Spiritual search turns into a stampede as impatient lose faith in double visionaries – The Irish Times – Mon, Nov 02, 2009 : hilarious article on the BVM-witnessing hysterics in Knock. ‘if you looked hard enough, you could indeed discern a face in the play of light and shadows. When I squinted a certain way, I thought I could make out Bruce Forsyth.’
(tags: mayo religion hysteria funny bruce-forsyth bvm fortean)Structural Regular Expressions : ‘The current UNIX text processing tools are weakened by the built-in concept of a line. There is a simple notation that can describe the `shape’ of files when the typical array-of-lines picture is inadequate. That notation is regular expressions. Using regular expressions to describe the structure in addition to the contents of files has interesting applications, and yields elegant methods for dealing with some problems the current tools handle clumsily. When operations using these expressions are composed, the result is reminiscent of shell pipelines.’ Paper by Rob Pike, via adulau. intriguing
(tags: sregex via:adulau regexp rob-pike regex library text structural parsing)sregex – Structural Regular Expressions : ‘The sregex module implements Structural Regular Expressions.’ Python, Apache-licensed
(tags: sregex python via:adulau regexp robpike regex library text structural parsing)The Rise and Fall of the Hobbyist Game Programmer : great article on the 80’s one-man shareware game hobbyists (via Walter)
(tags: 1980s games history programming nostalgia geek gaming hobbies coding 6502 c=64)
Justin's Linklog Posts
Mike Shroepfer on Engineering at Scale at Facebook : lots of gory details on FB’s innards via Dare Obasanjo
(tags: facebook scaling scalability erlang caching architecture multifeed)Build a Silent, Standalone XBMC Media Center On the Cheap : sweet. HDMI out, MythTV streaming, and silent for $300
(tags: mythtv hdmi tv diy linux media-center nettop htpc xbmc hardware)MullingarHeifer.com : ‘Become a virtual beef farmer. Control your personal food chain.’ also deliver prime beef. mmmm
(tags: meat beef mullingar heifers cows food eating shopping ireland)
Ubuntu 9.10 Technical Overview : lots of new features, and a switch of default IM client
(tags: ubuntu 9.10 linux release-notes releases)The Best Way to Cook a Thick Steak : 30 minutes over medium heat, cooked in its own fat. whoa, I want to try this
(tags: food delicious cooking eating meat recipe steak beef howto recipes)
MAAWG notes drop in spam levels : ‘MAAWG [..] says that spam and malicious emails dropped to 89 percent in the second quarter from 90.4 percent in the first quarter of 2009.’
(tags: spam anti-spam maawg press-releases isps internet abuse)
Common Errors Causing DKIM Verification Failures : informative, from Cisco (via BoxOfMeat)
(tags: dkim errors typos cisco domainkeys via:boxofmeat)IAMA person who sends “spam” email for a living : Reddit mass-interview of a spammer. apparently he’s working on IPv6 support
(tags: reddit spam anti-spam interviews ipv6 iama spammers)
Time Warner Cable Exposes 65,000 Customer Routers to Remote Hacks : massive fail. ‘By simply disabling Javascript in his browser, he was able to […] dump the router’s configuration file […which] included the administrative login and password in cleartext.’
(tags: smc8014 doh privacy internet security fail time-warner via:reddit pathetic javascript)Cybercrime Organizations Turn to ‘Mafia-Style’ Structure : good research coming out of McAfee — lots of Eastern European, Russian, and ex-USSR-country cybercrime businesses nowadays, apparently
(tags: spam scams scareware russia eastern-europe ukraine romania credit-cards antivirus mcafee security phishing)XZ Utils : 15% smaller than bzip, 30% smaller than gzip, and now shipped with Fedora and Ubuntu. uses LZMA2
(tags: xz xzdec gzip bzip compression lzma via:wmf unix compress)
Why I like Redis : Simon Willison plugs Redis as a good datastore for quick-hack scripts with requirements for lots of fast, local data storage — the kind of thing I’d often use a DB_File for
(tags: python storage databases schemaless nosql redis simon-willison data-store)Unicorn at GitHub : new Ruby HTTP server, using a preforked process pool based on select(). Github like it because of failure-recovery problems with Ruby threading bugs in Mongrel. The preforking algo used is extremely rudimentary — the kind of thing we used in SpamAssassin before I implemented Apache-style preforking in 3.0
(tags: web ruby rails github nginx httpd server mongrel unicorn rubyonrails preforking unix fork select process-pool)Introducing BERT and BERT-RPC : another serialization format, binary, no IDL, no code generation, from GitHub
(tags: github bert erlang ruby rpc protocol thrift serialization networking)
Jailbreaking the 3GS iPhone with PwnageTool and OS 3.1.2 : a good guide
(tags: iphone howto jailbreaking pwnagetool 3gs)Red Faction Guerilla Tales: Fully Destructible Integrity : Tom Francis gives “Red Faction: Guerilla” a truly massive plug based on its pervasive freeform environment destructability. I’m sold!
(tags: gaming games xbox360 red-faction red-faction-guerilla to-get want tom-francis)pigz : ‘A parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machines’, by Mark Adler, no less
(tags: adler pigz gzip compression performance concurrency shell parallel multicore zip software)
Charlie Brooker interview re Gameswipe : to read, yoz gives it the thumbs up
(tags: uk games gaming via:yoz interviews charlie-brooker tv gameswipe)
Track down your stolen laptop – Prey : hmm, a nifty app that takes pics of the desktop, activates the webcam etc. and uploads to a central server if you activate a ‘my laptop has been stolen’ bit
(tags: prey theft laptop osx linux windows tracking recovery crime lojack)DDOS mystery involving Linux and mod_ssl : connections to brutus.apache.org, “GET / HTTP/1.1”, massive HTTPS DDOS. no idea what’s going on
(tags: apache asf ddos https httpd mod_ssl)
O2 Ireland blocking sites listed in the UK IWF list : supposedly should only list child porn sites, but sounds like it’s got frequent false positives on file upload/download services nowadays
(tags: fps o2 blocking ireland contract false-positives iwf uk law)YouTube – “charlie brooker’s gameswipe” ibbstersthecrapgamer : all 6 parts of the first episode, via Waxy. will watch this at some future point when I have free time again!
(tags: towatch youtube bbc gameswipe charlie-brooker comedy)
Regarding Google Wave’s similarity to Lotus Notes, which is a meme I’ve heard from several angles — David Jones hits the nail on the head:
Well, I used Notes from 1994 to 1999. It did have a database backend for e-mail and a rich collaborative editing model. But it didn’t have realtime shared editing, or instant annotation.
And it was shit. No-one in their right minds would have wanted the future of the web to have been Notes. Even though, and I completely agree, it did things that the web is now only just getting round to.
+1 to that!
The Duct Tape Programmer – Joel on Software : ‘He is the guy you want on your team building go-carts, because he has two favorite tools: duct tape and WD-40. And he will wield them elegantly even as your go-cart is careening down the hill at a mile a minute. This will happen while other programmers are still at the starting line arguing over whether to use titanium or some kind of space-age composite material that Boeing is using in the 787 Dreamliner.’
(tags: duct-tape jwz funny joel-spolsky hacking coding overengineering architecture-astronauts)
Ag Tweet: Paying Customers : pay EUR3 per month to receive Twitter @replies to your SMS mobile in Ireland — a good niche
(tags: twitter agtweet ireland mobiles sms text revenue)Dubs On Wheels : ‘Where can I find an available DublinBike?’ — another DublinBikes mashup. hopefully JC Decaux won’t C&D this one
(tags: mashups useful web dublin dublinbikes jc-decaux bikes cycling commute)details of the Markdown Javascript-escaping hole : as used to exploit Reddit and create a comment worm
(tags: hacks security reddit javascript md5 escaping html)
Excellent animated treemap dataviz : “How the Giants of Finance Shrank, Then Grew, Under The Financial Crisis”. but the data is less interesting than the excellent dataviz technique used to display it
(tags: data dataviz visualization economy animation nyt infographic infographics treemap design flash banking nytimes bailout)
Nelson Minar plugs a new way to write web apps : Every HTML page is static — the dynamic parts are entirely DOM-injected from server-delivered JSON by client-side Javascript. No dynamic data is delivered in HTML. I’m thinking about this, and it does seem to bring a lot of positives. hmm
(tags: dom javascript json web-apps web nelson-minar ajax)
Please don’t hesitate to contact me – a rant about Powwow Water : brilliant encounter between an inept UK water-cooler supplier, the cluetrain, and the Streisand effect
(tags: funny law streisand-effect legal-threats prfail pr powwow water uk water-coolers blogging ethics fail)
The technology behind Tornado, FriendFeed’s web server : more on the new async HTTP server from FriendFeed/Facebook, in Python. looks lovely
(tags: async http epoll python comet long-poll facebook scaling scalability web friendfeed tornado opensource)Tornado Web Server : ‘an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like web.py or Google’s webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking (epoll) infrastructure.’
(tags: epoll open-source python http scalability facebook scaling web)Embeddable Google Document Viewer : ‘Google Docs offers an undocumented feature that lets you embed PDF files and PowerPoint presentations in a web page. The files don’t have to be uploaded to Google Docs, but they need to be available online.’ sweet!
(tags: google google-docs javascript iframe content pdf adobe html web documentation embedding powerpoint ppt viewer embed embedded)Chris de Burgh sees red – The Irish Times – Fri, Sep 11, 2009 : awesome vitriol from the big-in-the-80’s Irish balladeer
(tags: music journalism humour irishtimes funny chris-de-bergh)Treatment of Alan Turing was “appalling” – UK Prime Minister : woot, nice work jgc!
(tags: jgc apologies uk england justice government computing history wwii codebreaking science turing gay rights apology alan-turing)TechCrunch falls for Facebook fakie : FB add a (working!) “Fax This Photo” feature, only visible to TechCrunch IP ranges — and TC fall for it, pushing an unverified story to live, after waiting only 24 minutes for a verification. nice one FB
(tags: facebook fax dead-media funny pranks punkd techcrunch pr humor)
why “anonymized” data really isn’t : ‘Ohm notes, this illustrates a central reality of data collection: “data can either be useful or perfectly anonymous but never both.”‘
(tags: security internet politics privacy medicine anonymity datamining anonymous data)
Creative Ireland take on Coir’s “No To Lisbon” posters : photoshop phun galore. “Foreign Toilets: VOTE NO” (via Shane Hegarty)
(tags: via:shanehegarty photoshop lisbon coir funny ireland)Irish alternative to poor FedEx : Brendan plugs Wells Cargo, good international couriers if you’re sending from .ie
(tags: wells-cargo plugs couriers transport shipping ireland)
100 Examples of Japanese Municipal Flags : a lot more awesome than the title would suggest (via TTT)
(tags: via:ttt design japan logos flags graphic-design graphics)Postfix – (almost) a satellite system : how to keep a small number of user accounts (ie. root) delivering locally while the rest are delivered to a smarthost
(tags: postfix sysadmin unix mail mta smtp)
Colm’s "n+1" post reminded me that I’d forgotten to write about this.
On July 27th, I started at Amazon, in a new Dublin-based software dev team working on infrastructure automation. It’s now (just over) a month later, and I’m enjoying it immensely.
Needless to say, this company does some very interesting web-scale technology, and getting to look inside the AWS sausage factory is really enjoyable, believe it or not ;)
(I should also post a pic of my glorious screen real-estate. The hardware is a massive improvement over the previous gig, thankfully.)
Unfortunately, however, this has coincided with a lack of free time to blog and keep up with interweb-based leisure pursuits, including SpamAssassin. Really though, this is more due to looking after two wonderful little girls under 2 years of age, rather than the job — but still, I need to remedy my neglect of this site…
In SpamAssassin news: we’ve been putting out some alpha releases of 3.3.0, and are planning to do a mass-check for score-generation in the next couple of days. Hopefully we can drive 3.3.0 to a GA release in a few weeks.
Also — we’re still looking for more people in the Amazon team, and hiring aggressively. If you’re looking for an interesting software dev role in Dublin, get in touch!
PS: it was Bea’s second birthday last weekend. Check out the awesome Very Hungry Caterpillar cupcake cake made by the missus for the occasion:
Ben Collins-Sussman: The True Path : Ben C-S rejigs the legendary “ed, man! !man ed” net.humor for a new age of DVCSes
(tags: dvcs ed git funny humour zealotry unix)TCD researchers first to find genes unique to humans : go Aoife! “This is the first ever discovery of novel human-specific protein coding genes,” said Dr McLysaght. “They are found in humans and nowhere else.”
(tags: science genetics research biology evolution tcd sfi genome junk-dna)
Hudson Nabaztag Plugin : get a glowing rabbit to semaphore latest C-I build status
(tags: nabaztag hudson gadgets silly hardware c-i builds)CloudSplit – Real Time Cloud Analytics : interesting idea from Joe — track your cloud-hosting spend in real-time
(tags: cloudsplit hosting amazon ec2 azure joe-drumgoole analytics real-time)Why WeakHashMap Sucks : ‘SoftReferences are the cheap, crappy caching mechanism […] perfect for when you’d like your cache to be cleared at random times and in random order.’
(tags: softreferences weakreferences weak references gc java jvm caching hash memory collections vm weakhashmap via:spyced)Cóir Launches No To Lisbon Campaign : Satire site The Emergency on pro-life paramilitary nutter group Coir’s new scaremongering campaign: “A German Will Be In Charge Of The SKY Remote IN YOUR LIVING ROOM!!!! Unless you vote NO!” — a pretty accurate rendition of their posters
(tags: coir politics ireland satire funny the-emergency youth-defence)
Playhouse running on Liberty Hall last night : wow, looks absolutely excellent! nice work (via Mulley)
(tags: playhouse cool art installations blinkenlights liberty-hall dublin)
Pinboard can now mirror a delicious account : yay! Let’s see if this shows up at http://pinboard.in/u:jm ;)
(tags: pinboard delicious bookmarks del.icio.us web)SD, a distributed bug tracker : now available. sadly, no support for Bugzilla, which is what we use in SpamAssassin (srsly), so I won’t be trying it out just yet, but still — cool
(tags: bugs bug-tracking trac prophet distributed coding tools web sd)Simpleton’s guide to git : it really is. Yet another one-page intro to git, but a good one
(tags: git tips via:joshua scm tools vc)
Pirate Bay latest: big music labels to issue injunction against Chorus NTL : UPC: “bring it on”, essentially
(tags: ntl chorus isps ireland pirate-bay piracy filesharing upc)
In Which She’s Every Woman : what it’s like to have your photo used for stock images
(tags: stock-photos yvonne-georgina-puig photos pictures licensing ads)Hacking a Google Interview : course notes from a 4-day MIT course on tech interviewing (via Hacker News)
(tags: interviews google hiring puzzles mit questions coding computer-science algorithms)Hijack: Get A Live IRB Prompt For Any Existing Ruby Process : injects via gdb. pretty cool, if it works; one comment notes that they couldn’t use it on a Rails app
(tags: gdb hijack ruby debugging irb live coding rubygems debugger)
8-bit trip : flipping amazing stop-motion LEGO animation paying homage to classic C=64 and NES gaming, featuring International Karate, Pong, Tetris, Super Mario Bros, and Pac-Man from swedish duo Rymdreglage (via Conor)
(tags: wow 8-bit animation stop-motion video youtube rymdreglage c=64 nes international-karate pac-man pong tetris mario-rosenstock)
10 best Irish Camping Sites : including one place that includes an open farm. result
(tags: via:THRILLHO camping ireland holidays vacation farms)codepad.org : ‘an online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool. It’s a pastebin that executes code for you. You paste your code, and codepad runs it and gives you a short URL you can use to share it.’ supports C, C++, D, Haskell, Lua, OCaml, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Scheme, and Tcl code; isolated by a geordi-based supervisor, in turn running inside a firewalled virt, in turn running inside a firewalled dom0. nice work!
(tags: codepad vm jails infrastructure security via:waxy c languages programming sandbox pastebin)
Hourly forecast for Dublin (Ireland) – yr.no : another weather forecasting service which may be more reliable than Met Eireann, this time from yr.no, the joint online weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. if only Met Eireann spent our taxes on something of this quality (via Stephen Mulcahy)
(tags: via:smulcahy norway met-eireann ireland weather rain dublin yr.no taxes)
Thunderbird “open in external editor” add-on : Seems to work nicely. Not quite as cleanly integrated as It’s All Text! for Firefox, but getting there
(tags: thunderbird editing vim emacs gvim its-all-text mail text extensions add-ons plugins)
Socializing the Weather : so Met Eireann’s crappy weather forecasts are actually just what they give out “for free”; if you pay extra, they have more accurate forecasts. what a scam for a govt department! Handily though, they are mandated by law to give out decent forecasts to pilots — which are available online
(tags: eidw taf terminal-area-forecasts aviation flying pilots met-eireann weather forecasts government)
bank-trojan fraudsters use Twitter to control botnet : next in a long line of one-to-many communication systems used by bad guys
(tags: twitter botnet security upd4t3 banking fraud)Dublin Bikes : the new rental-bike system for Dublin from JC Decaux and Dublin City Council. woeful coverage, and eye-wateringly expensive; don’t keep a bike out overnight or it’ll cost you EUR30!!
(tags: dublin bikes dbs rental cycling ireland jc-decaux rip-off)
iPhone Sudoku Grab: How does it all work? : lovely run-through of the computer-vision algorithms this iPhone app uses (via Waxy)
(tags: via:waxy ai image programming algorithms graphics iphone ocr computervision opencv sudoku)The Irish Economy blog : features mainly posts from NAMA-sceptic economist Karl Whelan
(tags: economy karl-whelan ireland nama politics property banking)UCD Economist Karl Whelan pours cold water on the Irish Government’s NAMA plans : ‘What we now know is that the banks have been actively working to keep development properties off the market, so that their true values are kept out of the public domain. However, to work through our current problems, these property assets are going to have to be dealt with – either sold at a reasonable price or else demolished or returned to agricultural usage.’ oh dear
(tags: nama ireland economy banking property liam-carroll zoe accbank karl-whelan)Irish College of General Practitioners’ advice on H1N1 : promises to be frequently updated if/when anything might happen. certainly better advice for Irish sufferers than the useless PR spooge put out by the HSE — as usual
(tags: ireland hse icgp medical h1n1 flu disease pandemic)
Stephen Hawking Has Not Yet Been Murdered by the NHS : hilarious response to mind-boggling US healthcare talking-point derpitude: ‘People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.’ fantastic
(tags: politics humour healthcare via:bwalsh stephen-hawking us-politics derp morons funny nhs uk)
Next Generation Java Programming Style : a Reddit-friendly 8-point list of new idioms for Java code in a more functional style. not sure about a couple of these, but another couple get my +1
(tags: erlang via:janl coding java oop style fluent-interfaces final encapsulation)Gadget-supported Gmail (ad-less & wide) : nice GMail userscript to remove the ads
(tags: gmail userscripts greasemonkey chrome script ads)
BBC News on Colin Powell dancing to Yahoozee : The Beeb definitely takes it too far with this one; the song isn’t clearly about 419 at all
(tags: yahoozee yahoo bbc hip-hop spam colin-powell 419 nigeria)Some Say Hip-Hop Song ‘Yahoozee’ Is About Nigeria’s Cyberscam Industry : the Washington Post on the Yahoozee thing
(tags: yahoo yahoozee nigeria spam fraud 419 scams)background on Yahoozee : bit of controversy about Colin Powell dancing (!) to a song that promotes the “Yahoo boys”, 419 scammers — but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case, going by this post
(tags: 419 scams fraud spam nigeria colin-powell yahoo yahoozee)
Anti Spear-phishing SpamAssassin ruleset : from Julian “MailScanner” Field (via the SA users list)
(tags: spamassassin anti-spam rulesets sa-update phishing blocklists)