Epic shouty thread about modern Silicon Valley software products.
We know that no company, regardless of size, can be trusted with this information. We KNOW it will not stay private, our photos of our partners genitals and tax documents will become public either deliberately or accidentally. We know that any company that tries to buck this trend can’t be trusted, and even if they are completely, absolutely transparent, it doesn’t matter because we will wake up one day to discover they were purchased at 2 AM and the data transfer /already started/ We represent billions in revenue but they hold our info in escrow and that means we don’t have enough money to buy their loyalty, because a business considers business money more real than person money.
(tags: money funding capitalism silicon-valley internet web google facebook banks banking)
The American Chopper meme, explained – Vox
“Maybe we should have been blogging in dialectics all along”
(tags: memes american-chopper dialectics academia discussion plato dialogue)
Justin's Linklog Posts
A long list of the misfeatures that IOS/Android devices have regarding child use. 100% agreed with this
(tags: ios ipad iphone parenting devices kids android youtube)
A Closer Look at Experian Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Durham Police
‘UK police bought profiling data for their artificial intelligence (AI) system, deciding whether to hold suspects in custody, from … Experian.’ ‘The AI tool uses 34 data categories including the offender’s criminal history, combined with their age, gender and two types of residential postcode. The use of postcode data is problematic in predictive software of this kind as it carries a risk of perpetuating bias towards areas marked by community deprivation.’
(tags: experian marketing credit-score data policing uk durham ai statistics crime hart)
lemire/JavaFastPFOR: A simple integer compression library in Java
a library to compress and uncompress arrays of integers very fast. The assumption is that most (but not all) values in your array use much less than 32 bits, or that the gaps between the integers use much less than 32 bits. These sort of arrays often come up when using differential coding in databases and information retrieval (e.g., in inverted indexes or column stores). Please note that random integers are not compressible, by this library or by any other means. If you ever had the means of systematically compressing random integers, you could compress any data source to nothing, by recursive application of your technique. This library can decompress integers at a rate of over 1.2 billions per second (4.5 GB/s). It is significantly faster than generic codecs (such as Snappy, LZ4 and so on) when compressing arrays of integers. The library is used in LinkedIn Pinot, a realtime distributed OLAP datastore. Part of this library has been integrated in Parquet (http://parquet.io/). A modified version of the library is included in the search engine Terrier (http://terrier.org/). This libary is used by ClueWeb Tools (https://github.com/lintool/clueweb). It is also used by Apache NiFi.
(tags: compression java pfor encoding integers algorithms storage)
Fucking hell, things sound grim Down Under:
Things changed in December 2016, when the government announced that the system had undergone full automation. Humans would no longer investigate anomalies in earnings. Instead, debt notices would be automatically generated when inconsistencies were detected. The government’s rationale for automating the process was telling. “Our aim is to ensure that people get what they are entitled to—no more and no less,” read the press release. “And to crack down hard when people deliberately defraud the system.” The result was a disaster. I’ve had friends who’ve received an innocuous email urging them to check their MyGov account—an online portal available to Australian citizens with an internet connection to access a variety of government services—only to log in and find they’re hundreds or thousands of dollars in arrears, supposedly because they didn’t accurately report their income. Some received threats from private debt collectors, who told them their wages would be seized if they didn’t submit to a payment plan. Those who wanted to contest their debts had to lodge a formal complaint, and were subjected to hours of Mozart’s Divertimento in F Major before they could talk to a case worker. Others tried taking their concerns directly to the Centrelink agency on Twitter, where they were directed to calling Lifeline, a 24-hour hotline for crisis support and suicide prevention. At the end of 2015, my friend Chloe received a notice claiming she owed $20,000 to the government. She was told that she had reported her income incorrectly while on Youth Allowance, which provides financial assistance to certain categories of young people. The figure was shocking and, like others in her position, she grew suspicious. She decided to contest the debt: she contacted all of her previous employers so she could gather pay slips, and scanned them into the MyGov app. “I gave them all of my information to prove that there was no way I owed them $20,000,” she says. The bean counters were unmoved. They maintained that Chloe had reported her after-tax income instead of her before-tax income. As a result, they increased the amount she owed to $30,000. She agreed to a payment plan, which will see her pay off the debt in fortnightly installments of $50 over the course of two decades. “I even looked into bankruptcy because I was so stressed by it,” she says. “All I could think about was the Centrelink debt, and once they upped it to 30k, I was so ashamed and sad and miserable,” she says.
(tags: austerity algorithms automation dystopia australia government debt-collectors robo-debt dole benefit grim-meathook-future)
The Irish Border’s Ladybird How It Works book on The Technological Solution
(tags: ladybird parody funny ireland politics northern-ireland brexit)
A valuable history lesson from Jim Gettys:
Government export controls crippled Internet security and the design of Internet protocols from the very beginning: we continue to pay the price to this day. Getting security right is really, really hard, and current efforts towards “back doors”, or other access is misguided. We haven’t even recovered from the previous rounds of government regulations, which has caused excessive complexity in an already difficult problem and many serious security problems. Let us not repeat this mistake…
I remember the complexity of navigating crypto export controls. As noted here, it was generally easier just not to incorporate security features.(tags: security crypto export-control jim-gettys x11 history x-windows mit athena kerberos)
great article about the Dublin Canvas project — great success
(tags: dublin painting street-art art)
plugin EVs outsell ICE-driven cars in Norway
56% of cars registered in March 2018 in Norway were plugin EVs rather than fossil-fuel burning ICE vehicles, with Nissan Leafs well in first place
Another reason why your Docker containers may be slow
TL;DR: fadvise() is a bottleneck on Linux machines running many containers
(tags: linux fadvise filesystems performance docker containers ops)
Online mattress-in-a-box brands: Why are there so many? – Curbed
“People ask me what it takes to get into this space,” said Bryan Murphy, founder and president of Tomorrow Sleep. “If you have a [Google] AdWords account [to buy digital ads] and you know a subcontractor, you can sell a mattress online.”
‘Make JSON greppable!’
What worries me about AI – François Chollet – Medium
One path leads to a place that really scares me. The other leads to a more humane future. There’s still time to take the better one. If you work on these technologies, keep this in mind. You may not have evil intentions. You may simply not care. You may simply value your RSUs more than our shared future. But whether or not you care, because you have a hand in shaping the infrastructure of the digital world, your choices affect us all. And you may eventually be held responsible for them.
(tags: ai facebook newsfeed technology future silicon-valley google)
Europe dumps 300,000 UK-owned .EU domains into the Brexit bin – The Register
“As a result of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, a holder of a domain name does no longer fulfil the general eligibility criteria… the Registry for .eu will be entitled to revoke such domain name on its own initiative and without submitting the dispute to any extrajudicial settlement of conflicts.”
Apply usual Reg pinch of salt of course. The real announcement states ‘this information is subject to any transitional arrangement that may be contained in a possible withdrawal agreement, which is an ongoing negotiation between the United Kingdom and European Commission.’ So I guess the plan is to get an agreement in place to avoid this.-
an Armagh-based home appliance retail shop, apparently doing good deals and with free delivery to Dublin. recommended by Karlin Lillington: “Superb prices, will do multi-purchase deals, FREE delivery to Meath/Louth/Dublin & bend over backwards to offer service & advice”
(tags: via:karlin armagh shopping appliances kitchen home import tips)
Earth’s Wonders Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before – Planet Stories – Medium
wonderful oblique views from space — these are fantastic (via Kokogiak)
(tags: via:kokogiak pics photos satellite mapping earth space wonders oblique)
rr: lightweight recording & deterministic debugging
aspires to be your primary C/C++ debugging tool for Linux, replacing — well, enhancing — gdb. You record a failure once, then debug the recording, deterministically, as many times as you want. The same execution is replayed every time. rr also provides efficient reverse execution under gdb. Set breakpoints and data watchpoints and quickly reverse-execute to where they were hit.
(via Kevin Lyda and b0rk)
Timeline behind the #CopOnComrades controversy
A very exhaustive timeline of the online defence of feminism against a few left-wing men in Ireland, courtesy of Andrew Flood.
(tags: coponcomrades left-wing politics ireland twitter facebook irish-times)
How Good Is Spotify’s Audio Quality? · Baron Schwartz’s Website
Various streaming services (Spotify) use lossy formats (Ogg Vorbis); various audio-casting devices (Chromecast) use other lossy formats (AAC). Crappy audio quality issues ensue.
(tags: chromecast ogg-vorbis aac audio lossy-encoding compression noise fail spotify)
Forget Facebook, Russian agents have been pretending to be furries on Tumblr
whaaat the fuck
(tags: tumblr russia spies fake-news furries yiffing omgwtf)
‘Stop hosting GDC in SF’ twitter thread
Emre Deniz: ‘My GDC feedback was simple: Stop hosting it in SF. I’ll be going back for tourist stuff but for the conference it needs to go. SF is a dangerous city and America is not welcome to non western developers. The city hates us being there, we are worried being there, move it.’
The twitter thread is replete with scary stories of robberies, TSA hassling attendees, etc.(tags: san-francisco us safety gdc conferences travel)
Scientific review of nutritional supplements and vitamins, rounding up hundreds of papers and weighting them based on the level of evidence provided
(tags: health food nutrition vitamins supplements science medicine review vitamin)
Amazon DynamoDB Adds Support for Continuous Backups and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR)
excellent! This is a much-needed feature
(tags: dynamodb storage databases aws ops architecture recovery)
Colm MacCárthaigh on TLS 1.3 and the risks of 0-RTT
here’s my advice: if you see a server supporting 0-RTT and that server doesn’t give you an iron-clad guarantee that when the key is used, it’s deleted, and that your EARLY CONVERSATION can’t be repeated … don’t use it.
(tags: colmmacc tls security ssl 0rtt risks networking crypto)
Good post on workarounds/pain relief/migraine-abortive treatments from the /r/migraine subreddit. Some of the things I’ve found helpful (ice-cold Coke, headache stick, and of course triptans), and I few I haven’t tried yet, so may give them a try. God damn migraines :(
Brad Templeton’s commentary on the Uber robocar killing a pedestrian
At this point, it does seem as though a wrongful death lawsuit might emerge from the family of the victim. The fame for the lawyer will cause pro bono representation to appear, and the deep pockets of Uber will certainly be attractive. I recommend Uber immediately offer a settlement the courts would consider generous. And tell us more information about what really happened. And, if it’s as surmised, to get their act together. The hard truth is, that if Uber’s vehicle is unable to detect a pedestrian like this in time to stop, Uber has no business testing at 40mph on a road like this. Certainly not with an inattentive solo safety driver.
It certainly sounds like they need to answer questions about LIDAR usage on that car.
Film by Páraic McGloughlin A brief look at the earth from above, based on the shapes we make, the game of life, our playing ground – Arena. Created using Google Earth imagery. Pearse McGloughlin and I collaborated on the audio resulting in something between music and a soundtrack. Audio mastered by TJ LippleHear
The AWS CLI tool supports aliases, a la git, so you can do things like “aws whoami” aliased to “aws sts get-caller-identity”.
The NSA Worked to “Track Down” Bitcoin Users, Snowden Documents Reveal
‘Part of the NSA’s Bitcoin access, codenamed MONKEYROCKET, involved essentially tricking targets into using privacy software (a VPN app?) that was actually feeding information directly to the agency.’
‘A simple HTTP/2.0 test tool’
SXSW 2018: A Look Back at the 1960s PLATO Computing System – IEEE Spectrum
Author Brian Dear on how these terminals were designed for coursework, but students preferred to chat and play games […] “Out of the top 10 programs on PLATO running any day, most were games,” Dear says. “They used more CPU time than anything else.” In one popular game called Empire, players blast each other’s spaceships with phasers and torpedoes in order to take over planets.
And PLATO had code review built into the OS:Another helpful feature that no longer exists was called Term Comment. It allowed users to leave feedback for developers and programmers at any place within a program where they spotted a typo or had trouble completing a task. To do this, the user would simply open a comment box and leave a note right there on the screen. Term Comment would append the comment to the user’s place in the program so that the recipient could easily navigate to it and clearly see the problem, instead of trying to recreate it from scratch on their own system. “That was immensely useful for developers,” Dear says. “If you were doing QA on software, you could quickly comment, and it would track exactly where the user left this comment. We never really got this on the Web, and it’s such a shame that we didn’t.”
(tags: plato computing history chat empire gaming code-review coding brian-dear)
Ten Reasons Why I Don’t Like Golang
When I first started programming in Go, my summary of it was, “The good things are great and the bad things are weird and I can live with them.” After another three years and a few large projects in Go, I no longer like the language and wouldn’t use it for a new project. Here are 10 reasons why, in no particular order.
A quantitive analysis of the impact of arbitrary blockchain content on Bitcoin
‘People put all sorts of things into the Bitcoin blockchain – some of it objectionable, some of it illegal. Now what?’
(tags: blockchain bitcoin ledger immutability internet law crime papers)
Cameras as Traffic Cops – Hacker Noon
Guy trains model on NYC traffic camera video to detect blocked bike lanes and bus stops. Estimates “the number of tickets being given represents less than .0001% of infractions”. (via lemonodor)
(tags: via:lemonodor future tickets traffic nyc cameras surveillance bike-lanes bus-stops traffic-law)
Ken Foxe’s Beginner’s Guide to FOI
This guide is designed to be read by members of the public or journalists looking to dip their toes into the world of Freedom of Information in Ireland. It is not designed to be an authoritative guide to FOI, a history book, or an academic text … it is simply a useful introduction to the first steps, the language, and the things you need to know before you start.
(tags: foia foi government ireland ken-foxe)
Apache Airflow at Pandora – Algorithm and Blues
sounds like they are pretty into Airflow
(tags: airflow python apache pandora open-source scheduling dags)
Microtargeting. Misinformation. Psychographic profiling. Install Who Targets Me [a Chrome plugin] to find out who’s trying to win your vote – and how they’re doing it.
(tags: ads advertising chrome extensions microtargeting politics facebook)
Interesting Twitter thread on email UI design, vs Slack
“When redesigning Outlook, we found two basic groups of users: pilers and filers. Pilers kept a single, ever-expanding list of mail in their Inbox and then worked it down to “inbox zero.” Filers wrote rules or manually filed mail into folders, creating an organizational system. Filers rely on their bespoke, highly customized knowledge of where things go in their email system, much like you might organize your kitchen in a way that makes sense to you. You know where the strainer or little corn-cob-holders go, and no one else does (or needs to.) Pilers rely on search to find things in their huge amassed pile. We moved Outlook from the fundamental organization unit of “message” to “conversation” (or “thread”) so that when pilers found mail via search, messages would return with the context of the surrounding conversation. Both pilers and filers have one key thing in common: their systems require an affirmative, discrete action to take a mail out of their list. Filers file to a folder when done with a message, and pilers archive/delete. This turned out to be essential for people to feel in control.”
really,“filers”(update:) “pilers” are using the UI that GMail pioneered, where credit is due (as far as I know at least).(tags: mail ux ui pilers-and-filers filepile email slack outlook)
7% of Scott Kelly’s Genes Changed After a Year in Space – Universe Today
The study took into account possible genomic and cognitive changes between the two [twin] brothers. These findings were recently clarified by NASA, which indicated that 93% of Scott Kelly’s genes returned to normal after he returned to Earth while the remaining 7% points were missing. These were attributed to “longer-term changes in genes related to his immune system, DNA repair, bone formation networks, hypoxia, and hypercapnia.” In other words, in addition to the well-documented effects of microgravity – such as muscle atrophy, bone density loss and loss of eyesight – Scott Kelly also experienced health effect caused by a deficiency in the amount of oxygen that was able to make it to his tissues, an excess of CO2 in his tissues, and long-term effects in how his body is able to maintain and repair itself.
(tags: nasa space iss spaceflight scott-kelly zero-gravity future microgravity health via:elliot)
Iterating over hash sets quickly in Java
Interesting datum:
My numbers are clear: in my tests, it is three times faster to sum up the values in a LinkedHashSet [than a HashSet].
(tags: performance java locality memory cache-friendly data-structures hashsets linkedhashsets sets)
Charging the LEAF | Speak EV – Electric Car Forums
Excellent reference on charge times and connection types for the Nissan Leaf EV
YouTube, the Great Radicalizer – The New York Times
It seems as if you are never “hard core” enough for YouTube’s recommendation algorithm. It promotes, recommends and disseminates videos in a manner that appears to constantly up the stakes. Given its billion or so users, YouTube may be one of the most powerful radicalizing instruments of the 21st century.
(tags: youtube culture politics radicalization crazy machine-learning google zeynep-tufekci)
This report describes our investigation into the apparent use of Sandvine/Procera Networks Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) devices to deliver nation-state malware in Turkey and indirectly into Syria, and to covertly raise money through affiliate ads and cryptocurrency mining in Egypt.
Shame on these vendors.(tags: egypt espionage infrastructure turkey syria procera dpi malware hacking sandvine)
The Great Igloos of Storm Emma – YouTube
in a once-in-a-lifetime snowstorm, it appears the young Irish male’s mind turns to (checks notes) building an igloo and having a party in it
(tags: igloos funny ireland storm-emma snow wtf humans-of-the-sesh)
Git, complicated? Of course not! Commits map to isomorphic contours in source-code phase space
The inspiration for the classic tweet.
it’s simplest to think of the state of your repository as a point in a high-dimensional ‘code-space’, in which branches are represented as n-dimensional membranes, mapping the spatial loci of successive commits onto the projected manifold of each cloned repository
From toilets to barbershops, Ireland has become visionaries in the igloo business overnight | JOE.ie
Igloos and bread are having a bit of a moment during Storm Emma
(tags: storms storm-emma funny igloos ireland)
how to deal with obnoxious political ads on Facebook
tl;dr: hide or report the ads. Both will drive up the cost for the advertiser and limit their reach
(tags: ads facebook social-media reporting antichoice repeal-the-8th)
Yes, bacon really is killing us – The Guardian Long Read
Since we eat with our eyes, the main way we judge the quality of cured meats is pinkness. Yet it is this very colour that we should be suspicious of, as the French journalist Guillaume Coudray explains in a book published in France last year called Cochonneries, a word that means both “piggeries” and “rubbish” or “junk food”. The subtitle is “How Charcuterie Became a Poison”. Cochonneries reads like a crime novel, in which the processed meat industry is the perpetrator and ordinary consumers are the victims. The pinkness of bacon – or cooked ham, or salami – is a sign that it has been treated with chemicals, more specifically with nitrates and nitrites. It is the use of these chemicals that is widely believed to be the reason why “processed meat” is much more carcinogenic than unprocessed meat. Coudray argues that we should speak not of “processed meat” but “nitro-meat”. […] When nitrates interact with certain components in red meat (haem iron, amines and amides), they form N-nitroso compounds, which cause cancer. The best known of these compounds is nitrosamine. This, as Guillaume Coudray explained to me in an email, is known to be “carcinogenic even at a very low dose”. Any time someone eats bacon, ham or other processed meat, their gut receives a dose of nitrosamines, which damage the cells in the lining of the bowel, and can lead to cancer. You would not know it from the way bacon is sold, but scientists have known nitrosamines are carcinogenic for a very long time. More than 60 years ago, in 1956, two British researchers called Peter Magee and John Barnes found that when rats were fed dimethyl nitrosamine, they developed malignant liver tumours. By the 1970s, animal studies showed that small, repeated doses of nitrosamines and nitrosamides – exactly the kind of regular dose a person might have when eating a daily breakfast of bacon – were found to cause tumours in many organs including the liver, stomach, oesophagus, intestines, bladder, brain, lungs and kidneys.
But there IS some good news for Parma ham and sausages:In 1993, Parma ham producers in Italy made a collective decision to remove nitrates from their products and revert to using only salt, as in the old days. For the past 25 years, no nitrates or nitrites have been used in any Prosciutto di Parma. Even without nitrate or nitrite, the Parma ham stays a deep rosy-pink colour. We now know that the colour in Parma ham is totally harmless, a result of the enzyme reactions during the ham’s 18-month ageing process. […] the average British sausage – as opposed to a hard sausage like a French saucisson – is not cured, being made of nothing but fresh meat, breadcrumbs, herbs, salt and E223, a preservative that is non-carcinogenic. After much questioning, two expert spokespeople for the US National Cancer Institute confirmed to me that “one might consider” fresh sausages to be “red meat” and not processed meat, and thus only a “probable” carcinogen.
(tags: bacon sausages meat parma-ham ham food cancer carcinogens big-meat nitrates nitrites)
30 kWh Leaf Nissan Connect Issues
seems there’s some kind of firmware/importation issue with the Nissan Leaf app integration…. bit of a mess
Palantir has secretly been using New Orleans to test its predictive policing technology – The Verge
Predictive policing technology has proven highly controversial wherever it is implemented, but in New Orleans, the program escaped public notice, partly because Palantir established it as a philanthropic relationship with the city through Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s signature NOLA For Life program. Thanks to its philanthropic status, as well as New Orleans’ “strong mayor” model of government, the agreement never passed through a public procurement process. In fact, key city council members and attorneys contacted by The Verge had no idea that the city had any sort of relationship with Palantir, nor were they aware that Palantir used its program in New Orleans to market its services to another law enforcement agency for a multimillion-dollar contract. Even James Carville, the political operative instrumental in bringing about Palantir’s collaboration with NOPD, said that the program was not public knowledge. “No one in New Orleans even knows about this, to my knowledge,” Carville said.
(tags: palantir creepy surveillance crime forecasting precrime new-orleans us-politics privacy)
Huy Fong sriracha hot sauce label – Fonts In Use
The fonts of the iconic sriracha bottle, analysed. Interestingly, the Chinese serif text is typeset in a universally-reviled font, PMingLiu:
For East Asian designers, PMingLiu was probably as despicable as Papyrus. Many have publicly voiced their disdain for PMingLiu, and some even see the elimination of PMingLiu from public sight as a career goal. Julius Hui, then consultant for Commercial Type, exclaims: PMingLiu inhibits the type business, maims the public’s aesthetic judgment, and puts a bad face on the Minch? genre. As long as the public have not harbored a deep hatred against PMingLiu, it is futile to completely eliminate it from the world.
(tags: typography packaging sriracha pmingliu mincho fonts type food labels)
Some gripes about Go from this blog, specifically around developer ergonomics (syntax highlighting and language-inherent error detection), politics, packaging and distribution, GOPATH, and the tuple-oriented error handling idiom. As R. I. Pienaar noted, the Go community seems full of “at-Google-wes”, which is an excellent way of putting it.
(tags: golang go criticism blogs syntax-highlighting coding languages google at-google-we)
In 2013, €100,000 was like a king’s ransom to most businesses in the Irish construction industry. Now clients approach us with budgets at this level and are shocked when we tell them how little can be achieved with such a large sum of money. We have decided to tackle this issue with a clear worked example. In 2018, rates for some types of construction have increased 50% since the recession, client expectations have increased, there is a shortage of competent construction workers, and subcontractors are now more accountable for quality. These pressures have inflated the many expenses which make up a typical renovation budget. Even the most seasoned commercial clients are struggling to achieve tenable construction prices, and first time buyers must understand the financial risk of buying a home in need of complete renovation.
whoa.(tags: renovation homes architecture houses building)
Artificial intelligence is going to supercharge surveillance – The Verge
What happens when governments can track huge numbers of people using CCTV? When police can digitally tail you around a city just by uploading your mugshot into a database?
Or, indeed, when CCTV combined with AI and big data is routinely tracking everybody all the time?(tags: ai surveillance privacy cctv big-data government big-brother anpr)
“There are a thousand ways to use containers” — broken down into Development, Distribution and Runtime Patterns (via Tony Finch)
(tags: docker containers design-patterns coding packaging deployment via:fanf)
‘The intro of Tubular Bells played three times with slight delays so it takes 40 minutes to sync AND… randomly generated visual loops from the Exorcist. That’s what I’ve made happen tonight. No video editor, no music editor – all code. And it’s a trip.’
(tags: tubular-bells the-exorcist video art delay hacks trippy)
[Changelog] Republic of Ireland Patch notes for version : ireland
Hello and welcome, I’m Leo Varadkar, lead developer of the MMO “Republic of Ireland”, which currently has 4,700,000+ players, and today we’ll be discussing changes coming eventually with the new patch.
— genius
He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An Information Apocalypse.
“In the next two, three, four years we’re going to have to plan for hobbyist propagandists who can make a fortune by creating highly realistic, photo realistic simulations,” Justin Hendrix, the executive director of NYC Media Lab, told BuzzFeed News. “And should those attempts work, and people come to suspect that there’s no underlying reality to media artifacts of any kind, then we’re in a really difficult place. It’ll only take a couple of big hoaxes to really convince the public that nothing’s real.”
(tags: fake-news reality news ai propaganda future black-mirror media hoaxes dystopia)
New DNA nanorobots successfully target and kill off cancerous tumors
This is amazing.
“Using tumor-bearing mouse models, we demonstrate that intravenously injected DNA nanorobots deliver thrombin specifically to tumor-associated blood vessels and induce intravascular thrombosis, resulting in tumor necrosis and inhibition of tumor growth,” the paper explains. DNA nanorobots are a somewhat new concept for drug delivery. They work by getting programmed DNA to fold into itself like origami and then deploying it like a tiny machine, ready for action.
Single Trapped Atom Captures Science Photography Competition’s top prize – EPSRC website
An image of a single positively-charged strontium atom, held near motionless by electric fields, has won the overall prize in a national science photography competition, organised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). ‘Single Atom in an Ion Trap’, by David Nadlinger, from the University of Oxford, shows the atom held by the fields emanating from the metal electrodes surrounding it. The distance between the small needle tips is about two millimetres. When illuminated by a laser of the right blue-violet colour the atom absorbs and re-emits light particles sufficiently quickly for an ordinary camera to capture it in a long exposure photograph. The winning picture was taken through a window of the ultra-high vacuum chamber that houses the ion trap.
Thousands of websites hijacked by hidden crypto-mining code after Browsealoud hacked
The affected sites all use a fairly popular plugin called Browsealoud, made by Brit biz Texthelp, which reads out webpages for blind or partially sighted people. This technology was compromised in some way – either by hackers or rogue insiders altering Browsealoud’s source code – to silently inject Coinhive’s Monero miner into every webpage offering Browsealoud. For several hours today, anyone who visited a site that embedded Browsealoud inadvertently ran this hidden mining code on their computer, generating money for the miscreants behind the caper. A list of 4,200-plus affected websites can be found here: they include The City University of New York (cuny.edu), Uncle Sam’s court information portal (uscourts.gov), Lund University (lu.se), the UK’s Student Loans Company (slc.co.uk), privacy watchdog The Information Commissioner’s Office (ico.org.uk) and the Financial Ombudsman Service (financial-ombudsman.org.uk), plus a shedload of other .gov.uk and .gov.au sites, UK NHS services, and other organizations across the globe. Manchester.gov.uk, NHSinform.scot, agriculture.gov.ie, Croydon.gov.uk, ouh.nhs.uk, legislation.qld.gov.au, the list goes on.
(tags: browsealoud accessibility http sri coinhive monero hacks ico nhs)
“Sometimes it was really easy to find cheats, because the code was very straightforward, and sometimes it was a massive pain in the arse,” recalls Jon. “In simple terms, if a game started you with three lives I’d set up the logic analyser to stop when it found the value three being written to RAM. Then I’d use the Game Genie to change that 3 to say a 5, reboot the game and see if I started with 5 lives. If not, then I’d let it find the next time it wrote 3 into RAM and try that. “Infinite lives codes were always the best. Once I’d found where in RAM the lives value was stored I’d then monitor when it got decremented. What I was looking for was where the game’s original coder used -most likely – the DEC A (&H3D) instruction after reading the lives value from RAM, and then storing it back into RAM. If I found this then all I had to do was swap out the DEC A (&H3D) decrement operation with a NOP (&H00), which performed no operation. So the lives value would be left as-is and voila the player had infinite lives.”
(tags: games gameboy game-genie via:its logic-analysers reverse-engineering history hacking)
Last orders: Ireland’s vanishing ‘quirky’ shopfronts – in pictures | Cities | The Guardian
Graphic designer Trevor Finnegan spent seven years documenting traditional shopfronts throughout Ireland.
Lovely examples of a vanishing vernacular style.(tags: architecture ireland rural shopfronts signs history)
Russia Did It, Y’all. And Nobody Fucking Cares.
That’s right, that’s CRAZY LIBERAL CONSPIRACY THEORIST George W. Bush […] saying it’s still an open question whether Russia actually successfully rigged the 2016 election. What a Code Pink Occupy Democracy Now liberal George W. Bush is being, to even ask that question!
(tags: wonkette elections donald-trump 2016 us-politics george-w-bush hacking)
Modern cars are more computerized than ever. Infotainment and navigation systems, Wi-Fi, automatic software updates, and other innovations aim to make driving more convenient. But vehicle technologies haven’t kept pace with today’s more hostile security environment, leaving millions vulnerable to attack. The Car Hacker’s Handbook will give you a deeper understanding of the computer systems and embedded software in modern vehicles. It begins by examining vulnerabilities and providing detailed explanations of communications over the CAN bus and between devices and systems. Then, once you have an understanding of a vehicle’s communication network, you’ll learn how to intercept data and perform specific hacks to track vehicles, unlock doors, glitch engines, flood communication, and more.
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license.
Pubs reveal drinks firms’ exclusive deals
‘You could be offered €100,000 – it’s big money’: Pubs reveal drinks firms’ exclusive deals; Heineken has already been accused of using its clout to squeeze out rivals.
Horslips respond angrily to xenophobic #irexit use of their hit “Dearg Doom”
Some of you may have spotted that the saddos in the Eirexit conference had the feckin’ temerity to use Dearg Doom as a soundtrack and to show the image of the album cover on the big screen. Needless to say, they didn’t ask us. If they had, we’d have pointed out that we wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire -which they’re unlikely to be, anytime soon. Five hundred damp, self regarding eejits being patronised by the Crazy Frog lookalike Nigel Farage … isn’t going to set the heather blazing in the near future. Horslips stood for a hopeful, outward looking, inclusive vision of Ireland with plenty of drink and a Blue Range Rover. This lot stand for a diminished, fearful, xenophobic state. Little Irelanders. Checking out whether we can do them for copyright infringement. We’ll keep you posted.Feel free to share.
legends.why Cheddar Man was dark skinned
‘But why should that be surprising? He’s over 10,000 years old, while mutations that led to white skin [the depigmentation gene SLC24A5] only began to spread widely [across Europe] 5,800 years old!’
(tags: europe history prehistory skin-colour cheddar-man race skin slc24a5 genetics david-grimes)
‘Fiction is outperforming reality’: how YouTube’s algorithm distorts truth
“no matter which political side the researcher started from, the platform pushed pro-Trump, anti-Clinton videos.”
(tags: youtube truth fake-news conspiracy-theories google algorithms politics brexit trump)
Amazon Aurora Parallel Query is Available for Preview
Looks very nifty (at least once it’s GA)
Parallel Query improves the performance of large analytic queries by pushing processing down to the Aurora storage layer, spreading processing across hundreds of nodes. With Parallel Query, you can run sophisticated analytic queries on Aurora tables with an order of magnitude performance improvement over serial query processing, in many cases. Parallel Query currently pushes down predicates used to filter tables and hash joins.
(tags: parallel aurora amazon mysql sql performance joins architecture data-model)
How $800k Evaporated from the PoWH Coin Ponzi Scheme Overnight
‘In 282 lines of code, PoWH Coin managed to give away $800,000 in Etherium.’
(tags: etherium blockchain coding powh 4chan fail fraud cryptocurrency javascript)
airlift/aircompressor: A port of Snappy, LZO and LZ4 to Java
This library contains implementations of LZ4, Snappy, and LZO written in pure Java. They are typically 10-40% faster than the JNI wrapper for the native libraries.
(tags: lz4 lzo lzop snappy java libraries airlift compression performance)
Playboy is suing Boing Boing – but linking is not copyright infringement
Boing Boing linked to a an imgur archive of all Playboy centerfolds, and Playboy is suing them:
Playboy’s lawsuit is based on an imaginary (and dangerous) version of US copyright law that bears no connection to any US statute or precedent. Playboy — once legendary champions for the First Amendment — now advances a fringe copyright theory: that it is illegal to link to things other people have posted on the web, on pain of millions in damages — the kinds of sums that would put us (and every other small publisher in America) out of business.
(tags: intellectual-property copyright playboy boing-boing centerfolds porn history linking web)