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Planet Antispam unborked

Those of you who visit Planet Antispam may have noticed that it hadn’t been updating in a few days. Somehow or other, the Planet software had corrupted its cache, and was dying with this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 167, in ?
  File "", line 160, in main, planet_link, template_files, offline)
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 240, in run
    channel = Channel(self, feed_url)
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 527, in __init__
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 569, in cache_read_entries
    item = NewsItem(self, key)
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 845, in __init__
  File "/home/planet/antispam/planet-2.0/planet/", line 74, in cache_read
    self._type[key] = self._cache[cache_key + " type"]
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/bsddb/", line 116, in __getitem__
    return self.db[key]
KeyError: ', feedburner_origlink type'

Ah, Berkeley DB, always good for the infrequent inscrutable, yet fatal, error. A wipe of the contents of the cache directory, and it seems to be working again.

Unfortunately, I had to drop the RSS feed for Aunty Spam; it seems the domain has lapsed, and I can’t seem to find an RSS feed that contains just the spam-related Aunty Spam posts any more.