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Antarctica: I’m obsessed with the wierd collision of out-of-control bureaucracy, strategic-interests-disguised-as-science, and normal life in a way off-normal place, that is the US Antarctic program. It’s fundamentally a microcosm of what future space exploration bases will be like — lots of high-faluting science talk, quite a bit of ‘making sure we have a strategic foothold’ reality, and people getting on with life in one of the most amazing places they can.

Protesting Against Software Patents

Patents: The FFII are suggesting a 10-day online ‘net strike’ to protest against the ongoing attempts to legalise software patenting in Europe.

As a result, I’m putting up a protest front page on these sites:

If you support the actions of FFII, <a href=""> please join in, or even <a href="”>attend the in-person demonstration in Brussels! We need to make it clear that the small software developers of Europe do not support these undemocratic actions.

And finally, shame on the <a href="”>Irish EU Council presidency for supporting the EPO hook, line and sinker. Thanks, and I know who I’ll be voting for in future…

EFF April Fool

Funny: EFFector Vol. 17, No. 11a April 1, 2004. Some pretty funny gems in this one: USPTO to Start Granting Indulgences, Microsoft Wins Patent for Software Industry Monopolization, and SCO to Sue Over Unauthorized Use of Earth’s Resources:

Ca Plane Pour Moi, GMail, and XCP

Music: Ever wondered what the lyrics to Plastic Bertrand’s classic belgopunk tune really said? (Apart from ‘I am the king of the divan’, that is.) Wonder no more. (…ok, maybe these are a bit more likely. ‘Ey up!’, indeed.)

Katamari Damacy

Games: Katamari Damacy (roughly translated as ‘Clumpsoul’) is a game where you roll around various landscapes, making a giant ball of ‘stuff’.
Here’s a review. It looks like sheer genius; here’s hoping it gets a US/Euro release!


Web: Slurpie – (another) distributed peer-to-peer downloading protocol (via HtP).

EPO Patents by Country

Patents: The pro-swpat lobby like to claim that software patenting will benefit EU-based SMEs and the economy, instead of benefitting large, US-based companies.

IJC Invents the ‘De-Bapper’

Funny: Hooray for the International Jewish Conspiracy! They’ve come up with The De-Bapper — de-baptize a fundamentalist Christian of your choice now, without their consent!

OpenOffice tip

Tools: a handy tip: when typing, you often want to emphasise a word with italics, bold, or underlining. Interestingly, OOo adds a nifty text-markup-influenced AutoFormat feature — if you surround the word with asterisks, e.g.

Craving an Irish Breakfast

Food: For some damn reason, it’s impossible to get pork sausages here in southern CA. The only good ones I’ve had were at the Cat and Fiddle, an english pub in LA, who do really kick-ass all-day UK-style breakfasts.


Funny: According to a ‘top Austrian doctor’, picking your nose and eating it is good for you:

E-Paper finally on the market

Tech: … nearly. The Sony Reader EBR-1000EP. 170 pixels-per-inch is a nice resolution, and in general it looks very cool, esp. considering the E-Paper aspects (ie. looks like paper, back-lighting not required, easier to read). However — never mind that it’s only available in Japan so far, even once it becomes available in the US, its pricing structure is moronic:

Antarctica – the Big Dead Place

Funny: Big Dead Place: ‘This site is dedicated to Antarctica and to thinking about Antarctica.’ It’s also pretty funny, and full of meat for an Antarctic obsessive like me.

New EU patent activity, and TRIPS says software is a ‘literary work’?

Patents: FFII: Conferences and ‘Patent Riots’ in Brussels 2004-04-14
: ‘The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) calls on its 50.000 European supporters and on 300.000 petition signatories, including more than 2000 CEOs of European software companies, to take to the streets in Brussels on April 14 and in national capitals around 1st of May, and to temporarily block access to their websites, in protest against new moves by the EU Council and Commission to legalise patents on computerised calculation rules and business methods’.

Editable Text-to-HTML converters

Web: Dive Into Markdown — a great post from John Gruber about editable-text-to-HTML formats (he’s the author of Markdown):

  1. Write in BBEdit.
  2. Preview in a browser.
  3. Switch back to BBEdit for revisions.
  4. Repeat until done.
  5. Log into MT, paste the article, publish.

Eventually, it dawned on me: this is madness. The primary advantage to using a computer for writing is the immediacy of editing. Write, read, revise, all in the same window, all in the same mode.


Social: LOAF is ‘a way to share your address book without abandoning your privacy.’

Windows Partition Pain

Computer: Argh. When I bought my laptop, I had no option but to buy it with Windows XP — IBM doesn’t seem to sell them any other way. (you can pay extra to buy it that way from EmperorLinux, but really, the main reason I wouldn’t want it is to save money, I’m afraid.)

Nominative Determinism

Names: Popbitch sez ‘Microsoft are just about to launch their new Windows Server 2003. The project manager who oversaw its development? Todd Wanke.’

Prior Art: Representing Queries in a DNSBL Lookup

Spam: DNS blocklists are a well-established, low-latency way to query a database of IP addresses for info. If you need to query a database over the internet quickly and in a connectionless manner, they’re ideal.


History: Megalithomania is an incredible website ‘originally dedicated to Irish megaliths, but now expanded to include all sorts of antiquities that are of importance/interest.’

More on the WSJ interviewee

Spam: So this Orlando Soto guy again — the story hit Slashdot today, and the /.ers did some digging. It appears that Mr. Soto runs, listing himself at the bottom of the page as ‘Orlando Soto – Webmaster/Owner’. He sells a wide range of apps, including: