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Justin's Linklog Posts

Links for 2009-11-03

Links for 2009-10-30

Links for 2009-10-23

Links for 2009-10-22

Links for 2009-10-21

Links for 2009-10-19

Links for 2009-10-02

Lest we forget

Regarding Google Wave’s similarity to Lotus Notes, which is a meme I’ve heard from several angles — David Jones hits the nail on the head:

Well, I used Notes from 1994 to 1999. It did have a database backend for e-mail and a rich collaborative editing model. But it didn’t have realtime shared editing, or instant annotation.

And it was shit. No-one in their right minds would have wanted the future of the web to have been Notes. Even though, and I completely agree, it did things that the web is now only just getting round to.

+1 to that!

Links for 2009-09-30

Links for 2009-09-29

Links for 2009-09-11

n+30 Days

Colm’s "n+1" post reminded me that I’d forgotten to write about this.

On July 27th, I started at Amazon, in a new Dublin-based software dev team working on infrastructure automation. It’s now (just over) a month later, and I’m enjoying it immensely.

Needless to say, this company does some very interesting web-scale technology, and getting to look inside the AWS sausage factory is really enjoyable, believe it or not ;)

(I should also post a pic of my glorious screen real-estate. The hardware is a massive improvement over the previous gig, thankfully.)

Unfortunately, however, this has coincided with a lack of free time to blog and keep up with interweb-based leisure pursuits, including SpamAssassin. Really though, this is more due to looking after two wonderful little girls under 2 years of age, rather than the job — but still, I need to remedy my neglect of this site…

In SpamAssassin news: we’ve been putting out some alpha releases of 3.3.0, and are planning to do a mass-check for score-generation in the next couple of days. Hopefully we can drive 3.3.0 to a GA release in a few weeks.

Also — we’re still looking for more people in the Amazon team, and hiring aggressively. If you’re looking for an interesting software dev role in Dublin, get in touch!

PS: it was Bea’s second birthday last weekend. Check out the awesome Very Hungry Caterpillar cupcake cake made by the missus for the occasion:

Links for 2009-09-02

Links for 2009-09-01

Links for 2009-08-27

Links for 2009-08-25

Links for 2009-08-21

Links for 2009-08-13

Links for 2009-08-11

Links for 2009-08-09