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Garbage Day on Meta’s moderation plans

  • Garbage Day on Meta’s moderation plans

    This is 100% spot on, I suspect, regarding Meta’s recently-announced plans to give up on content moderation:

    After 2021, the major tech platforms we’ve relied on since the 2010s could no longer pretend that they would ever be able to properly manage the amount of users, the amount of content, the amount of influence they “need” to exist at the size they “need” to exist at to make the amount of money they “need” to exist.

    And after sleepwalking through the Biden administration and doing the bare minimum to avoid any fingers pointed their direction about election interference last year, the companies are now fully giving up. Knowing the incoming Trump administration will not only not care, but will even reward them for it.

    The question now is, what will the EU do about it? This is a flagrant raised finger in the face of the Digital Services Act.

    Tags: moderation content ugc meta future dsa eu garbage-day