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FOSS funding vanishes from EU’s 2025 Horizon program plans

  • FOSS funding vanishes from EU’s 2025 Horizon program plans

    EU funding for open source dries up, redirected to AI slop instead:

    Funding for free and open source software (FOSS) initiatives under the EU’s Horizon program has mostly vanished from next year’s proposal, claim advocates who are worried for the future of many ongoing projects. Pierre-Yves Gibello, CEO of open-source consortium OW2, urged EU officials to re-evaluate the elimination of funding for the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative from its draft of 2025 Horizon funding programs in a recently published open letter. Gibello said the EU’s focus on enterprise-level FOSS is essential as the US, China and Russia mobilize “huge public and private resources” toward capturing the personal data of consumers, which the EU’s regulatory regime has decided isn’t going to fly in its territory. [….] “Our French [Horizon national contact point] was told – as an unofficial answer – that because lots of [Horizon] budget are allocated to AI, there is not much left for Internet infrastructure,” Gibello said.

    (tags: ai funding eu horizon foss via:the-register ow2 europe)