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Links for 2020-10-20

  • r/Ireland Christmas Market

    The denizens of r/Ireland pipe up with their favoured sources of online gifts for Xmas

    (tags: reddit ireland shopping christmas gifts shops)

  • WHO: US, Europe need to get better at quarantining – Business Insider

    Now _this_ is a good point.

    Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19 said during the meeting Monday that she’s had lots of friends and family asking her in recent days what, exactly, quarantine is. Essentially, it’s complete isolation from other people, including those you’d normally live with and breathe around, to the fullest extent possible.  “That means not going to work,” Van Kerkhove said. “It means not going to the grocery store. It means not socializing with friends. It means not having people over at your home.” Ideally, quarantining is a disease-fighting measure that is supported by local health programs and government support that can allow people to continue making a living and feeding their families while in quarantine, she said. 

    (tags: quarantine covid-19 infection isolation pandemics public-health)