Daring Fireball: Siri, Privacy, and Trust
My reading of this is that until last week, if you used Siri in any way, your recordings might be used in this “grading” process. If I graded Apple on the privacy and trust implications of this, I’d give them an F.
(tags: siri grading privacy data voice ml training fail apple)
Common ground: Holly Herndon in conversation with James Bridle
long read, but I am looking forward to it
(tags: cognition intelligence ai art holly-herndon james-bridle future)
Kim Stanley Robinson calling for fully automated luxury communism
(tags: ksr kim-stanley-robinson future dystopia writing utopia scifi)
proclamations of looming dystopia in the form of a mass climate-caused global refugee crisis put well-intentioned environmentalists on some shared ground with fear-mongering nativists, even as they’re attempting to convey a useful urgency about the future of the planet and the disproportionate impacts of climate crisis on the developing world. “Not to say there won’t be climate-related migration, but I think that portrayal of migrants as climate change refugees, especially these mass movements of people, feeds into the anti-immigrant environmental worldview,” said Hartmann. “Alarmist hyperbole and stereotypes around climate conflict and even climate mass refugee dislocation is based on kind of old, racially and colonially charged stereotypes of poor people of color being more prone to violence in times of scarcity.” A worsening climate crisis could easily become a cudgel for anti-immigration activists looking to use ecological preservation as an excuse to close borders, a means of gesturing toward doing something about climate crisis that aligns with the right’s other political goals. “As it becomes more difficult for Republicans to deny that climate change is a thing, this is a really likely next move for the right in climate politics,” said Hultgren.
(tags: environment racism politics climate-change future dystopia refugees immigration)