Spiritual search turns into a stampede as impatient lose faith in double visionaries – The Irish Times – Mon, Nov 02, 2009 : hilarious article on the BVM-witnessing hysterics in Knock. ‘if you looked hard enough, you could indeed discern a face in the play of light and shadows. When I squinted a certain way, I thought I could make out Bruce Forsyth.’
(tags: mayo religion hysteria funny bruce-forsyth bvm fortean)Structural Regular Expressions : ‘The current UNIX text processing tools are weakened by the built-in concept of a line. There is a simple notation that can describe the `shape’ of files when the typical array-of-lines picture is inadequate. That notation is regular expressions. Using regular expressions to describe the structure in addition to the contents of files has interesting applications, and yields elegant methods for dealing with some problems the current tools handle clumsily. When operations using these expressions are composed, the result is reminiscent of shell pipelines.’ Paper by Rob Pike, via adulau. intriguing
(tags: sregex via:adulau regexp rob-pike regex library text structural parsing)sregex – Structural Regular Expressions : ‘The sregex module implements Structural Regular Expressions.’ Python, Apache-licensed
(tags: sregex python via:adulau regexp robpike regex library text structural parsing)The Rise and Fall of the Hobbyist Game Programmer : great article on the 80’s one-man shareware game hobbyists (via Walter)
(tags: 1980s games history programming nostalgia geek gaming hobbies coding 6502 c=64)