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Troy Hunt: Thanks FedEx, This is Why we Keep Getting Phished

  • Troy Hunt: Thanks FedEx, This is Why we Keep Getting Phished

    A legitimate SMS from FedEx turns out to be a really terrible example of what Cory Doctorow was talking about the other day; banks (and shipping companies) are doing their very level best to _train their customers to get phished_ through absolute ineptitude and terrible interfaces:

    What makes this situation so ridiculous is that while we’re all watching for scammers attempting to imitate legitimate organisations, FedEx is out there imitating scammers! Here we are in the era of burgeoning AI-driven scams that are becoming increasingly hard for humans to identify, and FedEx is like “here, hold my beer” as they one-up the scammers at their own game and do a perfect job of being completely indistinguishable from them.

    (tags: phishing scams troy-hunt fedex australia ux)