Key metrics for RabbitMQ monitoring
Good suggestions from Datadog
Amazing thread from @gavinsblog on the Strava leak
‘This often led to the same results you see with Strava. In low population countries, or countries with low smartphone penetration, it was often easy to detect Westerners (usually soldiers) in remote areas. this usually led to being able to identify bases and other types of things based solely on social data. Iraq, Afghanistan = always easy to find US troops (Instagram being a common sharing tool). Same true of IDF troops in staging areas before invasion of Gaza in 2014. and the same true in 2014 with Russian troops in Ukraine. All too easy. Of course the other thing you might be nosey about [is] known military facilities. Social geotagging can give you staff/visitor lists if you persist long enough. the difference between this technique and Strava was you could usually quickly deduce first name/last name if you wanted, and infer other social profiles eg LinkedIn -> FB -> FB friends -> work colleagues. Not only that but it was possible to automate.’
(tags: strava privacy military security geotagging geodata gavin-sheridan)
My £300 32Amp Charging Station Install
good writeup of a DIY EV car charger install
(tags: ev cars diy car-chargers home)
Justin's Linklog Posts
Strava app gives away location of secret US army bases
This is a privacy nightmare. Even with anonymized userids the data was far too user-specific.
The details were released by Strava in a data visualisation map that shows all the activity tracked by users of its app, which allows people to record their exercise and share it with others. The map, released in November 2017, shows every single activity ever uploaded to Strava – more than 3 trillion individual GPS data points, according to the company. The app can be used on various devices including smartphones and fitness trackers like Fitbit to see popular running routes in major cities, or spot individuals in more remote areas who have unusual exercise patterns.
‘A Look into 30 Years of Malware Development from a Software Metrics Perspective’
‘During the last decades, the problem of malicious and unwanted software (malware) has surged in numbers and sophistication. Malware plays a key role in most of today’s cyber attacks and has consolidated as a commodity in the underground economy. In this work, we analyze the evolution of malware since the early 1980s to date from a software engineering perspective. We analyze the source code of 151 malware samples and obtain measures of their size, code quality, and estimates of the development costs (effort, time, and number of people). Our results suggest an exponential increment of nearly one order of magnitude per decade in aspects such as size and estimated effort, with code quality metrics similar to those of regular software. Overall, this supports otherwise confirmed claims about the increasing complexity of malware and its production progressively becoming an industry.’
(tags: malware coding metrics software history complexity arms-race)
Rocket Lab secretly launched a disco ball satellite on its latest test flight – The Verge
I’m quite conflicted about this — I think I like it:
Shaped a bit like a disco ball, the Humanity Star is a 3-foot-wide carbon fiber sphere, made up of 65 panels that reflect the Sun’s light. The satellite is supposed to spin in space, too, so it’s constantly bouncing sunlight. In fact, the probe is so bright that people can see it with the naked eye. The Humanity Star’s orbit also takes it all over Earth, so the satellite will be visible from every location on the planet at different times. Rocket Lab has set up a website that gives real-time updates about the Humanity Star’s location. People can find out when the satellite will be closest to them, and then go outside to look for it. The goal of the project is to create “a shared experience for all of humanity,” according to Rocket Lab.
(tags: rocket-lab disco-balls satellites humanity-star orbit space)
oh my.
(tags: 3d-printing art history british-museum models cool)
‘DolphinAttack: Inaudible Voice Commands’ [pdf]
‘Speech recognition (SR) systems such as Siri or Google Now have become an increasingly popular human-computer interaction method, and have turned various systems into voice controllable systems(VCS). Prior work on attacking VCS shows that the hidden voice commands that are incomprehensible to people can control the systems. Hidden voice commands, though hidden, are nonetheless audible. In this work, we design a completely inaudible attack, DolphinAttack, that modulates voice commands on ultrasonic carriers (e.g., f > 20 kHz) to achieve inaudibility. By leveraging the nonlinearity of the microphone circuits, the modulated low frequency audio commands can be successfully demodulated, recovered, and more importantly interpreted by the speech recognition systems. We validate DolphinAttack on popular speech recognition systems, including Siri, Google Now, Samsung S Voice, Huawei HiVoice, Cortana and Alexa. By injecting a sequence of inaudible voice commands, we show a few proof-of-concept attacks, which include activating Siri to initiate a FaceTime call on iPhone, activating Google Now to switch the phone to the airplane mode, and even manipulating the navigation system in an Audi automobile. We propose hardware and software defense solutions. We validate that it is feasible to detect DolphinAttack by classifying the audios using supported vector machine (SVM), and suggest to re-design voice controllable systems to be resilient to inaudible voice command attacks.’ via Zeynep (
(tags: alexa siri attacks security exploits google-now speech-recognition speech audio acm papers cortana)
Targeted Audio Adversarial Examples
This is phenomenal:
We have constructed targeted audio adversarial examples on speech-to-text transcription neural networks: given an arbitrary waveform, we can make a small perturbation that when added to the original waveform causes it to transcribe as any phrase we choose. In prior work, we constructed hidden voice commands, audio that sounded like noise but transcribed to any phrases chosen by an adversary. With our new attack, we are able to improve this and make an arbitrary waveform transcribe as any target phrase.
The audio examples on this page are impressive — a little bit of background noise, such as you might hear on a telephone call with high compression, hard to perceive if you aren’t listening out for it. Paper here: (Via Parker Higgins, )(tags: papers audio adversarial-classification neural-networks speech-to-text speech recognition voice attacks exploits via:xor)
Remote Code Execution on the Smiths Medical Medfusion 4000 Infusion Pump
‘Between March and June of 2017 I spent around 400 hours of personal time analyzing the Smiths Medical Medfusion 4000 infusion pump for security vulnerabilities. The devices analyzed had software versions 1.1.2 and 1.5.0. The flaws discovered (the most critical of which was a DHCP buffer overflow in the MQX operating system used) were disclosed in a coordinated fashion and are detailed by ICS-CERT in ICSMA-250-02A and CERT in VU#590639. The goal of this exercise was to help protect patients that rely on therapy provided by the pump, to raise awareness of the risk present in unpatched versions of the device, and, finally, to contribute to the corpus of embedded/IoT security research.’
(tags: medical infusion-pumps security iot safety exploits embedded-systems reversing)
Writeup of one of the classic tape loaders used on the ZX Spectrum, both for fast loading and piracy protection
(tags: piracy reverse-engineering history zx-spectrum tape loaders gremlin)
The 29 Stages Of A Twitterstorm In 2018
’14. Then suddenly there are Nazis everywhere.’
(tags: twitter twitterstorms funny 2018 nazis alt-right memes)
OpenCensus: A Stats Collection and Distributed Tracing Framework
Google open sourcing their internal Census lib for service metrics and distributed tracing
(tags: google monitoring service-metrics metrics census opencensus open-source tracing zipkin prometheus)
Securing Docker Containers on AWS | nearForm
‘On most projects at nearForm we are deploying our solutions within Docker containers. There are tasks that are repeated on each project to secure and harden off those deployments and we built this packer template to produce a quick and easy way for you to spin up an AWS AMI that passes the Docker-Bench-Security script. The Docker-Bench-Security repo is a work product of the above mentioned consolidation efforts by the Docker team.’
(tags: docker aws security nearform containers linux packer)
Another docker security checklist
(tags: docker security containers linux hardening)
Boost your immunity: Cold and flu treatments suppress innate immune system
The next time you feel a cold coming on, maybe what you really want is just a little teensy bit of innate immune suppression, not an immunity boost. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and antihistamines should help you feel better. Meanwhile, sit back while your acquired B and T cells do the rest. And if you aren’t yet sick, stay up-to-date on your vaccines, including the yearly influenza vaccine. Most importantly, practice vigorous hand washing — after all, the skin is also a component of your natural defenses and one that actually can be enhanced by good hygiene. Take care of yourself by keeping a balanced diet, maintaining good sleep habits, and minimizing stress. These are interventions that have been shown to help keep your immune system at its best. These alone can “boost” your odds of staving off an infection this cold season.
(tags: immunity health immune-system colds b-cells t-cells flu)
Sarah Jeong’s hilarious Twitter thread on Bitcoin
“People are sick of the Federal Reserve, sick of bailouts, sick of inflation. You know what we need? Internet money with the usability of PGP and the reliability of BART” and much, much more
(tags: bitcoin funny sarah-jeong comedy lols pgp twitter threads)
How To Measure the Working Set Size on Linux
A nifty metric:
The Working Set Size (WSS) is how much memory an application needs to keep working. Your app may have populated 100 Gbytes of main memory, but only uses 50 Mbytes each second to do its job. That’s the working set size. It is used for capacity planning and scalability analysis. You may never have seen WSS measured by any tool (I haven’t either). OSes usually show you virtual memory and resident memory, shown as the “VIRT” and “RES” columns in top. Resident memory is real memory: main memory that has been allocated and page mapped. But we don’t know how much of that is in heavy use, which is what WSS tells us. In this post I’ll introduce some new things I’ve developed for WSS estimation: two Linux tools, and WSS profile charts. The tools use either the referenced or the idle page flags to measure a page-based WSS, and were developed out of necessity for another performance problem.
(via Amy Tobey)(tags: via:amytobey memory linux rss wss proc ps processes metrics working-set-size ram)
Actual screenshot of the broken UX of the Hawaii ballistic missile alert system
“This is the screen that set off the ballistic missile alert on Saturday. The operator clicked the PACOM (CDW) State Only link. The drill link is the one that was supposed to be clicked.”
This is terrible, terrible UX.
@supersat on Twitter: “In case you’re curious what Hawaii’s EAS/WEA interface looks like, I believe it’s similar to this. Hypothesis: they test their EAS authorization codes at the beginning of each shift and selected the wrong option.” This is absolutely classic enterprisey, government-standard web UX — a dropdown template selection and an easily-misclicked pair of tickboxes to choose test or live mode.
(tags: testing ux user-interfaces fail eas hawaii false-alarms alerts nuclear early-warning human-error)
The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018
Quite a good set of potential gotchas, which I’ve run into myself, including: ‘Real world systems often have poorly defined boundaries’ ‘The complexities of state are often ignored’ ‘The complexitities of communication are often ignored’ ‘Versioning can be hard’ ‘Microservices can be monoliths in disguise’
(tags: architecture devops microservices services soa coding monoliths state systems)
Do algorithms reveal sexual orientation or just expose our stereotypes?
‘A study claiming that artificial intelligence can infer sexual orientation from facial images caused a media uproar in the Fall of 2017. […] Michal Kosinski, who co-authored the study with fellow researcher Yilun Wang, initially expressed surprise, calling the critiques “knee-jerk” reactions. However, he then proceeded to make even bolder claims: that such AI algorithms will soon be able to measure the intelligence, political orientation, and criminal inclinations of people from their facial images alone.’ ‘In [this paper], we have shown how the obvious differences between lesbian or gay and straight faces in selfies relate to grooming, presentation, and lifestyle? — ?that is, differences in culture, not in facial structure. […] We’ve demonstrated that just a handful of yes/no questions about these variables can do nearly as good a job at guessing orientation as supposedly sophisticated facial recognition AI. Therefore?—?at least at this point?—?it’s hard to credit the notion that this AI is in some way superhuman at “outing” us based on subtle but unalterable details of our facial structure.’
(tags: culture facial-recognition ai papers facial-structure sexual-orientation lgbt computer-vision)
Shanzhai ?? China & its Contents
As he drinks Sino-coffee for around RMB 10, Comrade X might well be wearing the latest ‘ZARE’ couture while watching the TV news streaming on his HiPhone.[2] Back in Guangdong, his girlfriend — a sales consultant at a small stall in one of Shenzhen’s many wholesale electronics markets — sports a ‘high-end replica’ ?? Louis Vuitton bag and makes a living selling ‘domestically produced’ ?? and ‘smuggled’ ?? smartphones. The imitation products that festoon the couple’s lives are part of ‘shanzhai ?? China’. Shanzhai, the word means roughly ‘mass-produced imitation goods’, has created a Chinese landscape that is littered with products derided by the media, Chinese and international, as ‘copycat’, ‘guerrilla counterfeits’ and ‘knockoffs’, all the work of thieves.[3] Those who feel that their intellectual property and copyright has been infringed by shanzhai producers describe the products as ‘rubbish’, ‘piracy in disguise’ and ‘hooligan’.[4] Regardless of such righteous outrage, shanzhai — the producers, the products and the mentality — continues to flourish as an essential, quasi-legitimate shadow dimension of the Chinese economy. And, in practical terms, shanzhai products give disenfranchised ‘non-consumers’ of the orthodox economy — that is, people who would like to own but can’t afford the ‘original’ products — cut-price access to high-end technologies, as well as offering aspirational shoppers consumer satisfaction.
(tags: shanzai china fakes consumerism hiphone smartphones copycat knockoffs imitation consumption)
Don Norman on “Human Error”, RISKS Digest Volume 23 Issue 07 2003
It is far too easy to blame people when systems fail. The result is that over 75% of all accidents are blamed on human error. Wake up people! When the percentage is that high, it is a signal that something else is at fault — namely, the systems are poorly designed from a human point of view. As I have said many times before (even within these RISKS mailings), if a valve failed 75% of the time, would you get angry with the valve and simply continual to replace it? No, you might reconsider the design specs. You would try to figure out why the valve failed and solve the root cause of the problem. Maybe it is underspecified, maybe there shouldn’t be a valve there, maybe some change needs to be made in the systems that feed into the valve. Whatever the cause, you would find it and fix it. The same philosophy must apply to people.
(tags: don-norman ux ui human-interface human-error errors risks comp.risks failures)
‘It Can’t Be True.’ Inside the Semiconductor Industry’s Meltdown
“Our first priority has been to have a complete mitigation in place,” said Intel’s Parker. “We’ve delivered a solution.” Some in the cybersecurity community aren’t so sure. Kocher, who helped discover Spectre, thinks this is just the beginning of the industry’s woes. Now that new ways to exploit chips have been exposed, there’ll be more variations and more flaws that will require more patches and mitigation. “This is just like peeling the lid off the can of worms,” he said.
(tags: meltdown spectre speculative-execution security exploits intel amd cpus)
google/highwayhash: Fast strong hash functions: SipHash/HighwayHash
HighwayHash: ‘We have devised a new way of mixing inputs with AVX2 multiply and permute instructions. The multiplications are 32×32 -> 64 bits and therefore infeasible to reverse. Permuting equalizes the distribution of the resulting bytes. The internal state occupies four 256-bit AVX2 registers. Due to limitations of the instruction set, the registers are partitioned into two 512-bit halves that remain independent until the reduce phase. The algorithm outputs 64 bit digests or up to 256 bits at no extra cost. In addition to high throughput, the algorithm is designed for low finalization cost. The result is more than twice as fast as SipTreeHash. We also provide an SSE4.1 version (80% as fast for large inputs and 95% as fast for short inputs), an implementation for VSX on POWER and a portable version (10% as fast). A third-party ARM implementation is referenced below. Statistical analyses and preliminary cryptanalysis are given in’ (via Tony Finch)
(tags: siphash highwayhash via:fanf hashing hashes algorithms mac google hash)
Brain Cells Share Information With Virus-Like Capsules – The Atlantic
…a gene called Arc which is active in neurons, and plays a vital role in the brain. A mouse that’s born without Arc can’t learn or form new long-term memories. If it finds some cheese in a maze, it will have completely forgotten the right route the next day. “They can’t seem to respond or adapt to changes in their environment,” says Shepherd, who works at the University of Utah, and has been studying Arc for years. “Arc is really key to transducing the information from those experiences into changes in the brain.” Despite its importance, Arc has been a very difficult gene to study. Scientists often work out what unusual genes do by comparing them to familiar ones with similar features—but Arc is one-of-a-kind. Other mammals have their own versions of Arc, as do birds, reptiles, and amphibians. But in each animal, Arc seems utterly unique—there’s no other gene quite like it. And Shepherd learned why when his team isolated the proteins that are made by Arc, and looked at them under a powerful microscope. He saw that these Arc proteins assemble into hollow, spherical shells that look uncannily like viruses. “When we looked at them, we thought: What are these things?” says Shepherd. They reminded him of textbook pictures of HIV, and when he showed the images to HIV experts, they confirmed his suspicions. That, to put it bluntly, was a huge surprise. “Here was a brain gene that makes something that looks like a virus,” Shepherd says. That’s not a coincidence. The team showed that Arc descends from an ancient group of genes called gypsy retrotransposons, which exist in the genomes of various animals, but can behave like their own independent entities.* They can make new copies of themselves, and paste those duplicates elsewhere in their host genomes. At some point, some of these genes gained the ability to enclose themselves in a shell of proteins and leave their host cells entirely. That was the origin of retroviruses—the virus family that includes HIV.
(tags: brain evolution retroviruses viruses genes arc gag proteins memory biology)
[1801.02780] Rogue Signs: Deceiving Traffic Sign Recognition with Malicious Ads and Logos
Well, so much for that idea.
We propose a new real-world attack against the computer vision based systems of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Our novel Sign Embedding attack exploits the concept of adversarial examples to modify innocuous signs and advertisements in the environment such that they are classified as the adversary’s desired traffic sign with high confidence. Our attack greatly expands the scope of the threat posed to AVs since adversaries are no longer restricted to just modifying existing traffic signs as in previous work. Our attack pipeline generates adversarial samples which are robust to the environmental conditions and noisy image transformations present in the physical world. We ensure this by including a variety of possible image transformations in the optimization problem used to generate adversarial samples. We verify the robustness of the adversarial samples by printing them out and carrying out drive-by tests simulating the conditions under which image capture would occur in a real-world scenario. We experimented with physical attack samples for different distances, lighting conditions, and camera angles. In addition, extensive evaluations were carried out in the virtual setting for a variety of image transformations. The adversarial samples generated using our method have adversarial success rates in excess of 95% in the physical as well as virtual settings.
(tags: signs road-safety roads traffic self-driving-cars cars avs security machine-learning computer-vision ai)
The Stress of Remote Working – Martin De Wulf – Medium
There is a lot of good to say about remote working, and I see a lot of rabid defence of the practice. That said, I have been working remotely for a little more than 5 years now, and I now must acknowledge that it does not come without stress. This might come as a surprise for some, but in the end, I think that remote working has taken some toll on me over the last two years, especially when I went almost fully remote for a year.
I have to say, I agree with this 100% — I spent a few years remote working full time, and by the end of it I was absolutely delighted to return to a mainly office-based job.(tags: business work life coding teleworking remote-work stress anxiety mental-health)
Best way designing a GDPR compliant datalake using AWS services : aws
interesting thread at Reddit
Collision Course: Why This Type Of Road Junction Will Keep Killing Cyclists
This aspect of road design had never occurred to me, but once explained it makes sense. Great article on the design of an oblique crossroads junction and how it’s unexpectedly dangerous due to human factors and car design.
“Human error” may be real, but so are techniques to mitigate or eliminate its effects — and driver training is poor when it comes to equipping people with those techniques, let alone habituating them. (And let alone reviewing knowledge of those techniques every few years.)
(tags: cars cycling road-safety safety accidents traffic junctions road-design design human-error human-factors)
Post-apocalyptic life in American health care
My god, this is so dysfunctional. ‘I observe that American health care organizations can no longer operate systematically, so participants are forced to act in the communal mode, as if in the pre-modern world. Health care is one leading edge of a general breakdown in systematicity — while, at the same time, employing sophisticated systematic technologies. For complex health care problems, I recommend hiring a consultant to provide administrative (not medical!) guidance.’ via Craig.
(tags: bureaucracy healthcare health systems us-politics insurance medicine dysfunctional fail fiasco via:craig)
Some tips about RNGs and their usage (via Tony Finch)
(tags: coding random math rngs prngs statistics distributions)
Nicole Perlroth’s roundup on the Spectre and Meltdown security holes
Excellent roundup — this really is amazingly bad news for CPU performance and fixability
(tags: meltdown spectre nicole-perlroth security cpu performance speculative-execution intel amd arm)
These stickers make AI hallucinate things that aren’t there – The Verge
The sticker “allows attackers to create a physical-world attack without prior knowledge of the lighting conditions, camera angle, type of classifier being attacked, or even the other items within the scene.” So, after such an image is generated, it could be “distributed across the Internet for other attackers to print out and use.” This is why many AI researchers are worried about how these methods might be used to attack systems like self-driving cars. Imagine a little patch you can stick onto the side of the motorway that makes your sedan think it sees a stop sign, or a sticker that stops you from being identified up by AI surveillance systems. “Even if humans are able to notice these patches, they may not understand the intent [and] instead view it as a form of art,” the researchers write.
(tags: self-driving cars ai adversarial-classification security stickers hacks vision surveillance classification)
Notes from the Intelpocalypse []
What emerges is a picture of unintended processor functionality that can be exploited to leak arbitrary information from the kernel, and perhaps from other guests in a virtualized setting. If these vulnerabilities are already known to some attackers, they could have been using them to attack cloud providers for some time now. It seems fair to say that this is one of the most severe vulnerabilities to surface in some time. The fact that it is based in hardware makes things significantly worse. We will all be paying the performance penalties associated with working around these problems for the indefinite future. For the owners of vast numbers of systems that cannot be updated, the consequences will be worse: they will remain vulnerable to a set of vulnerabilities with known exploits. This is not a happy time for the computing industry.
Aadhaar’s Dirty Secret Is Out, Anyone Can Be Added as a Data Admin
If you think your Aadhaar data is only in the hands of those authorised to access the official [Indian national] Aadhaar database, think again. Following up on an investigation by The Tribune, The Quint found that completely random people like you and me, with no official credentials, can access and become admins of the official Aadhaar database (with names, mobile numbers, addresses of every Indian linked to the UIDAI scheme). But that’s not even the worst part. Once you are an admin, you can make ANYONE YOU CHOOSE an admin of the portal. You could be an Indian, you could be a foreign national, none of it matters – the Aadhaar database won’t ask. A person of your choosing would then have access to the data of all 119,22,59,062 Aadhaar cardholders.
(tags: aadhaar security fail vulnerabilities privacy)
My bedroom lights turn on when my blood sugar goes low! (Dexcom, Nightscout and IFTTT) : diabetes
Now this is a great idea — IOT to the rescue
(tags: iot via:fp via:eatpaste blood health diabetes monitoring home)
An online doctor appointment — you fill out a questionnaire, are interviewed via VC, and receive any prescription you need. Recommended by devxda on the ITC slack
The mysterious case of the Linux Page Table Isolation patches | Hacker News
good HN comments on the horrible security bug du jour — Intel CPUs potentially allowing privileged data leaks cross-VM and cross-process
These experts figured out why so many bogus patents get approved | Ars Technica
A recent paper published by the Brookings Institution offers fascinating insights into this question. Written by legal scholars Michael Frakes and Melissa Wasserman, the paper identifies three ways the patent process encourages approval of low-quality patents: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is funded by fees—and the agency gets more fees if it approves an application. Unlimited opportunities to refile rejected applications means sometimes granting a patent is the only way to get rid of a persistent applicant. Patent examiners are given less time to review patent applications as they gain seniority, leading to less thorough reviews. None of these observations is entirely new. For example, we have covered the problems created by unlimited re-applications in the past. But what sets Frakes and Wasserman’s work apart is that they have convincing empirical evidence for all three theories.
(tags: patents uspto swpats brookings-institution patenting law)
SE Asia travel pro-tip from Naomi Wu
Naomi Wu on Twitter: “Honestly Saccharomyces boulardii solves the problem [of dodgy tummy] for most people, it’s what I take when I travel to SE Asia”
(tags: food diarrhoea s-boulardii bacterica digestion health travel se-asia tips)
When you engineer a system for deployment you build it to meet certain real-world goals. You may find that there are tradeoffs, and that you can’t achieve all of your goals, but that’s normal; as I’ve remarked, “engineering is the art of picking the right trade-off in an overconstrained environment”. For any computer-based financial system, one crucial parameter is the transaction rate. For a system like Bitcoin, another goal had to be avoiding concentrations of power. And of course, there’s transaction privacy. There are less obvious factors, too. These days, “mining” for Bitcoins requires a lot of computations, which translates directly into electrical power consumption. One estimate is that the Bitcoin network uses up more electricity than many countries. There’s also the question of governance: who makes decisions about how the network should operate? It’s not a question that naturally occurs to most scientists and engineers, but production systems need some path for change. In all of these, Bitcoin has failed. The failures weren’t inevitable; there are solutions to these problems in the acdemic literature. But Bitcoin was deployed by enthusiasts who in essence let experimental code escape from a lab to the world, without thinking about the engineering issues—and now they’re stuck with it. Perhaps another, better cryptocurrency can displace it, but it’s always much harder to displace something that exists than to fill a vacuum.
(tags: steven-bellovin bitcoin tech software systems engineering deployment cryptocurrency cypherpunks)
RFC 2322: Management of IP numbers by peg-dhcp
This RFC describes a protocol to dynamically hand out ip-numbers on field networks and small events that don’t necessarily have a clear organisational body.
ie. using clothes pegs!(tags: pegs dhcp hacks rfcs hip97 hip protocols clothespegs)
Learning to operate Kubernetes reliably
A very solid writeup from Julia “b0rk” Evans at Stripe
(tags: stripe kubernetes cron distributed-cron jobs docker containers ops julia-evans)
pretty cool stuff from Google, has to be said
How Syria’s White Helmets became victims of an online propaganda machine | World news | The Guardian
The way the Russian propaganda machine has targeted the White Helmets is a neat case study in the prevailing information wars. It exposes just how rumours, conspiracy theories and half-truths bubble to the top of YouTube, Google and Twitter search algorithms. “This is the heart of Russian propaganda. In the old days they would try and portray the Soviet Union as a model society. Now it’s about confusing every issue with so many narratives that people can’t recognise the truth when they see it,” said David Patrikarakos, author of War in 140 Characters: How Social Media is Reshaping Conflict in the 21st Century.
(tags: propaganda white-helmets russia disinfo syria facebook assad google youtube fud algorithms)
some design principles behind Circonus’ time series data store
(tags: circonus time-series irondb databases storage architecture coding)
What Gamergate should have taught us about the ‘alt-right’
Spot on, from a year ago:
Prominent critics of the Trump administration need to learn from Gamergate. They need to be prepared for abuse, for falsified concerns, invented grassroots campaigns designed specifically to break, belittle, or disgrace. Words and concepts will be twisted, repackaged and shared across forums, stripping them of meaning. Gamergate painted critics as censors, the far-right movement claims critics are the real racists. Perhaps the true lesson of Gamergate was that the media is culturally unequipped to deal with the forces actively driving these online movements. The situation was horrifying enough two years ago, it is many times more dangerous now.
(tags: politics fascism gamergate history alt-right milo fake-news propaganda nazis racism misogyny)
Google Thinks I’m Dead – The New York Times
jesus, Google, this is a shambles
(tags: google data correctness bugs errors data-cleanliness accuracy)
‘Simple uptime monitoring: distributed, self-hosted health checks and status pages’ — stores in S3
(tags: go ops monitoring uptime health-checks status-pages status golang s3)
The Real Danger To Civilization Isn’t AI. It’s Runaway Capitalism
The idea of superintelligence is such a poorly defined notion that one could envision it taking almost any form with equal justification: a benevolent genie that solves all the world’s problems, or a mathematician that spends all its time proving theorems so abstract that humans can’t even understand them. But when Silicon Valley tries to imagine superintelligence, what it comes up with is no-holds-barred capitalism. [….] I realized that we are already surrounded by machines that demonstrate a complete lack of insight, we just call them corporations. Corporations don’t operate autonomously, of course, and the humans in charge of them are presumably capable of insight, but capitalism doesn’t reward them for using it. On the contrary, capitalism actively erodes this capacity in people by demanding that they replace their own judgment of what “good” means with “whatever the market decides.”
(tags: capitalism silicon-valley ai superintelligence future ted-chiang sf)
It’s official, ADSL works over wet string
So, there you go, ADSL over 2m of literal “wet string”. Well done all for testing this. It shows the importance of handling faults that seem to just be “low speed”.
extremely detailed writeup on a secondhand Nissan LEAF
‘2015 Nissan LEAF, 24kWh Acenta model’ — with specifics of cost, usage in Ireland, charging times, etc. Super-detailed!
The Mirai Botnet Was Part of a College Student Minecraft Scheme
The truth, as made clear in that Alaskan courtroom Friday — and unsealed by the Justice Department on Wednesday—was even stranger: The brains behind Mirai were a 21-year-old Rutgers college student from suburban New Jersey and his two college-age friends from outside Pittsburgh and New Orleans. All three—Paras Jha, Josiah White, and Dalton Norman, respectively—admitted their role in creating and launching Mirai into the world. Originally, prosecutors say, the defendants hadn’t intended to bring down the internet—they had been trying to gain an advantage in the computer game Minecraft. “They didn’t realize the power they were unleashing,” says FBI supervisory special agent Bill Walton. “This was the Manhattan Project.”
(via Nelson)AWS re:Invent 2017 slides: CMP301 – Deep Dive on Amazon EC2 Instances
useful session from re:Invent this year
AWS re:Invent 2017 slides: DAT302 – Deep Dive on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
useful session from re:Invent this year
AWS re:Invent 2017 slides: STG306 – Deep Dive on Amazon EBS
useful session from re:Invent this year
Wishlist: A Tiny Museum for Your Mantle – Atlas Obscura
the Mini Museum. back on sale at Amazon and absolutely amazing
(tags: museum stuff toget want atlas-obscura history science fossils collectibles)
AWS CodeBuild Plugin – Jenkins – Jenkins Wiki
Trigger AWS CodeBuild jobs as build steps for a Jenkins project. :thinking_face_emoji:
‘The missing link between AWS AutoScaling Groups and Route53 […] solves the issue of keeping a route53 zone up to date with the changes that an autoscaling group might face.’
(tags: auto53 route-53 dns aws amazon ops hostnames asg autoscaling)
The Case for Learned Index Structures
‘Indexes are models: a B-Tree-Index can be seen as a model to map a key to the position of a record within a sorted array, a Hash-Index as a model to map a key to a position of a record within an unsorted array, and a BitMap-Index as a model to indicate if a data record exists or not. In this exploratory research paper, we start from this premise and posit that all existing index structures can be replaced with other types of models, including deep-learning models, which we term learned indexes. The key idea is that a model can learn the sort order or structure of lookup keys and use this signal to effectively predict the position or existence of records. We theoretically analyze under which conditions learned indexes outperform traditional index structures and describe the main challenges in designing learned index structures. Our initial results show, that by using neural nets we are able to outperform cache-optimized B-Trees by up to 70% in speed while saving an order-of-magnitude in memory over several real-world data sets. More importantly though, we believe that the idea of replacing core components of a data management system through learned models has far reaching implications for future systems designs and that this work just provides a glimpse of what might be possible.’ Excellent follow-up thread from Henry Robinson: ‘The fact that the learned representation is more compact is very neat. But also it’s not really a surprise that, given the entire dataset, we can construct a more compact function than a B-tree which is *designed* to support efficient updates.’ […] ‘given that the model performs best when trained on the whole data set – I strongly doubt B-trees are the best we can do with the current state-of-the art.’
(tags: data-structures ml google b-trees storage indexes deep-learning henry-robinson)
Internet protocols are changing
per @mnot. HTTP/2; TLS 1.3; QUIC and UDP; and DOH (DNS over HTTP!)
(tags: crypto encryption http https protocols http2 tls quic udp tcp dns tunnelling) – Quick, Free, Detection for the Masses
similar to honeytokens — detect breaches by access attempts to unique addresses
(tags: security honeypots honeytokens canary canarytokens)
In first, 3-D printed objects connect to WiFi without electronics
This. is. magic.
Physical motion—pushing a button, laundry soap flowing out of a bottle, turning a knob, removing a hammer from a weighted tool bench—triggers gears and springs elsewhere in the 3-D printed object that cause a conductive switch to intermittently connect or disconnect with the antenna and change its reflective state. Information—in the form of 1s and 0s—is encoded by the presence or absence of the tooth on a gear. Energy from a coiled spring drives the gear system, and the width and pattern of gear teeth control how long the backscatter switch makes contact with the antenna, creating patterns of reflected signals that can be decoded by a WiFi receiver.
(tags: magic wifi whoa 3d-printing objects plastic gears springs)
Quite unusual to see an honest review of travelling coach-class on an internal US flight. This is a massive stinker: “I admit American isn’t my favourite airline, but this has made me seriously re-evaluate ever travelling on them again. And it won’t be economy. If this is Americans idea of their future standards, they can keep it. Aviation enthusiasts might find it really interesting- I felt like I was in a flying prison”.
Using AWS Batch to Generate Mapzen Terrain Tiles · Mapzen
Using this setup on AWS Batch, we are able to generate more than 3.75 million tiles per minute and render the entire world in less than a week! These pre-rendered tiles get stored in S3 and are ready to use by anyone through the AWS Public Dataset or through Mapzen’s Terrain Tiles API.
Theresa May’s Blue Monday — Fintan O’Toole
Having backed down, May was then peremptorily informed that she was not even allowed to back down. She left her lunch with the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to take a phone call from the DUP’s Arlene Foster, who told her that the deal she had just made was unacceptable. May then had to go back in and tell Juncker that she could not agree to what she had just agreed to. It is a scarcely credible position for a once great state to find itself in: its leader does not even have the power to conduct a dignified retreat.
(tags: eu ireland brexit uk theresa-may dup politics ec fintan-otoole)
Handling GDPR: How to make Kafka Forget
How do you delete (or redact) data from Kafka? The simplest way to remove messages from Kafka is to simply let them expire. By default Kafka will keep data for two weeks and you can tune this as required. There is also an Admin API that lets you delete messages explicitly if they are older than some specified time or offset. But what if we are keeping data in the log for a longer period of time, say for Event Sourcing use cases or as a source of truth? For this you can make use of Compacted Topics, which allow messages to be explicitly deleted or replaced by key.
Similar applies to Kinesis I would think.
Bella Caledonia: A Wake-Up Call
Swathes of the British elite appeared ignorant of much of Irish history and the country’s present reality. They seemed to have missed that Ireland’s economic dependence on exports to its neighbour came speedily to an end after both joined the European Economic Community in 1973. They seemed unacquainted with Ireland’s modern reality as a confident, wealthy, and internationally-oriented nation with overwhelming popular support for EU membership. Repeated descriptions of the border as a “surprise” obstacle to talks betrayed that Britain had apparently not listened, or had dismissed, the Irish government’s insistence in tandem with the rest of the EU since April that no Brexit deal could be agreed that would harden the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. The British government failed to listen to Ireland throughout history, and it was failing to listen still.
(tags: europe ireland brexit uk ukip eu northern-ireland border history)
AWS re:invent 2017: Advanced Design Patterns for Amazon DynamoDB (DAT403) – YouTube
Video of one of the more interesting sessions from this year’s Re:invent
Another re:Invent highlight to watch — ECS’ new native container networking model explained
(tags: reinvent aws containers docker ecs networking sdn ops)
VLC in European Parliament’s bug bounty program
This was not something I expected:
The European Parliament has approved budget to improve the EU’s IT infrastructure by extending the free software security audit programme (FOSSA) and by including a bug bounty approach in the programme. The Commission intends to conduct a small-scale “bug bounty” activity on open-source software with companies already operating in the market. The scope of this action is to: Run a small-scale “bug bounty” activity for open source software project or library for a period of up to two months maximum; The purpose of the procedure is to provide the European institutions with open source software projects or libraries that have been properly screened for potential vulnerabilities; The process must be fully open to all potential bug hunters, while staying in-line with the existing Terms of Service of the bug bounty platform.
(tags: vlc bug-bounties security europe europarl eu ep bugs oss video open-source)
newsgroup/torrent TV PVR automation. looks neat
(tags: pvr tv automation usenet bittorrent)
South Pole Ice Tunnels – Antarctica – Atlas Obscura
‘One of the strangest of these monuments consists of the body of an atrophied White Sturgeon and a handwritten account of its journey. The fish had arrived in 1992 at McMurdo Station (a US base located at the edge of Antarctica and the Ross Sea) and had been destined for a remote Russian station called Vostok. However, the Russians gifted the sturgeon to American scientists who later discarded it after it had languished uneaten in a freezer for several months. It was from the trash dump that a garbage processing crew reclaimed the sturgeon, and it then made its way from location to location across Antarctica. It finally became enshrined in the tunnels beneath the South Pole where it greets visitors from a ledge chiseled in the ice.’
(tags: south-pole pole big-dead-place shrines funny sturgeons antarctica amundsen-scott-station mcmurdo vostok)
Introducing the Amazon Time Sync Service
Well overdue; includes Google-style leap smearing
The Impenetrable Program Transforming How Courts Treat DNA Evidence | WIRED
‘So the lab turned to TrueAllele, a program sold by Cybergenetics, a small company dedicated to helping law enforcement analyze DNA where regular lab tests fail. They do it with something called probabilistic genotyping, which uses complex mathematical formulas to examine the statistical likelihood that a certain genotype comes from one individual over another. It’s a type of DNA testing that’s becoming increasingly popular in courtrooms. ‘ […] ‘But now legal experts, along with Johnson’s advocates, are joining forces to argue to a California court that TrueAllele—the seemingly magic software that helped law enforcement analyze the evidence that tied Johnson to the crimes—should be forced to reveal the code that sent Johnson to prison. This code, they say, is necessary in order to properly evaluate the technology. In fact, they say, justice from an unknown algorithm is no justice at all.’
(tags: law justice trueallele software dna evidence statistics probability code-review auditing)
Meet the man who deactivated Trump’s Twitter account
His last day at Twitter was mostly uneventful, he says. There were many goodbyes, and he worked up until the last hour before his computer access was to be shut off. Near the end of his shift, the fateful alert came in. This is where Trump’s behavior intersects with Duysak’s work life. Someone reported Trump’s account on Duysak’s last day; as a final, throwaway gesture, he put the wheels in motion to deactivate it. Then he closed his computer and left the building.
Fine Art Prints – The Public Domain Review
This is amazing — “museum quality” prints of favourites from the PDR archives, featuring Paul Klee, William Blake, ukiyo-e from Hiroshige, Goya, and even Athanasius Kircher
(tags: prints to-get fine-art public-domain art william-blake ukiyo-e hiroshige goya klee)
Introducing AWS Fargate – Run Containers without Managing Infrastructure
now that’s a good announcement. Available right away running atop ECS; EKS in 2018
creepy fake motion-detector cameras in AirBnBs
Jason Scott on Twitter: “In “oh, that’s a thing now” news, a colleague of mine thought it odd that there was a single “motion detector” in his AirBNB in the bedroom and voila, it’s an IP camera connected to the web. (He left at 3am, reported, host is suspended, colleague got refund.)”
(tags: airbnb motion-detectors cameras surveillance creepy privacy)
Parental Controls & Internet Filtering — Circle
this looks interesting; internet time limits and per-user/per-device content filtering, for kids
(tags: apps kids android ios circle filtering family parenting)
‘A book about London’s gorgeous, brutalist architecture includes dainty DIY papercraft models to make yourself’ — awesome
(tags: brutalist architecture london papercraft models barbican)
UK government planning to require age verification for access to porn
This thread has pointed out the unintentional side effect which I hadn’t considered: this database of user auth info and their porn habits will be an incredibly valuable target for foreign governments and hackers, and a single foreign porn company owns the AV service they are potentially planning to use for it. “if they can’t find a way to de-link identities from usage, this is a monumental national security risk and it’s beyond insane they’re even considering it. “Sorry Prime Minister, Russia now knows what porn every MP, civil servant and clearance holder watches and when, and we don’t know how much of it they’ve given to Wikileaks. In retrospect, having the world’s most obvious SIGINT target built in PHP and hosted in the Cayman Islands by an uncleared foreign 25 year old working for a porn company probably wasn’t the best idea”.’
(tags: age verification porn uk politics censorship security national-security wikileaks russia)
How to configure Backblaze B2 with Duplicity on Linux
sorry S3, Backblaze is cheaper nowadays!
(tags: duplicity backups linux ops security b2 s3 storage home)
/tan?sple?n/ – verb informal – (of a British journalist or political type) explaining Irish history and politics to an Irish person, in a manner regarded as condescending, patronizing, and often incorrect.
(tags: politics lols funny tansplaining black-and-tans history uk brexit dictionary neologisms)
Ordering a new EV ? what are your 181 options ?
(thinking face)
Witney Seibold watches all the Academy Award Best Picture winners
Myself and the missus are in the process of doing this right now!
(tags: nerdist witney-seibold academy-awards best-picture awards movies)
it’s 2017, and spam has clawed itself back from the grave. It shows up on social media and dating sites as bots hoping to lure you into downloading malware or clicking an affiliate link. It creeps onto your phone as text messages and robocalls that ring you five times a day about luxury cruises and fictitious tax bills. Networks associated with the buzzy new cryptocurrency system Ethereum have been plagued with spam. Facebook recently fought a six-month battle against a spam operation that was administering fake accounts in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and other countries. Last year, a Chicago resident sued the Trump campaign for allegedly sending unsolicited text message spam; this past November, ZDNet reported that voters were being inundated with political text messages they never signed up for. Apps can be horrid spam vectors, too — TechCrunch writer Jordan Crook wrote in April about how she idly downloaded an app called Gather that promptly spammed everyone in her contact list. Repeated mass data breaches that include contact information, such as the Yahoo breach in which 3 billion user accounts were exposed, surely haven’t helped. Meanwhile, you, me, and everyone we know is being plagued by robocalls. “There is no recourse for me,” lamented Troy Doliner, a student in Boston who gets robocalls every day. “I am harassed by a faceless entity that I cannot track down.” “I think we had a really unique set of circumstances that created this temporary window where spam was in remission,” said Finn Brunton, an assistant professor at NYU who wrote Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet, “and now we’re on the other side of that, with no end in sight.”
(via Boing Boing)(tags: spam privacy email social-media web robocalls phone ethereum texts abuse)