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Links for 2020-11-24

  • Home Assistant Data Science

    Great feature:

    The Home Assistant Data Science portal is your one stop shop to get started exploring the data of your home. We will teach you about the data that Home Assistant tracks for you and we’ll get you up and running with Jupyter Lab, a data science environment, to explore your own data.

    (tags: docs data home-assistant iot data-science graphs o11y home han)

  • Excel error causes 1,500 deaths

    Excerpted from _Does contact tracing work? Quasi-experimental evidence from an Excel error in England_: ‘we find 120,000 COVID-19 cases & 1,500 deaths linked to those cases that were not referred to contact tracing in time. This represents ~20% of all new COVID19 cases [in England] during weeks 39-44.’ Twitter thread:

    (tags: excel fail public-health contact-tracing england nhs covid-19 deaths papers)

  • misleading reliance on pointing to “household transmission” for COVID-19 in Ireland

    This article is a perfect example. It’s headlined: “Virus spread: How a single household transmission led to 46 Covid-19 cases”

    A team of public health specialists in the midlands traced how a case of household transmission led to 26 cases of Covid-19 in a manufacturing plant and a further 20 cases in other households, a nursing home and a school. The first case, or “index case” they became aware of was a woman who worked in a manufacturing plant. Household transmission of the virus occurred when a person she was living with, who had acquired Covid in a pub, passed the virus to her.
    So in other words — the true index case was the person in the pub, or at the very least, her housemate who picked up COVID-19 in the pub, and this was a case where the pub was the initial cluster location, leading to 47 further cases. But for some reason, the article chooses “household transmission” as the headline…

    (tags: pubs restaurants covid-19 safety epidemiology ireland contact-tracing public-health households transmission)

  • What Facebook Fed the Baby Boomers – The New York Times

    The feed goes on like this — an infinite scroll of content without context. Touching family moments are interspersed with Bible quotes that look like Hallmark cards, hyperpartisan fearmongering and conspiratorial misinformation. Mr. Young’s news feed is, in a word, a nightmare. I know because I spent the last three weeks living inside it.

    (tags: grim-meathook-future facebook newsfeed america nytimes)