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Links for 2018-11-02

  • Physical spam using cheap Bluetooth beacons spotted in the wild

    Buzz Andersen on Twitter: “Crazy thing: my friends who run a high traffic coffee shop just found this thing under their bar. It turns out to be a super cheap Chinese Bluetooth LE beacon.…”

    (tags: bluetooth spam via:twitter alibaba eddystone ads)

  • Productionproofing EKS

    ‘We recently migrated SaleMove infrastructure from self-managed Kubernetes clusters running on AWS to using Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). There were many surprises along the way to getting our EKS setup ready for production. This post covers some of these gotchas (others may already be fixed or are not likely to be relevant for a larger crowd) and is meant to be used as a reference when thinking of running EKS in production.’

    (tags: eks aws docker kubernetes k8s ops prod)