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What Is A Single-page Application?: HeydonWorks

  • What Is A Single-page Application?: HeydonWorks

    Entertaining rant on the state of web dev nowadays:

    You can’t create a complex modern web application like Google Mail without JavaScript and a SPA architecture. Google Mail is a webmail client and webmail clients existed some time before JavaScript became the language it is today or frameworks like Angular JS or Angular BS existed. However, you cannot create a complex modern web application like Google Mail without JavaScript. Google Mail itself offers a basic HTML version that works perfectly well without JavaScript of any form—let alone a 300KB bundle. But, still, you cannot create a complex modern web application like Google Mail without JavaScript. Just keep saying that. Keep repeating that line in perpetuity. Keep adding more and more JavaScript and calling it good. Incidentally, you do not need to create a complex modern web application like Google Mail with JavaScript or otherwise because it already f**king exists.

    (tags: blog javascript webdev web spa webapps funny rants)