a conservative MP in Oz is to spend a day as a “slave”, working for the madam of Langtree’s brothel in the mining town of Kalgoorlie. (via forteana)
Justin's Linklog Posts
more than 70,000 Aussies declared themselves as Jedi Knights when asked to define their religion in last year’s census, reports the Guardian (via forteana).
just got back from a brief weekend visit to LinuxBierWanderung in Doolin, Co. Clare. much chat and Guinness was enjoyed aplenty. Didn’t get to meet a few of the people I hoped would be turning up, and didn’t get to sample the official LBW brews (they hadn’t arrived yet), but it was still good clean Linuxy fun — and hopefully Liam will remember to bring me back some of the aforementioned LBWbooze ;).
Due to some Eircom crapness, the ISDN line for the LBW’s internet link was non-functional (hence my lack of email, if you’ve been expecting one from me). But with the help of the IrishWAN boys, the LBW hall was linked to an ISDN connection 2 wireless hops, over a hill, and a mile or two, away — with some cool side-effects. A very nice hack.
I’m dog tired at this stage though, after a 7-hour journey back to Dublin. must sleep soon.
In other news, SpamAssassin was on TechTV. twice. cool.
Ask‘s blog is an interesting read, must remember to bookmark it someday… ;)
Film: Cam points out that Apple are hosting the trailer for
Godfrey Reggio’s new chapter in the Koyaanisqatsi trilogy,
Naqoyqatsi. I’m hurtin’ to view this, but it looks like I’ll
have to wait; as usual for apple.com, it’s Windows- and Mac-only
Quicktime, and the only machine I have with decent bandwidth is a
Linux-only work machine. The torture!
The Guardian: “Some Italians, it seems, are getting hot under the napkin about the standard of Italian food served in restaurants outside their country. Giovanni Alemanno, the agriculture minister, is chief among them. This week he announced a plan to introduce a policy of quality control on Italian food served abroad, lamenting the effect that the ubiquitous Italian restaurant is having on the reputation of his country’s food. Hundreds of Italian restaurants are created around the world every day, he said, but in most cases the only thing Italian about them is the name or a tricolour flag on display outside. ” (more…)
British Telecom lose their “we invented hyperlinks, honest” case against Prodigy. Good to see some sanity in the courts.
something from the archives. Daev Walsh forwards an article from The Irish Digest about “Billy in the Bowl“. This story is also immortalised in an old Dublin song, which in turn was mentioned in a Pogues track. Billy was a legless beggar in the alleys of Stoneybatter and Grangegorman (where I now live) during the 18th century, who discovered a new, but not entirely legal, way to make money.
the Gamasutra post-mortem of The Italian Job (account required, sorry). “you’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!”
notes from a suicide manual: the Japanese kamikaze pilot’s manual, now published in English for the first time. Extracts at the Guardian, but here’s some to go on with:
Taking off: Breathe deeply three times. Say in your mind: Yah (field), Kyu (ball), Joh (all right) as you breathe deeply. Proceed straight ahead on the airstrip. Otherwise you may damage the landing gears. ….
At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.
just spotted this on Karlin Lillington‘s weblog.
I sent (a mail) to whatever email contact was listed on the party website, noting in the subject heading that the message was an urgent press query. I asked them to give me a synopsis of their party stance on technology issues, which would be featured in a spread in the Irish Times, and gave them about 10 days to respond.
The Progressive Democrats, supposedly the pro-business party and the party from which the very publicly pro-technology-industry deputy prime minister (or Tanaiste) comes, never responded. At all. Neither did Sinn Fein, which had been making a minor campaign issue out of the state of Ireland’s internet infrastructure. Of those who did reply, the major party in government, Fianna Fail, only just sneaked in under the deadline (because I suspect no one had read the email earlier). Labour got the award for responding first (the next day); with Fine Gael also on top of things, and the Greens a bit slower but in time for the deadline as well.
Somehow this does not surprise me at all; Irish politicians are all too willing to pay lip service to tech issues, but do absolutely nothing concrete, or useful, about them. The fact that true broadband for the home user has only been made available by one ISP, since about a year ago, and even then costs over 89 euros per month, bears this out only too graphically.
I’ve read this before, but it’s worth pointing to: Jon Udell on SSL Proxying.
the browser's secure traffic flows to Proxomitron. It decrypts that traffic, so you can see it in the log window, and then re-encrypts it to the destination server. Coming back the other way, it decrypts the server's responses, so you can see them in the log window, then re-encrypts them to complete the secure loop back to the browser. It's really quite amazing, and amazingly useful. Automation tasks that used to look like more trouble than they were worth -- for example, driving a HotMail or E*Trade account from a script -- suddenly look easy.
Aaron sez:
It’s 1:30AM. Hours ago, my server seemed to stop working. I could ping it, but I couldn’t do anything else. We drove over to see what was up. … I’ll just say that everything broke. Repeatedly. … I think I have a small idea what it’s like to be Evan now. This is not what I want to be when I grow up.
Never mind that — I think you now have an idea what it’s like to be an on-call sysadmin ;)
I’ve been talking about these a lot on the SpamAssassin-talk list and other places, so forgive me for not blogging much about it.
Paul Graham talks about his naive Bayesian spam filter. We already use a very basic form of this kind of matching in SpamAssassin, in the SPAM_PHRASES matches; but it’s not proper Bayesian filtering. However, it looks like Matt is taking the bull by the horns and making it Work Right once 2.40 is released (any day now). (BTW it’s worth noting that Bayesian filtering doesn’t always seem to get the success rate that Paul talks about; we think this is down to what kind of mail you get.)
While we’re doing that, we’ll have to make sure we don’t hit this MS patent. grr.
Habeas Sender-Warranted E-mail has launched. It’s a very nice solution, allowing non-spam senders of all kinds to “sign” their mails with a “mark” indicating that it’s non-spam — and filters, like SpamAssassin, can then use that mark as a good compensation signal (SpamAssassin now has the HABEAS_SWE test in CVS).
The mark in question is a copyright- and trademark-protected haiku. Virtually every internet-connected country in the world honours copyrighted poetry with a high degree of legal protection, so unauthorised reproduction will be a big no-no, and result in a heavy battering in the courts.
As a result, they’re going to have to have some serious lawyers on their side. But it looks like they do. And to really press the advantage, they’ve teamed up with Dun and Bradstreet — who can seriously impact a scumbag’s ability to do business in the western world, never mind just Florida, if it comes to that.
However, there’s still money to worry about (as usual). It does cost a hell of a lot to pursue as many legal cases as they may have to. Let’s hope they can pull it off. Good luck folks!
Finally, cool — I’ve made Aaron’s see-also bar!
A US ISP, Information Wave Technologies, has banned the RIAA from accessing its network due to their announced plans to crack internet-connected computers to “protect their assets” — ie. stop file-swapping. Go IWT! (via BB)
Leonard has released a nifty
upgrade to Newsbruiser, his weblog software. It now has the feature that
means a weblog stops being an overgrown .plan
file, and becomes a
proper Web Log — a
calendar. Now I’m jealous.
Phew! the Budejovicky Budvar brewery has “escaped significant damage” and it’s delicious Budvar beer is back online.
Another one bites the dust. Looks like the “live monkey brains for dinner” story is a big fib.
Eddie Mair’s diary at the Guardian. Eddie Mair is the producer of the BBC Today radio programme.
A case in point (and I’m not making this up): 10 days ago, when another Israeli bus was blown up on a Sunday morning causing several deaths, we carried a report on Broadcasting House from our correpondent at the scene. The next day we got a very serious complaint insisting we had, on air, called the victims “bastards”. We scoured the tape of the show for the offending word. It wasn’t there. It turned out what the listener had heard was the reporter saying “…the victims’ bus had started…”
Aaron notes:
Tokelau, a small island in the Pacific is inhabited by less than 1500 people. They’ve always divided their share of fish among the people equally and so now that they’ve got their own top-level domain (.tk) they’re giving those away for free too.
Some quick grepping of /usr/share/dict/words
reveals that the following
are still available:
transatlan.tk (transatlantic), antibiot.tk (antibiotic), determinis.tk (ah, you get the idea…), climac.tk, empha.tk, orgias.tk, parasi.tk, pedan.tk, pragma.tk, psychosoma.tk, sclero.tk, seman.tk, skep.tk, unrealis.tk, vladivos.tk, woods.tk, slaps.tk, acroba.tk, athle.tk, aristocra.tk, apathe.tk, apocalyp.tk, antisemi.tk, axioma.tk, atavis.tk, atheis.tk, asympto.tk, behavioris.tk, Dadais.tk.
They’re purely URL forwarding, of course, but good fun… I’ve just taken antarc.tk ;)
a great interview with Bruce Schneier (via /.):
If the rise of the Internet has shown anything, it is that huge numbers of middle-class, middle-management types like to look at dirty pictures on computer screens. A good way to steal … secrets … would be to set up a pornographic Web site. The Web site would be free, but visitors would have to register to download the naughty bits. …
Many of his corporate porn surfers, Schneier predicted, would use for the dirty Web site the same password they used at work. Not only that, many users would surf to the porn site on the fast Internet connection at the office. …
“In six months you’d be able to break into Fortune 500 companies and government agencies all over the world,” Schneier said, chewing his nondescript meal. “It would work! It would work — that’s the awful thing.”
some very nerdy Lovecraft-meets-miffy humour: Tales of the Plush Cthulhu. “How odd it looks!” said Miss Kitty Fluffington. “Very non-Euclidian.” “Yes,” said Brown Snuggly Bear, “but thank goodness it isn’t squamous.” “Or gibbous,” said Mister Bright Eyes. “It seems to be covering something,” said Miss Kitty Fluffington. “Let’s see!”
anti-spam laws are not necessarily the answer: A Seattle man who has been actively pursuing spammers in King County District Court has been hit with a nearly $7,000 judgment to cover a spammer’s attorney fees:
According to Newman, who prepared the order, the chief basis of Kato’s decision was “personal jurisdiction.” In other words, the judge agreed with Newman’s position that his clients could not reasonably expect to be hauled into court in Washington state for “sending something blindly over the Internet,” Newman said.
The British Museum in London is to display the contents of the Secretum:
Some items even have names, such as St Cosmo’s “big toe”, which dates from 18th-century southern Italy, where it was said to be a popular sex toy. Unmarried maidens prayed on St Cosmo’s day: “Blessed St Cosmo, let it be like this.” (Link)
Monsanto up to some serious dirty tricks than normal: now they’re posing as third parties to silence critics through character assassination. (article by George Monbiot in The Guardian — forwarded to forteana by Rachel Carthy.)
Le “maxi-vague” de la Côte d’Azur – a mini-tidal wave, every day at 4pm. Sounds like great fun!
Tax havens and offshore islands are not quite as “free” — at least in terms of personal liberties — as people might think. R.
- Hettinga tells some stories about “Triumph, the Fabulous
Crotch-Sniffing Caymanian Customs Wonder Dog, … and (the Cayman-born expat’s kid) who was literally exiled from the island when the island constabulary discovered a marijuana seed or three in his summer-break rental car a few years back.”
I guess it’s back to the oil rigs then ;)
tool-using crows. Brainy crow upsets pecking order: “Betty the New Caledonian crow made a tool from a piece of garden wire and used it to hook a tasty morsel of meat out of a tube too deep for her beak.” … “The question is: what kind of physics is it they understand? If you see a problem, pick up a straight wire and without instruction bend it into the right shape, and then extract the food, that means the animal is behaving as if it understands the required physical properties of an instrument”.
the Win32 messaging API, the foundation of Windows, is inherently insecure:
textboxes can be instructed to remove attributes, such as length limits for incoming data (EM_SETLIMITTEXT)
a paste action can triggered (WM_PASTE)
an application can be instructed to jump to a given location in memory (WM_TIMER) – and the best thing is, the application can do nothing about it
Once again, it’s clear the Windows dev team chose totally a unnecessary degree of flexibility, over security. Great paper. (via /.)
Breastfeeding? avoid JFK Airport: “A Long Island mother is fuming that JFK Airport security guards forced her to drink her own breast milk in front of other passengers before boarding a flight”. (via BoingBoing)
I’ve just discovered Joystick 101, a great talking-about-games site. Highlights include Follow the Bouncing Breasts:
Just think — it was someone’s job to perfect the panty peek in Soul Caliber, or the (breast) jiggle motion in Ready 2 Rumble. It seems like a lot of effort for something so unrelated to gameplay. Particularly when the gameplay left so much to be desired. … We joked that these designers were reminiscent of Gary and Wyatt in Weird Science, wearing the bras on their heads and working hard on perfecting the breast size of their fantasy women. Is this analogy far from the mark?
(ha, that headline should generate some interesting referrals from Google ;)
“Despite the seemingly ubiquitous admonition to “drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day”, rigorous proof for this counsel appears to be lacking. This review sought to find the origin of this advice (called “8 x 8” for short) and to examine the scientific evidence, if any, that might support it.
No scientific studies were found in support of 8 x 8. Rather, surveys of food and fluid intake on thousands of adults of both genders – analyses of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals – strongly suggest that such large amounts are not needed”. (/.)
Forty years ago, two psychiatrists administered history’s largest dose of LSD. Johan Jensen reports on the epoch-defining experiment. (from The Guardian)
Two weeks ago, an Indonesian woman attended the funeral of her husband and son, passengers on a plane that crashed deep in the jungle. But even as she wept, her son – barefoot and bleeding – was fighting his way back to civilisation. Bangau Samuel tells John Aglionby how he made it home. (from the Guardian)
A great article on Kevin Warwick from Danny O’Brien via the BBC.
A great quote from a CBS article on spammers.
Bernard Balan, 51, who operates a bulk mail site … says he’s gone through “unbelievable hardships” to keep the spam flowing. … “My operating costs have gone up 1,000 percent this year, just so I can figure out how to get around all these filters”.
Best news I’ve read all day ;) Full story at CBS.
The SliMP3. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get my MP3s playing downstairs, without a noisy PC with fan to do it. This looks like a good way to do it; stream them from your PC upstairs!
- Supports all MP3 bit rates and VBR, plus MPEG2
- Communicates using IP over Ethernet, open streaming/control protocol
- Infrared remote control
- Small enough that you can put it anywhere – on a shelf, bedside table, etc.
- Open-source server, written in Perl (GPL)
- Optional HTTP interface – control the player and manage your playlists from a web browser!
Only $249. (Shipping may be a different matter, though…)
Jon Ronson at the Guardian investigates making a “dirty bomb”. It turns out to be not quite as easy as all that:
I log on to Ask Jeeves and type, ‘Where can I buy some uranium?’ Jeeves responds, ‘You can find anything at eBay. eBay has everything you’re looking for. Find it all at eBay.’
Man ends up with barnacle stuck to his penis. Forwarded from forteana.
Hey, Graham Barr is wearing my shirt!!