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Inside AWS: AI Fatigue, Sales Issues, and the Problem of Getting Big

  • Inside AWS: AI Fatigue, Sales Issues, and the Problem of Getting Big

    This year’s Re:Invent conference has been dominated with generative AI product announcements, and I can only sympathise with this AWS employee:

    One employee said their team is instructed to always try to sell AWS’s coding assistant app, CodeWhisperer, even if the customer doesn’t necessarily need it [….] Amazon is also scrambling internally to brainstorm generative AI projects, and CEO Andy Jassy said in a recent call that “every one of our businesses” is working on something in the space. […] Late last month, one AWS staffer unleashed a rant about this in an internal Slack channel with more than 21,000 people, according to screenshots viewed by [Business Insider]. “All of the conversations from our leadership are around GenAI, all of the conferences are about GenAI, all of the trainings are about GenAIā€¦it’s too much,” the employee wrote. “I’m starting to not even want to have conversations with customers about it because it’s starting to become one big buzzword. Anyone have any ideas for how to combat this burn out or change my mindset?” nag-free copy:

    (tags: aws amazon generative-ai ai llms cloud-computing)