     4.187    58.273     3.079

--- statistics ---
bytes   out    in   dup  loss   rtt (ms): min       avg       max   std dev
   44   762   761          0%          13.061    20.025    78.689     8.226
  108   762   760          0%          14.213    17.954    61.137     4.697

--- estimated link characteristics ---
host                              bandwidth       ms                      987.464Kbps      10.536

987Kbps is not 3Mbps any more, not by a long shot. I’d say I now have a lot of new friends adding contention at the ol’ DSLAM. I’m paying way too much money for what I’m getting :(

(Update: actually, it may not be contention. Judging by traffic, high-contention situations in Ireland are usually faster in the mornings and daytime, then slower from 4pm-9pm as the commuters and kids get home — however, this slowdown is pretty consistent across all times of day.)

(Update 2: as of right now, late afternoon on Apr 12, it’s the worst I’ve seen it — packet rates of 600Kbps, and packet loss of 5%-20%.)

On top of this, they have the really annoying daily disconnection policy, which I have hacked around with IPv6 and a VPN, but which still manages to waste my time and cause aggravation, even after frickin’ months of pissing about.

For this, and the packaged phone service, I’m paying just under EUR 60 per month, including all call charges and VAT.

At that price, Eircom are offering a pretty good bundle — free connection, free modem, 2Mbps downstream, 256Kbps upstream, unlimited free local and national calls at all times, 5% off calls to mobiles, 10c/min calls to the UK and US.

Now, a drop to 2Mbps may seem a lot, but bear in mind I’m getting just under 1 right now! I’m pretty sure the new gaff will have similar-quality lines and exchanges. Also, if I get the 2Mbps line, and the attenuation and S/N statistics indicate that it can support 3Mbps, I can always upgrade pretty easily.

The only problem now is getting over my revulsion at buying from Eircom, ugh…

Am I missing something? Does that Eircom bundle not include line rental maybe?

About the title change

The eagle-eyed may have spotted a change that took place a month or two ago in the configuration — I ditched the old weblog tagline.

Previously, this weblog was titled " Happy Software Prole". This title had been in place since around October 2003, when Daniel Lyons wrote a particularly idiotic article for Forbes entitled "Linux’s Hit Men", which I took umbrage to:

Here we go again — the old ‘free software is communism’ line […] The article goes on to bemoan how software companies who write proprietary extensions into GPL-licensed software, have to comply with the terms of the license. It’s all a bit of an obvious dig — but I am looking forward to the follow-up article — that’s the one where the author bemoans how commercial software companies send out their ‘enforcers’ to extort money from companies who don’t bother paying the royalties and runtime license fees their licenses require.

As an free/open-source-software guy, I happily adopted ‘happy software prole’ as an absurd tagline, in the spirit of detournement. Fast-forward to 3.5 years on, however, and I’d say most people can’t even remember the Forbes article, or that Daniel Lyons guy! So that tagline was a bit old and busted, really.

On top of this, I’d noticed something I do in my weblog reading — I’ve started renaming blogs in the feed reader from their fancy title, to simply the name of the author.

I’ve found that when reading blogs, I’m interested in who’s writing. When skimming through the feeds of a morning, having to spend 5 seconds to recall that "" is Robin Blandford is just a wee bit superfluous, sorry Robin. ;)

As a favour for readers, I’ve saved them the trouble, and renamed the blog to be quite explicit about who’s writing; the tagline is now just " Justin Mason’s Weblog". Let’s face it — it’s a bit functional. Hopefully it’s helpful, though!

(And finally, it gives me the edge in the ongoing Google war against the non-me "Justin Masons" out there… and against a heart surgeon and a Texan basketball player, I need it. ;)