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Innards of MS’ new Recall app

  • Innards of MS’ new Recall app

    Some technical details on the implementation of this new built-in key- and screen-logger, bundled with current versions of Windows, via Kevin Beaumont: “Microsoft have decided to bake essentially an infostealer into base Windows OS and enable by default. From the Microsoft FAQ: “Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers.” Info is stored locally – but rather than something like Redline stealing your local browser password vault, now they can just steal the last 3 months of everything you’ve typed and viewed in one database.” It requires ARM based hardware with a dedicated NPU (“neural processor”). “Recall uses a bunch of services themed CAP – Core AI Platform. Enabled by default. It spits constant screenshots … into the current user’s AppData as part of image storage. The NPU processes them and extracts text, into a database file. The database is SQLite, and you can access it as the user including programmatically. It 100% does not need physical access and can be stolen.” “[The screenshots are] written into an ImageStorage folder and there’s a separate process and SqLite database for them too, it categorises what’s in them. There’s a GUI that lets you view any of them.” Data is not stored with any additional crypto, beyond disk-level encryption via BitLocker. On the upside: for non-corporate users, “there’s a tray icon and you can disable it in Settings.” But for corps: “Recall has been enabled by default globally in Microsoft Intune managed users, for businesses.”

    (tags: microsoft recall security infosec keyloggers via:kevin-beaumont sqlite)