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Links for 2023-04-13

  • caesarHQ/textSQL

    This is amazing — using GPT-3.5 to convert a natural-language query into SQL applied to a specific dataset, in these examples, San Francisco city data and US public census data:

    With CensusGPT, you can ask any question related to census data in natural language. These natural language questions get converted to SQL using GPT-3.5 and are then used to query the census database. Here are some examples: – Five cities with a population over 100,000 and lowest crime – 10 highest income areas in california Here is a similar example from sfGPT: – Which four neighborhoods had the most crime in San Francisco in 2021?

    (tags: sfgpt censusgpt textsql natural-language gpt-3.5 sql querying search open-source)