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Irish Data Protection Commission launches inquiry into Google AI

  • Irish Data Protection Commission launches inquiry into Google AI

    The Data Protection Commission (DPC) today announced that it has commenced a Cross-Border[1] statutory inquiry into Google Ireland Limited (Google) under Section 110 of the Data Protection Act 2018. The statutory inquiry concerns the question of whether Google has complied with any obligations that it may have had to undertake an assessment, pursuant to Article 35[2] of the General Data Protection Regulation (Data Protection Impact Assessment), prior to engaging in the processing of the personal data of EU/EEA data subjects associated with the development of its foundational AI model, Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2). A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)[3], where required, is of crucial importance in ensuring that the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals are adequately considered and protected when processing of personal data is likely to result in a high risk.
    Great to see this. If this inquiry results in some brakes on the widespread misuse of “fair use” in AI scraping, particularly where it concerns European citizens, I’m all in favour.

    (tags: eu law scraping fair-use ai dpia dpc data-protection privacy gdpr)