5G is the new antivax/chemtrails conspiracy theory
And Russia is pushing it. Expect to see a lot of this about soon
(tags: 5g conspiracies loons crazy russia propaganda disinformation wireless youtube)
The definitive guide to running EC2 Spot Instances as Kubernetes worker nodes
it really is quite definitive, good writeup
(tags: ec2 spot-instances cost-saving kubernetes clusters asg aws)
Irish MEP Mairead McGuinness is reportedly involved, according to this
(tags: mairead-mcguinness religion secular democracy eu meps europe lobbying)
‘a new national platform for accessing authoritative geospatial information which provides free, web-based access to authoritative Irish spatial data from multiple providers, including Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) and many more.’
(tags: ireland mapping maps geo ordnance-survey osi geodata)
nice high-res scan