Crazy stuff. Elite, ported to the Commodore VIC 20 (albeit with a 32K expansion):
VIC 20 Elite is based on the C-64 source. VIC 20 specific graphics, text, keyboard & joystick input, and sound routines were written from scratch to replace the corresponding C-64 code.
Of course, the complete enhanced Elite won’t fit within the VIC 20’s limited memory, so some features had to be left out. Following the original 1984 BBC Cassette and Acorn Electron version, the VIC 20 version omits extended planet descriptions, planetary details (craters and meridians), and the missions that appear further on in the game. The pause mode options are dropped, and there is no Find Planet option in Galactic Chart (that would be only really useful during missions).
(via Sleepy from FP)
Tags: retrogaming commodore emulation gaming history elite vic-20