Patents: The FFII are suggesting a 10-day online ‘net strike’ to protest against the ongoing attempts to legalise software patenting in Europe.
As a result, I’m putting up a protest front page on these sites:
- this weblog
- my personal home page
- My software sites: EtText, <a href="”>WebMake, <a href=""> Sitescooper, <a href="”>Sitescooper Daily Scoops
If you support the actions of FFII, <a href=""> please join in, or even <a href="”>attend the in-person demonstration in Brussels! We need to make it clear that the small software developers of Europe do not support these undemocratic actions.
And finally, shame on the <a href="”>Irish EU Council presidency for supporting the EPO hook, line and sinker. Thanks, and I know who I’ll be voting for in future…