Hudson Nabaztag Plugin : get a glowing rabbit to semaphore latest C-I build status
(tags: nabaztag hudson gadgets silly hardware c-i builds)CloudSplit – Real Time Cloud Analytics : interesting idea from Joe — track your cloud-hosting spend in real-time
(tags: cloudsplit hosting amazon ec2 azure joe-drumgoole analytics real-time)Why WeakHashMap Sucks : ‘SoftReferences are the cheap, crappy caching mechanism […] perfect for when you’d like your cache to be cleared at random times and in random order.’
(tags: softreferences weakreferences weak references gc java jvm caching hash memory collections vm weakhashmap via:spyced)Cóir Launches No To Lisbon Campaign : Satire site The Emergency on pro-life paramilitary nutter group Coir’s new scaremongering campaign: “A German Will Be In Charge Of The SKY Remote IN YOUR LIVING ROOM!!!! Unless you vote NO!” — a pretty accurate rendition of their posters
(tags: coir politics ireland satire funny the-emergency youth-defence)