“Long COVID in a highly vaccinated population infected during a SARS-CoV-2 Omicron wave – Australia, 2022”, preprint, via Prof. Danny Altmann. Basically it’s still not great news, vaccination and “mild” omicron regardless:
18.2% (n=2,130) of respondents met case definition for Long COVID. Female sex, being 50-69 years of age, pre-existing health issues, residing in a rural or remote area, and receiving fewer vaccine doses were significant independent predictors of Long COVID (p < 0.05). Persons with Long COVID reported a median of 6 symptoms, most commonly fatigue (70.6%) and difficulty concentrating (59.6%); 38.2% consulted a GP and 1.6% reported hospitalisation in the month prior to the survey due to ongoing symptoms. Of 1,778 respondents with Long COVID who were working/studying before their COVID-19 diagnosis, 17.9% reported reducing/discontinuing work/study. […] Long COVID was associated with sustained negative impacts on work/study and a substantial utilisation of GP services 2-3 months after the acute illness.
(tags: covid-19 long-covid australia omicron medicine papers preprints via:danny-altmann)