iPhone Sudoku Grab: How does it all work? : lovely run-through of the computer-vision algorithms this iPhone app uses (via Waxy)
(tags: via:waxy ai image programming algorithms graphics iphone ocr computervision opencv sudoku)The Irish Economy blog : features mainly posts from NAMA-sceptic economist Karl Whelan
(tags: economy karl-whelan ireland nama politics property banking)UCD Economist Karl Whelan pours cold water on the Irish Government’s NAMA plans : ‘What we now know is that the banks have been actively working to keep development properties off the market, so that their true values are kept out of the public domain. However, to work through our current problems, these property assets are going to have to be dealt with – either sold at a reasonable price or else demolished or returned to agricultural usage.’ oh dear
(tags: nama ireland economy banking property liam-carroll zoe accbank karl-whelan)Irish College of General Practitioners’ advice on H1N1 : promises to be frequently updated if/when anything might happen. certainly better advice for Irish sufferers than the useless PR spooge put out by the HSE — as usual
(tags: ireland hse icgp medical h1n1 flu disease pandemic)