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Engine Lines: Killing by Numbers

  • Engine Lines: Killing by Numbers

    from James Tindall, “This is the Tyranny of the Recommendation Algorithm given kinetic and malevolent flesh” —

    Eventually there were days where Israel’s air force had already reduced the previous list of targets to rubble, and the system was not generating new targets that qualified at the current threshold required for residents of Gaza to be predicted as ‘legitimate military targets,’ or ‘sufficiently connected to Hamas.’ Pressure from the chain of command to produce new targets, presumably from a desire to satisfy internal murder targets, meant that the bar at which a Gaza resident would be identified as a legitimate Hamas target was simply lowered. At the lower threshold, the system promptly generated a new list of thousands of targets. At what threshold, from 100 to 1, will the line be drawn, the decision made that the bar can be lowered no more, and the killing stop? Or will the target predictions simply continue while there remain Palestinians to target? Spotify’s next song prediction machine will always predict a next song, no matter how loosely the remaining songs match the target defined by your surveilled activity history. It will never apologise and declare: “Sorry, but there are no remaining songs you will enjoy.”

    (tags: algorithms recommendations israel war-crimes genocide gaza palestine targeting)