This is great — Monzo built “Monzo Stand-in”, a full “backup” of the main stack, since uptime is critical to them:
We take reliability seriously at Monzo so we built a completely separate backup banking infrastructure called Monzo Stand-in to add another layer of defence so customers can continue to use important services provided by us. We consider Monzo Stand-in to be a backup of last resort, not our primary mechanism of providing a reliable service to our customers, by providing us with an extra line of defence.
Monzo Stand-in is an independent set of systems that run on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and is able to take over from our Primary Platform, which runs in Amazon Web Services (AWS), in the event of a major incident. It supports the most important features of Monzo like spending on cards, withdrawing cash, sending and receiving bank transfers, checking account balances and transactions, and freezing or unfreezing cards.
Flashback to the old Pimms setup in AWS Network Monitoring; we had an entire duplicate stack in AWS — every single piece duplicated and running independently.
Tags: architecture uptime monzo banking reliability ops via:itc