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Today is EED Day

  • Today is EED Day

    Significant changes in transparency requirements for EU-based datacenter operations:

    Sunday September 15th was the deadline for every single organisation in Europe operating a datacentre of more than 500 KW, to publicly disclose: how much electricity they used in the last year; how much power came from renewable sources, and how much of this relied on the company buying increasingly controversial ‘unbundled’ renewable energy credits; how much water they used; and many more datapoints […] Where this information is being disclosed, in the public domain, and discoverable, [the Green Web Foundation] intend to link to it and make it easier to find. [….] There are some concessions for organisations that have classed this information as a trade secret or commercially confidential. In this case there is a second law passed, the snappily titled Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1364, that largely means these companies need to report this information too, but to the European Commission instead. There will be a public dataset published based on this reporting released next year, containing data an agreggated level.

    (tags: datacenter emissions energy sustainability gwf via:chris-adams eu europe ec)