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Links for 2022-02-15

  • UKHSA review shows vaccinated less likely to have long COVID than unvaccinated – GOV.UK

    Good data from UKHSA:

    The data from some of the studies included in the review suggests that: people with COVID-19 who received 2 doses of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or Moderna vaccines or one dose of the Janssen vaccine, were about half as likely as people who received one dose or were unvaccinated to develop long COVID symptoms lasting more than 28 days; vaccine effectiveness against most post-COVID symptoms in adults was highest in people aged 60 years and over, and lowest for younger participants (19 to 35 years)
    They also estimate prevalence of long COVID as affecting 2% of the UK population.

    (tags: long-covid uk ukhsa vaccines sars-cov-2)