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Amazon Employees Fear Increased ‘Quiet Firing’

  • Amazon Employees Fear Increased ‘Quiet Firing’

    Things are sounding pretty brutal over at Amazon these days:

    One manager told [Business Insider] they were told to target 10% of all [their team’s] employees for performance improvement plans. […] Another manager said their [“unregretted employee attrition”] target is now as high as 12%.
    Senior staff are predicting that this will soon have externally-visible impact on system stability:
    The loss of senior engineers who can lead in crisis situations is a growing risk, these people said. One person who works on Amazon’s cloud infrastructure service told BI that they lost a third of their team following the layoffs, leaving them with more junior engineers in charge. If a large-scale outage happens, for example, those engineers will have to learn how to be in crisis mode on the job. Another AWS employee told BI they feel like they are “doing the job of three people.” A similar question was also raised during a recent internal all-hands meeting, BI previously reported.

    (tags: amazon quiet-firing how-we-work ura pips work grim aws working hr)