IBEC’s Telecommunications User Group has again
criticised the current broadband situation in this country:
“IStream (Eircom’s digital subscriber line service) does not provide an
affordable broadband solution for business or households.” … “A
basic monthly DSL price of EUR 30 to 40 is needed to stimulate adequate
demand, while iStream costs the user a connection fee of EUR 199.65 and
a monthly fee of EUR 107.69.”
In terms of cost, (they) referred to a benchmarking study carried out by
Forfas in March, which found that Ireland is ranked as the most
expensive country in the (small to medium-size business) category.
It’s good to see some backup for what is, broadly, IrelandOffline‘s positions, from
other organisations. Let’s hope these datapoints will eventually trickle
into the consciousness of Irish small businesses and the media; it’s truly
shocking how little coverage this absurd state of affairs gets.
After 5 years of DSL trialling, cronyism, monopoly, and waffle from
government, we’re still almost exactly where we started. This I already
knew. What I’d never noticed before is that nobody in this country seems
to care, or is bothered to understand the issues. Even Australia would be
giving front-page coverage to this crap, yet over here you’re lucky to see
any coverage at all in the news media.
It’s very tempting just to leave Ireland — again! — and go somewhere
where these things have been sorted out already, and stay there, at least
until Ireland cops on. As you can probably guess, it’s a pet peeve at the
moment. ;)