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Screenclick devolve again

After a short period where things were looking up, Screenclick have once again reverted to type, by ditching the lovely simple Netflix-style queue they seemed to be using, and instead instituting some new kind of bizarre homebrew wierdness.

It looks like a queue, with a line-by-line listing of movies — but then beside each title, there are 3 radio buttons: "High", "Medium", and "Low".

The instructions run as follows:

All titles are sorted in alphabetical order within their priority group
  • – High: Please deliver these titles as soon as possible
  • – Medium: Please deliver these titles as they become available
  • – Low: I don’t mind when you send these titles

So what — does this mean that if I put a title in as "High", I’m going to receive it next, or not, or what? and what’s with the alphabetical order? WTF is going on? argh.

Anyway, I just got out "Amores Perros", presumably due to this alphabetical ordering thing. not what I wanted at all. What a mess.