GitHub outage post-mortem : continuous-integration system was accidentally run against the production db. result: the entire production database got wiped. ouuuuch
(tags: ouch github outages post-mortem databases testing c-i production firewalls)logstash : open-source app to manage events and logs; collect logs, parse them, store, search, with web UI
(tags: logs logging logstash metrics)Loggly : ‘Logging as a Service’ – a cloud-based logging service
(tags: logging loggly cloud logs data metrics)Fingal Open Data : quite a bit of open datasets from Fingal County Council. wow (via John Handelaar)
(tags: via:handelaar open-data open fingal ireland)Boxee Box issues feedback and response : ‘Using Boxee to play local files? having issues? Here’s what were going to do about it.’ It’s amazing to see this level of responsiveness from an appliance vendor!
(tags: appliances boxee set-top-box tv video home customer-service)