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Far-right agitation on Irish social media mainly driven from abroad

  • Far-right agitation on Irish social media mainly driven from abroad

    Surprise, surprise. “Most ‘Ireland is full’ and ‘Irish lives matter’ online posts originate abroad”:

    The research showed the use of the phrases increased dramatically, both in Ireland and abroad, once word started spreading that the suspect in the knife attack was born outside Ireland. “Users in the UK and US were very, very highly represented. Which was strange because with hashtags that are very geographically specific, you wouldn’t expect to see that kind of spread,” said Mr Doak. “These three hashtags have been heavily boosted by users in the US and UK. Taken together, UK and US users accounted for more use of the hashtags than Ireland.” Other countries that saw use of the phrases on a much smaller scale include India, Nigeria and Spain.

    (tags: ireland politics far-right agitation racism fascism trolls twitter facebook tiktok instagram)