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“TIL you need to hire a prompt engineer to get actual customer support at Stripe”

  • “TIL you need to hire a prompt engineer to get actual customer support at Stripe”

    This is the kind of shit that happens when you treat technical support as just a cost centre to be automated away. Check out the last line: “I’m reaching out to the official Stripe support forum here because our account has been closed and Stripe is refusing to export our card data. We are set to lose half our revenue in recurring Stripe subscriptions with no way to migrate them and no recourse. […. omitting long tale of woe here…] Now, our account’s original closure date has come, and sure enough, our payments have been disabled. The extension was not honored. I’m sure this was an honest mistake, but I wonder if Stripe has reviewed our risk as carefully as they confirmed our extension (not very). Stripe claims to have 24/7 chat and phone support, but I wasn’t able to convince the support AI this was urgent enough to grant me access.”

    (tags: ai fail stripe support technical-support cost-centres business llms)