Irish National Open Research Forum national framework published
“All Irish scholarly publications resulting from publicly-funded research will be openly available by default from 2020 onwards and will be accessible on an ongoing basis.” (via Don Marti)
(tags: via:donmarti open open-access science public ireland funding research)
Internet-Scale analysis of AWS Cognito Security
Just published the white-paper for my latest research: Internet-Scale analysis of AWS Cognito Security. The white-paper contains the methodology and results of an internet-scale security analysis of AWS Cognito configurations. The research identified 2500 identity pools, which were used to gain access to more than 13000 S3 buckets (which are not publicly exposed), 1200 DynamoDB tables and 1500 Lambda functions.
(via Ben Bridts)(tags: aws cognito security s3 dynamodb scanning whitepapers)
Multi-Sensor IoT Environmental Sensor Box With CircuitPython
Just add a power outlet and a WiFi network and stream time and location stamped environmental readings to AdafruitIO.
(tags: adafruit sensors iot maker hacks air-quality temperature environment metrics)
The Making of a YouTube Radical – The New York Times
Near the end of our interview, I told Mr. Cain that I found it odd that he had successfully climbed out of a right-wing YouTube rabbit hole, only to jump into a left-wing YouTube rabbit hole. I asked if he had considered cutting back on his video intake altogether, and rebuild some of his offline relationships. He hesitated, and looked slightly confused. For all of its problems, he said, YouTube is still where political battles are fought and won. Leaving the platform would essentially mean abandoning the debate. He conceded, though, that he needed to think critically about the videos he watched. “YouTube is the place to put out a message,” he said. “But I’ve learned now that you can’t go to YouTube and think that you’re getting some kind of education, because you’re not.”