Nice one! The IE Domain Registry (IEDR) has just sent out a ‘free newsletter‘ to all postmaster addresses in the entire .ie top-level domain. Yes, every one.
And did they follow the best practices for legit mailing list operators, like
(a) never mailing without a previous sign-up, or even
(b) setting up the list to use verified opt-in (“reply to confirm that you want to receive further mail”), instead of opt-out (“reply if you do not want to receive further mail”)?
Of course not:
YOU WILL BE RECEIVING this free bi-monthly ezine because you are one of our 31,000+ .ie domain name holders, an Irish journalist, with an Irish government body or have a legitimate interest in matters relating to the Domain Name System (DNS) in all Ireland, concerning .ie domain names. This publication is delivered by email and will serve as an official channel of the IEDR to deliver notices and announcements.
If you do not wish to receive, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link below.
Not my emphasis, BTW. But don’t worry — their mail host was already listed in the DNS blacklists as a Confirmed Spam Source by the time I received it, so I don’t think we’ll be actually receiving many more of them ;)
For more information on the hi-larious antics of our national registrar, take a look at IEWatch.