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Links for 2019-06-13

  • Jigsaw Bought a Russian Twitter Troll Campaign as an Experiment

    “Let’s say I want to wage a disinformation campaign to attack a political opponent or a company, but I don’t have the infrastructure to create my own Internet Research Agency,” Gully told WIRED in an interview, speaking publicly about Jigsaw’s year-old disinformation experiment for the first time. “We wanted to see if we could engage with someone who was willing to provide this kind of assistance to a political actor … to buy services that directly discredit their political opponent for very low cost and with no tooling or resources required. For us, it’s a pretty clear demonstration these capabilities exist, and there are actors comfortable doing this on the internet.”
    it cost just $250.

    (tags: disinformation fakes disinfo fake-news russia trolls jigsaw social-media)