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Links for 2023-05-22

  • Paper recommending continuing COVID-19 vaccination for kids

    tl;dr: vaccination of kids is worth it to protect against Long Covid and hospitalisation. “A Methodological Framework for Assessing the Benefit of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination following Previous Infection: Case Study of Five- to Eleven-Year-Olds”, Christina Pagel et al.:

    We present a novel methodological framework for estimating the potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected children aged five to eleven, accounting for waning. We apply this framework to the UK context and for two adverse outcomes: hospitalisation related to SARS-CoV-2 infection and Long Covid. We show that the most important drivers of benefit are: the degree of protection provided by previous infection; the protection provided by vaccination; the time since previous infection; and future attack rates. Vaccination can be very beneficial for previously infected children if future attack rates are high and several months have elapsed since the previous major wave in this group. Benefits are generally larger for Long Covid than hospitalisation, because Long Covid is both more common than hospitalisation and previous infection offers less protection against it. Our framework provides a structure for policy makers to explore the additional benefit of vaccination across a range of adverse outcomes and different parameter assumptions. It can be easily updated as new evidence emerges.

    (tags: vaccines vaccination covid-19 sars-cov-2 modelling long-covid uk)

  • EU hits Meta with record €1.2B privacy fine

    The EDPB finally had to step in and override the pet regulator, our DPC. Here’s the big problem though:

    Meta also has until November 12 to delete or move back to the EU the personal data of European Facebook users transferred and stored in the U.S. since 2020 and until a new EU-U.S. deal is reached.
    This is going to be technically infeasible given Meta’s architecture, so the next question is, what happens when they fail to do it…

    (tags: meta facebook dpc edpb data-protection data-privacy eu us fines)

  • Dropbox testing HTTP3

    “dark testing”, live in production, to a separate test domain. Great way to gather some real-world data. Latencies are appreciably better, particularly for low-quality connections

    (tags: dropbox http3 http2 http protocols udp networking ip testing)