Send DD-WRT router metrics to a graphite server, and a nice Grafana dashboard for same. Needs JFFS enabled on the router
(tags: dd-wrt wrt routers networking grafana graphite metrics)
DD-WRT Network Stats Graphics using Grafana and InfluxDB
A slightly hackier approach to DD-WRT grafana metrics, but with a workaround when JFFS isn’t an option
(tags: grafana networking metrics dd-wrt routers jffs influxdb)
Climate friendly investing when you’re using passive ETFs and tracker funds
Passive ETFs and tracker funds have become common way to achieve a low-cost diversified portfolio across global indices. The proportion to which the biggest greenhouse gas emitters feature in these indices, and correspondingly in my own passive investments bothered me, so I wanted to see what options I had to tackle it.
(tags: investment investing climate-change climate etfs tracker-funds money)
‘Bootstrap post-collapse technology’ — quite a pessimistic view on the future, but an interesting thought experiment I guess. ‘An operating system designed to run on ad-hoc machines built from scavenged parts. Its development is going well and the main roadblocks are out of the way: it self-replicates on very, very low specs (for example, on a Sega Genesis which has 8K of RAM for its z80 processor).’
(tags: software operating-systems collapse grim-meathook-future z80)
Examining how AWS builds their own serverless apps
interesting for reverse engineering, but still sounds massively complex and bringing total AWS lock-in
(tags: serverless lambda aws architecture coding)