Justin's Linklog Posts
Hudson’s future : renaming to “Jenkins” due to Oracle asshattery
(tags: oracle hudson exodus stupid ci via:jamesc)
Bicycle Safety: How to Not Get Hit by Cars : really quite good advice — all except for “take the whole lane”, which in my experience aggravates drivers and causes road rage and risky behaviour. avoid
(tags: safety bike cycling bikes)tvrenamer.pl : Another TV file-renaming script. looks a little fragile/hacky at a glance though
(tags: tv downloading torrents boxee xbmc)Boxee TV Show Download Automation : organise downloaded TV shows into the directory format Boxee (and by extension, XBMC) wants; some votes for Sickbeard here
(tags: tv torrents downloading boxee xbmc automation)Reset Ireland : ‘Greater access to information on the workings of government empower the public in making informed decisions on the direction they want the country to take. Open Government and media reforms can make this a reality. The key inspiration for Reset Ireland comes from projects such as the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative along with various other projects promoting openness, transparency and accountability in Government around the world.’
(tags: ireland politics open-data open-access open-government data)
Rules of SCRAM : ‘GOATS just stand around during this phase and stare at each other, rolling their eyes frequently at howlers (such as using serialization to SOAP for storage, or databases as RPC mechanisms). It is often useful for GOATS — or anybody, really — to take notes for the monthly BACKSTABBING drill.’
(tags: funny scrum software project-management coding work)Tunisian government harvesting usernames and passwords : injects JS onto Google, Facebook, Yahoo! non-encrypted login pages to submit the typed username and password against nonexistent http URLs, e.g. ‘http://www.google.com/wo0dh3ad’, presumably so that DPI logging can collect them. apparently the HTTPS login pages are blocked to force use of HTTP
(tags: tunisia via:pjakma security snooping surveillance https javascript)
Hacker Culture: A Response to Bruce Sterling on WikiLeaks : good article from Gabriella Coleman in The Atlantic
(tags: hackers bruce-sterling wikileaks julian-assange politics blackhat hacking)
The 2011 Cricket World Cup: A Documentary : my mate Sush is looking to fund ‘a documentary set in India during the World Cup of Cricket in 2011 about Indian cricket fans and their personal stories.’ Looks great — might blog about this a bit more…
(tags: sush movies kickstarter funding documentaries cricket india)on URL Design : from one of GitHub’s designers, good tips on how the URL UI needs to work these days
(tags: github urls design ui usability webdev webdesign http)27C3: Console Hacking 2010 : great preso on the PS3 hack from the fail0verflow team. love the LaTeX “science bit”. Sony’s epic fail: non-random “random” key data
(tags: ps3 hacks console crypto hypervisor security ccc fail0verflow)
One of the ICE domain seizures was a legit mp3 blog, posting legal promo mp3s : At least one of the sites seized by DHS was an mp3 blog which posted authorised, promotional mp3s, sent from record label VPs and artists — ie. none of the supposedly “infringing” files, actually were infringing. (via Tony Finch)
(tags: mp3 music piracy law ice dhs filesharing copyright copyfight techdirt via:fanf seizure mp3blogs for:nialler9)
Your Country Your Call: How bloggers pushed a story into the media limelight : good round-up on this FF quango fiasco
(tags: fianna-fail bloggers ireland politics ycyc lobbying quangos)
Independent Media Sites in Belarus Reportedly Hijacked During Election, SSL Blocked : duplicate (fake) news sites created, possibly to put out fake stories; also interesting that international HTTPS was blocked.
(tags: election belarus netfreedom via:malaclyps eff filtering censorship)
opendata.ie : ‘to help citizens access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Irish Government and public sector authorities; to improve access to the Irish Government data and to establish an innovative platform that can demonstrate to government how and why they should share data’
(tags: open data ireland open-data open-source free datasets)RunwayFinder shut down by patent trolls : “While we appreciate your offer to shut down the website to stop future infringement, we notice that your website is still operation. And without further information from you, our only means to assess the potential damages is the observation that your website had 22,256 unique visitors in July 2010. Each visit represents a potential lost sale of our client’s patented invention at $149 per sale. This damage calculation exceeds $3.2 million per month in lost revenue.”
(tags: patents swpats patent-trolls flightprep runwayfinder aviation web law)The Background Dope on DHS Recent Seizure of Domains : according to this, the US Dept of Homeland Security is “seizing” domains through a back-channel to Verisign, since they directly control the .com TLD’s nameservers. Expect to see dodgy sites start using non-US TLDs, names in multiple TLDs a la Pirate Bay, and eventually IPs instead of DNS records
(tags: tlds dns security dhs seizure domains cctlds filesharing icann immixgroup)
Chernobyl: now open to tourists : wow, sign me up ;)
(tags: chernobyl pripyat tourism nuclear-power gawking)Facebook | Visualizing Friendships : nifty data-mined map of cross-border friendships on Facebook
Accentuate.us : ‘We are proud to announce the free and open-source Accentuate.us, a new method of input for over 100 languages that uses statistical reasoning so that users can type effortlessly in plain ASCII while ultimately producing accurate text. This allows Vietnamese users, for example, to simply type “Moi nguoi deu co quyen tu do ngon luan va bay to quan diem,” which will be automatically corrected to “M?i ng??i ??u có quy?n t? do ngôn lu?n và b?y t? quan ?i?m” after Accentuation. To date, we support four clients: Mozilla Firefox, Perl, Python, and Vim, with more to be added shortly.’ cool
(tags: accents language web-services typing text-entry ascii unicode characters)The Day MAME Saved My Ass : ‘Publishers would have people believe that MAME and the emulation scene is the root of all evil, that it promotes piracy and ultimately hurts the poor, starving developers slaving away on the game. Not only is this claim patently false, it ignores the fact that many developers use things like MAME, mod chips, and homebrew development utilities to help us overcome the day-to-day frustrations caused by the people behind the real problems in our industry.’
(tags: mame games coding legal spy-hunter emulation rips takedowns)Digital Socket Awards : ‘We’d like you to nominate the longlist of best music of 2010 on www.digitalsocketawards.com. From this, 26 blogger judges from towns and cities all over Ireland will each score their top choices to reach a shortlist of three finalists in each category. The winners will be announced on 3 February 2011 at a live event in Dublin’s Grand Social.’
(tags: blogs blogging irishblogs music mp3 mp3blogs ireland awards)
Flattr – Social micropayments : click a “Flattr” button on content-creator websites, pay a monthly $5 fee, and the content creators get a share of your $5. Very interesting, and seems well thought out — think I may sign up when I see some content I like
(tags: flattr payment content business social pay music)
Some figures about Eircom’s “3 strikes” system : 1000 notifications a month, and ‘Eircom is guaranteeing that it will never hand subscribers’ personal details to the music industry and will never monitor their online activities. They will, however, take the word of the music industry and their monitors on face value and presume it is accurate as a matter of course.’
(tags: eircom filesharing three-strikes piracy music mp3)
Eric Cantona’s call for a bank run : a French campaign to “bring down the banks” by engineering a massive consumer bank run, tomorrow, Dec 7th. I can see this happening in Ireland if we don’t get an election soon
(tags: ireland france banking bank-runs economy bailout eric-cantona)
Bailout will sink Ireland before we can even swim | David McWilliams : ‘This is not capitalism, it is not European diplomacy; it is a stitch-up.’ Adding another voice in favour of default — starting to look like the only sane option given the crappy ECB deal :(
(tags: david-mcwilliams economy ireland bailout eu)Daft: Gallery Quay, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 2, South Dublin City – Studio apartment to let : ‘€57 Weekly. Deceptively spacious open plan unfurnished studio in one of Dublin’s top locations. Carbon neutral, hand crafted inuit design. beautiful ambient light leading to rooftop garden. The studio comfortably sleeps five. Pets allowed, no parking. Short term lease for the month of December. Owner is interested in selling if market warms up.’ It’s an igloo. With a snowman head on top.
(tags: funny igloos daft property dublin apartments snow sneachta)
The Effectiveness of Test Driven Development (TDD) : huh. Test-driven development is slower than traditional write-first-test-at-the-end development, but it results in less bugs. Grokcode theorise that its big win is amortising the cost of testing throughout the product iteration, hence reducing the temptation to skip testing when the crunch phase happens
(tags: tdd programming testing qa coding)What now for Irish Politics? : Leo on the current political situation in Ireland. I’m mostly in agreement
(tags: ireland politics labour ff bailout)
Barry Eichengreen on the Irish bailout : ‘The Irish “program” solves exactly nothing – it simply kicks the can down the road. A public debt that will now top out at around 130 per cent of GDP has not been reduced by a single cent. The interest payments that the Irish sovereign will have to make have not been reduced by a single cent, given the rate of 5.8% on the international loan. After a couple of years, not just interest but also principal is supposed to begin to be repaid. Ireland will be transferring nearly 10 per cent of its national income as reparations to the bondholders, year after painful year. This is not politically sustainable, as anyone who remembers Germany’s own experience with World War I reparations should know. A populist backlash is inevitable.’
(tags: ireland economy bailout eu euro)Video: Robots Explain The Irish Economic Crisis : Pretty good explanation, actually
(tags: news ireland robots youtube debt eu politics economy)
WikiLeaks Archive: A CAUCASUS WEDDING : Dagestan knows how to party. ‘The main activity of the day was eating and drinking — starting from 4 p.m., about eight hours worth, all told — punctuated, when all were laden with food and sodden with drink, with a bout of jet skiing in the Caspian’
(tags: russia government politics leaks wikileaks weddings funny dagestan caucasus)
Eric Cantona’s call for bank protest sparks online campaign : bank runs appear to be a hot topic at the moment
(tags: banking crisis economics finance protest france eric-cantona)Copyright and defamation law is repelling investors – The Irish Times : ‘UNLESS CHANGES are made to Ireland’s legal and regulatory framework in areas like copyright and defamation, digital businesses will be discouraged from locating operations here, say legal experts and businesses.’
(tags: law legal copyright defamation ireland irish-times)
The Dublin Science Gallery Greeting Cards are excellent!
Get ’em here, or pick up one of the great gadgets and gifts they have in stock.
(disclaimer: I am mates with the designer and the guy who runs the shop — but I still think they’re great work, regardless ;)
Copyright and defamation law is repelling investors – The Irish Times : ‘UNLESS CHANGES are made to Ireland’s legal and regulatory framework in areas like copyright and defamation, digital businesses will be discouraged from locating operations here, say legal experts and businesses.’
(tags: law legal copyright defamation ireland irish-times)
Anti-piracy lawyers ‘knowingly targeted the innocent’, says law body : ‘Following complaints to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), Davenport Lyons now stands accused of deliberately ignoring concerns over the standard of its evidence. It matched IP addresses captured from movie and videogame BitTorrent swarms with customer records obtained from ISPs by court order. David Gore and Brian Miller, two Davenport Lyons partners, will face disciplinary proceedings in March.’
(tags: piracy three-strikes uk law solicitors bittorrent filesharing shakedown)
GitHub outage post-mortem : continuous-integration system was accidentally run against the production db. result: the entire production database got wiped. ouuuuch
(tags: ouch github outages post-mortem databases testing c-i production firewalls)logstash : open-source app to manage events and logs; collect logs, parse them, store, search, with web UI
(tags: logs logging logstash metrics)Loggly : ‘Logging as a Service’ – a cloud-based logging service
(tags: logging loggly cloud logs data metrics)Fingal Open Data : quite a bit of open datasets from Fingal County Council. wow (via John Handelaar)
(tags: via:handelaar open-data open fingal ireland)Boxee Box issues feedback and response : ‘Using Boxee to play local files? having issues? Here’s what were going to do about it.’ It’s amazing to see this level of responsiveness from an appliance vendor!
(tags: appliances boxee set-top-box tv video home customer-service)
Tony Finch – Some notes on Bloom filters : more good Bloom Filter tips. he says: ‘I take a slightly different tack, starting with a target population in mind which determines the size of the filter. Also there’s a minor error regarding performance in the corte.si post. You only need to calculate two hash functions, and use a linear combination of them to index the Bloom filter. This simplifies the coding a lot, and if hash calculation dominates filter indexing, it’s also a lot faster.’
(tags: bloom-filters tips coding via:fanf false-positives)
GoCar : pay as you go car-sharing and short-term car rental in Dublin
(tags: cars travel dublin ireland)The National Wax Museum Plus – Join in the celebration of Irish scientific inventors, designers and scientists : wait a sec, I know someone whose likeness appears in the National Wax Museum?!
(tags: aoife-mclysaght wax-museum small-world science cool)
Free iPhone satnav app for UK and Ireland : hmm, must try this out
(tags: satnav ireland uk navigation iphone apps)
iPhone users not waking up on time due to DST bug : lots of people complaining about this on Twitter — seems the clock changes, but the alarms do not! Internationali[sz]ation Is Hard
(tags: apple iphone alarms dst daylight-savings i18n)
That mysterious J : “in e-mail from Microsoft employees, you may find a stray J […] The J started out its life as a smiley-face. The WingDings font puts a smiley face where the letter J goes. […] As the message travels from machine to machine, the font formatting may get lost or mangled, resulting in the letter J appearing when a smiley face was intended.” aha! mystery solved. Amazon is full of mysterious “J”s in emails, and now I know why
(tags: amazon j letters wingdings microsoft spoor fonts noise)Using genetic algorithms to find Starcraft 2 build orders : discovered a previously-unknown optimal build strategy for the Zerg race — how cool is that
(tags: zerg-rush starcraft ga genetic-algorithms evolution gaming coding)
Minecraft Subreddit : this is not going to help my addiction
(tags: minecraft community games reddit)
So, after I posted this post about Aslan’s imaginary illegal downloads, someone on Twitter linked to this comment by Senator Paschal Mooney (Fianna Fail), in the Seanad the next day, repeating the incorrect Aslan factoid:
Sen. Paschal Mooney (Fianna Fail): There is a perception that the big five record companies, all international companies, have been ripping off the consumer for many years. I do not want to be seen as an apologist for the music industry, but at the lower level I can give a specific example to highlight the impact of illegal downloading on Aslan, an Irish band. It has sold 6,000 copies of its current album, but there have been 22,000 illegal downloads. […] Why must we wait for a High Court judgment to be made before we introduce relevant legislation?
It appears a few people, Adam Beecher for one, got in touch with the Senator by email. To my surprise, a couple of days later, I got some Twitter messages telling me that I’d been mentioned in the Seanad! Indeed, here it is:
Sen. Paschal Mooney (Fianna Fail): Last week on the Order of Business I raised an issue relating to illegal downloading of music on the Internet which followed on a court case which the major international record companies had lost that had been taken the previous day. I asked the Leader what possible legislation could be introduced to address this gap, and I am repeating the request. I have had quite a significant amount of response to the comments I made last week, specifically from persons who state that the figures quoted in my report, and also the figures quoted in the court case to defend the record companies’ position, are inaccurate, and I was asked by a number of those who emailed me to correct the record. Having investigated this further – I recommend to the House that those who are interested log on to taint.org – there is no doubt that the figures that have been quoted to support the court case, which was subsequently lost, are not accurate. It related to the group Aslan. I do not want to delay the House on this other than to correct the record in that I put the figures as I had received them in good faith and such has been the response to the comments I made in the House last week that I feel obliged to correct the record and state that there is no doubt but that the figures that have been used are, at best, suspect.
It would be important if the Leader could have the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Deputy Batt O’Keeffe, come to the House to give some indication of his proposals because the music industry is currently lobbying in this House and in the other House to have legislation changed to benefit it. However, there is a wider view that illegal downloading will continue irrespective of what happens, the record companies are now on the defensive and there are other alternatives that could be brought forward such as licensing those who wish to download. In that context, I would be interested in the Leader’s response.
A few comments in response:
Credit is due to Senator Mooney in that he admitted that he’d been misled, and corrected the record in that regard.
it’s amazing to see that the democratic process has opened up to this degree. I would have never expected to have this degree of input to our elected representatives without having to go through more traditional channels (face-to-face meetings etc.)
Finally: ‘The music industry is currently lobbying in this House and in the other House to have legislation changed to benefit it’. That is very, very worrying. Indeed, suzybie noted on Twitter:
@jmason not sure if you caught it but I saw Willie K and his mates entering Dáíl last Wednesday evening. FF backbenchers were being met
McGarr solicitors have been in touch with the relevant Ministers requesting that Digital Rights Ireland be included in any discussions regarding legislative change. This will be one to keep an eye on.
simon listens : open-source speech recognition for Linux and Windows. must give this a go! (Via Alexander Seewald)
(tags: speech-recognition floss free-software kde speech recognition linux audio accessibility)
Project Middleman : another concurrency shell command; interesting approach to dashboarding the results, with the “mdm.screen” utility provided
(tags: mdm unix concurrency shell linux forking background xargs parallelism)GNU Parallel – build and execute command lines from standard input in parallel : by Ole Tange. pretty extensive, if inscrutable (via Tony Finch)
(tags: via:fanf unix concurrency gnu linux job parallel scripting shell)
Alebrije : ‘Alebrijes are brightly colored Mexican folk art sculptures of fantastical creatures’. ah, I was wondering what they were — I thought there was one, extremely prolific, artist
(tags: alebrijes art folk-art mexico pedro-linares oaxaca sculpture)Amazon.com: ASUS RT-N16 Wireless-N Gigabit Router: Electronics: Reviews, Prices & more : tipped as the next generation of hackable router; 128MB RAM, 533MHz CPU, supports 802.11N and 1000Base-T, and runs Tomato firmware. pity I just bought another WRT54GL a couple of months back
(tags: hackable devices hardware asus rt-n16 tomato firmware open 802.11n wifi)UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing : ‘Client software, such as browsers and emailers, faces a difficult transition from the version of international domain names approved in 2003 (IDNA2003), to the revision approved in 2010 (IDNA2008). The specification in this document provides a mechanism that minimizes the impact of this transition for client software, allowing client software to access domains that are valid under either system.’ wow, this is hairy stuff
(tags: idn unicode domains interop)http://isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk/ : does exactly what it says on the tin
(tags: dead thatcher uk politics morbid single-use-sites)
Submitted via email to their letters page. This may be a bit too long for the format, but hey. Enjoy.
Madam, — Commentary in this paper and elsewhere has given the impression that Mr. Justice Charleton’s judgement on the EMI v. UPC case was a poor result for EMI and the other record companies represented. This is not necessarily the case. While UPC may not yet have to implement "three strikes", there are many things to worry the Irish internet user in the judgement.
Mr. Justice Charleton states that he is satisfied that the business of the recording companies is being devastated by piracy, entirely based on evidence submitted by the record companies and IRMA. One of these assertions was that over 20,000 illegal downloads of an "Aslan" album had been "traced" — but no details of the methodology of this "tracing" has been produced.
Third-party attempts to reproduce this figure indicate that it is probable that an extremely naive approach was taken in this testing — the putative copies of the album available to download, and their large download figures, are in reality a lure used by criminals to persuade unwitting victims to provide their credit card details to fraudulent websites.
Worryingly, this flawed evidence has already been represented as fact in the Seanad by FF senator Paschal Mooney.
Other studies cited in the judgement have been criticised widely elsewhere, including by the US Government Accountability Office in its April 2010 report to the US Congress.
Mr. Justice Charleton goes on to suggest that all internet access from UPC (and presumably other ISPs) be filtered through a piracy-detection system. One wonders what the many companies who currently run internet-based services from Ireland would make of this proposal.
The government now seems keen to rush in and implement the filtering and blocking systems requested by IRMA and the music companies, as Mr. Justice Charleton recommends, or possibly even to give hand-outs to the music industry to compensate them, as IRMA demands. One hopes that more technical expertise will be brought to bear on the supposed "evidence" before this happens.
Yours, etc., Justin Mason
Curious Wines : finalist for a RealEx Web Award, free next-day delivery and returns throughout Ireland, and some excellent prices here. hmm
(tags: wine ireland shopping online-shopping)