A Taxonomy of Tech Debt | Riot Games Engineering
Very sensible way to group/classify tech debt work — we did something similar in Swrve internally at one point, but this is much more evolved
(tags: engineering software coding)
Dodgy history of the firm behind “coal power plant reopening to mine blockchain”
Here’s the breathless CNet article: https://www.cnet.com/news/australian-coal-power-plant-reopened-blockchain-bitcoin-applications/ , but it seems Hunter Energy and IOT Group have quite a history going by this Twitter thread
(tags: twitter companies legal cnet blockchain bitcoin power coal fossil-fuels australia iot-group hunter-energy)
How to talk to your children about abortion care in the run-up to the referendum
She pointed out one of the “baby” posters the other day when we were in the car and passed one. I said “Actually that’s a baby seed but the people who paid a lot of money for those posters made it look like a baby on purpose, because they think everyone who has a baby seed should have to grow it into a baby whether they wanted to or not. And that I think that’s telling lies and shouldn’t be allowed.”
(tags: abortion pro-choice kids children education childbirth savita propaganda repealthe8th parenting)